1.Accelerating Culture in Peony Luoyanghong ;牡丹优良品种“洛阳红”的促成栽培技术
2.Study on Growth and Yield of Early Apple New Variety "Luoyanghong"早熟苹果新品种“洛阳红”生长发育及产量研究
3.【Method】 The O-2 production rate,H2O2 content,superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POD),ascorbate peroxidase(AsA-POD),catalase(CAT) and polyphenol oxidase(PPO) and MDA content of petal of two tree peony cultivars Luoyanghong and Huhong during florescence and flower senescence were detected by the methods of conuentional biochemistry.【方法】测定"洛阳红"和"胡红"2个牡丹品种开花和衰老过程中花瓣膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)、超氧自由基(O2-)、过氧化氢(H2O2)的含量及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(AsA-POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)的活性,并采用简单相关分析、逐步回归分析和通径分析等方法研究MDA含量与其他指标的关系。

1.Study on Growth and Yield of Early Apple New Variety "Luoyanghong"早熟苹果新品种“洛阳红”生长发育及产量研究
2.The Pattern of Endogenous Ethylene Production of Luo Yang Hong Tree-peony Cut Flowers and Its Responses to Exogenous Ethylene during Postharvest Senescence;‘洛阳红’牡丹切花采后乙烯代谢特征及其对外源乙烯的响应
3.The Effects of Different Light Intensities and Exogenous Sucrose Concentration on Petal Color and Photosynthesis Characteristic of Paeonia Suffruticosa ‘LuoYangHong’;不同光强和外源蔗糖对‘洛阳红’牡丹花色和光合特性的影响
4.The Responses of 'Luo Yang Hong' Tree Peony Cut Flowers at Different Opening Stages to Ethylene and 1-MCP不同开放阶段‘洛阳红’牡丹切花对乙烯及1-MCP处理的响应
5.Prokaryotic Expression and Tobacco Transformation of ACC Synthase Gene in Cut Flower of 'Luo Yang Hong' Tree Peony‘洛阳红’牡丹切花ACS1基因的原核表达及转化烟草的研究
6.Effect of Ethylene on Cut Flowers of Tree Peony ‘Luoyang Hong’ Opening and Senescence Process and Endogenous Ethylene Biosynthesis乙烯对‘洛阳红’牡丹切花开放和衰老进程及内源乙烯生物合成的影响
7.Population Dynamics Research on the Ardeidae at the Mangrove Wet Land around the Luo Yang Bay in Quanzhou泉州洛阳江红树林显地鹭科鸟类群落动态研究
8.Research of Dynamical Changes of Luoyang Jiangkou Mangrove Wetlands in Fujian Province福建洛阳江口红树林湿地动态变化研究
9.Landscape Pattern Change of Mangrove Wetlands and Its Surrounding Region in the Estuary of Luoyang River,Fujian Province福建洛阳江口红树林湿地及其周边地区景观变化研究
10.Luoyang Palace洛阳宫(魏代术语)
11.The Records of Qielan at Luoyang state that when the various temples held "Xingxiang"fairs at Luoyang of the Northern Wei Dynasty,《洛阳伽蓝记》记述北魏洛阳各庙行像时,
12.Perceiving Buddhist Architecture in Luoyang of Northern Wei Dynasty from the Record of the Monasteries of Luoyang;从《洛阳伽蓝记》看北魏洛阳的佛寺建筑
13.Study on the Tamples and Gardens of Luoyang in the Northern Wei in Terms of Records of the Tamples of Luoyang;读《洛阳伽蓝记》论北魏洛阳的寺院园林
14.Strategical Consideration for Prospering Luoyang Economy --Comment on the Book"Luoyang Culture and Luoyang Economy" Issued under ZHAO Jin-zhao s General Editorship;振兴洛阳经济的战略思考——评赵金昭主编的《洛阳文化与洛阳经济》
15.the old capital of China.洛阳是中国的古都,
16."With the sail that bears me toward Loyang. In Yangzhou trees linger bell-notes of evening,"归棹洛阳人, 残钟广陵树。
17.Nudge Drawn from Education of Ancient Academy of Classical Learning for Contemporary Higher Education;洛阳古代书院教育对洛阳现代高等教育的启示
18.An Inspiration Drawn from the Ancient Luoyang Imperial University to the Development of the Modern Luoyang University;古代洛阳太学对当代洛阳大学发展的启示

Luoyanghong peony洛阳红牡丹
3)Luo Yang Hong'penoy cut flowers'洛阳红'牡丹切花
4)Luoyang City洛阳
1.The Distribution and Chemical Speciation of Lead in Urban and Suburb Soil of Luoyang City;洛阳城区及郊区土壤中Pb的分布特征及化学形态研究
2.The three characteristics and developmental idea of the tourist resources of cultural relics are discussed and the specific development countermeasures are put forward with the tourist resources of cultural relics of Luoyang city as an example.通过对洛阳文物旅游资源的分析 ,探讨文物旅游资源的三个基本特征及开发理念 ,并提出了具体的开发对策。
1.The Present Situation and Analysis of the Air Quality of Luoyang City Zone;洛阳市城区空气质量现状与分析
2.Facing the Imbalance of Chinese Ancient Capital and Nature Environment:The relation between environment and the decline of Changan and Luoyang;面对古都与自然的失衡——论生态环境与长安、洛阳的衰落
3.Comparison of quality of life between onychomycosis patients from Luoyang and Shanghai districts;上海和洛阳地区甲真菌病患者生活质量的比较研究
6)Luoyang City洛阳市
1.Sustainable Development and Utilization of the Water Resources in Luoyang City;洛阳市水资源供需平衡与可持续利用对策研究
2.Research and evaluation of water resources for Luoyang City;洛阳市水资源评价及其研究
3.Study on the Available Water Resources in Luoyang City;洛阳市水资源可利用量研究
