1.Study of Peroxidase Isozyme of Ping ou Hybrid Hazelnut(Corylus L.);平欧杂种过氧化物同工酶研究
2.Stem segment and root tiller explants of hybrid hazelnut cultivar Dawei,Jinling,Yuzhui,Pingdinghuang and Bokehong were used to select proper basic medium,establish buds inducement and rapid propagation procedure.以达维、金铃、玉坠、平顶黄、薄壳红等5个平欧杂交品种茎段和根蘖苗茎段为外植体,进行适宜基本培养基的筛选、不定芽的诱导和快速繁殖研究。

1.the fine-grained wood of a hazelnut tree (genus Corylus) and the hazel tree (Australian genus Pomaderris).子树(属)和树(澳大利亚)的细纹木料。
2.Karyotype Analysis and Evolutionary Trends on Corylus. Avellana L. and C. Heterophylla Fisch欧、平种质核型分析与进化趋势
3.deciduous monoecious nut-bearing shrubs of small trees: hazel; sometimes placed in the subfamily or family Corylaceae.一个灌木或小乔木属,雌雄同体,长坚果;子;有时归入科或亚科。
4.The Genetic Polymorphisms and Genetic Relationship Analysis of Corylus Heterophylla Fisch, Corylus Avellana L and Interspecific Hybrid Cultivars or Lines;平、欧及种间杂种品种(系)的遗传多态性及亲缘关系分析
5.Tympanuchus cupido attwateri [prairie chicken]草原鸡阿特沃特亚种
6.in 1295 the British parliament took shape. As a result, the British system of gover nment evolved from aristocratic democratic system to "grade monarchy".暧⒐?嵝纬傻壤?方锥
7.The edible nut of a hazel, having a hard, smooth brown shell.木的果实,壳坚硬、光滑、呈褐色且可食用
8.The large edible nut of a cultivated variety of hazel.欧洲子栽培的多种子的可食用坚果
9.pertaining to filberts or hazelnuts.(纹章上的十字)与树或果的形状有关。
10.Genetic Diversity of Six Corylus Species in China Detected with Microsatellite Isolated from Corylus avellana欧洲微卫星对我国属种质资源的分析
11.Sequences and Homology Analysis of SSR from Corylus and Ostryopsis davidiana Decne属7种植物与虎微卫星测序及分析
12.Study on the Phylogentic Relationship of Corylus Species and Genetic Diversity of C.heterophylla Populations by SSR;利用SSR研究属种间亲缘关系及平居群遗传多样性
13.The plant bearing this fruit.大子具有此种果实的植物
14.next to a brass bell as big as a hazelnut.就靠在一只果般大的铜铃旁边。
15.They were standing in the shade of hazel bushes.他们便站在浓荫的树下。
16.For example, ??an be butane or isobutane.例如?煽梢允嵌⊥蛞於⊥椤?/UK>
17.used in some classification systems for the genus Corylus.应用在属的分类系统中。
18.To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells使葫芦胀大,鼓起了子壳,

1.Measurement of Copper,Magnesium and Manganese in Hazelnut and Sunflower by Noncomplete Digestion-flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;非完全消化-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定子及向日葵中铜镁锰
2.Study on the technique of hazelnut sea-buckthorn yoghurt;子沙棘酸乳的工艺研究
3)Arimillaria mellea榛蘑
1.Determination of Copper and zinc in schisandra、arimillaria mellea and fern By Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry;火焰原子吸收光谱法测定五味子、蘑、蕨菜中的铜和锌
2.The extraction of plysaccharide from arimillaria mellea was studied.对蘑中可溶性粗多糖的提取工艺进行了研究,通过单因素试验和L9(33)正交试验,研究了料液比、温度、时间对多糖提取率的影响,结果显示温度和料液比是影响多糖提取率的主要因素,最佳工艺为料液比1∶25,温度100°C,时间4h,在最佳提取工艺时,蘑的多糖提取率为4。
1.Preliminary studies on preparation technology of hazelnut proteinbeverage;仁蛋白饮料制备工艺初探
2.Processing technology of hazelnut protein beverage仁蛋白饮料工艺的研究
5)Corylus heterophylla Leaf榛叶
1.Objective:Inhibition of nitrosation by extraction from Corylus heterophylla Leaf was studied under the simulated condition of gastric juice in vitro.目的:在体外模拟人胃液的条件下,研究了叶提取物对亚硝化反应的抑制作用。
6)hazel's flower榛花
