1.A New Soft-seeded Pomegranate Variety Hongmanaozi ;软籽石榴新品种‘红玛瑙籽’
2.A New Soft-seeded Pomegranate Variety ‘Hongyushizi’;软籽石榴新品种‘红玉石籽’
3.\'Baiyushizi\' is a new soft-seeded cultivar with largest arils selected from the mutant of Punica granatum \'Sanbai\' by assistant of RAPD-PCR technique.石榴新品种‘白玉石籽’

1.Cloning and Sequence Measuring of the Marker Linked to Seed Trait in Soft-seeded Pomegranate;石榴软籽性状基因连锁标记的克隆与测序
2.Research on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Huili Pomegranate with Qingpi and Soft Seed in Flowering Period会理青皮软籽石榴开花期光合特性研究
3.The Software and Hardware Development of the NIR Non-Destructive Detector of the Oil Content in Single Maize;近红外单籽粒玉米油份无损测定仪的软硬件开发
4.The soft, juicy fruit of this tree, having yellow flesh, downy, red-tinted yellow skin, and a deeply sculptured stone containing a single seed.桃子这种树上产的软而多汁的果实,果肉黄色,带绒毛,黄里泛红的皮,深刻纹的内核,内有一颗籽
5.shrunken grains不饱满的籽粒, 瘪籽
6.grass rejuvenator草籽破皮机(促籽发芽)
7.Meal from glandless seed is naturally free of gossypol.来自无腺体棉籽的棉籽粉自然不含有棉籽醇。
8.vegetable (seed) drill蔬菜(种籽)播种机
9.refined cottonseed oilGB1537-1986精炼棉籽油
10.The seed of flax, especially when used as the source of linseed oil; flaxseed.亚麻籽亚麻的籽,尤指用于制作亚麻籽油的籽;亚麻仁
11.The seed of the cotton plant, the source of cottonseed oil.棉籽棉花作物的种子,用来制造棉籽油
12.Slash the top of each roll with a sharpen knife.刷上蛋白液,随好洒上葛缕籽和罂粟籽。
13.The kidney-shaped seed of this tree, eaten after roasting.贾如树籽这种树的肾状种籽,烤后可食
14.A procedure of preparing the seeds oil of the red thin Cayenne pepper made in Shaanxi and Xinjiang by solvent extraction is described.对陕西线椒籽和新疆线椒籽采取溶剂萃取 ,制取线椒籽油。
15.t of legume family bearing pods and seeds结荚和籽粒的豆科植物
16.Do you have any plant or seed?你有任何植物或种籽吗?
17.grains of aquatic grass of North America.北美水生草类的籽粒。
18.His lettuces have gone to seed.他种的莴苣已结籽。

soft-seed pomegranate软籽石榴
1.The genetic basis of bud mutation of soft-seed pomegranate was explored, based on seed characteristics、micro-structural feature of blade epidermis、isozyme and karyotype of chromosome in four pomegranate cultivars from Huaiyuan county in Anhui province.本研究以4个怀远石榴品种为试材,从种子特性、叶表皮超微结构特征、同工酶以及染色体核型四个部分分别进行研究,对芽变软籽石榴的遗传基础进行了探讨,为石榴优良品种种质资源的研究以及丰产栽培提供理论依据。
3)cuticle of immature cotton seed软籽表皮
4)corkwood cotton软木树籽绒
5)grain softness protein籽粒软质蛋白
6)kiwi seed oil软枣猕猴桃籽油
1.Supercritical CO_2 fluid extraction and fatty acid composition analysis of kiwi seed oil;软枣猕猴桃籽油的超临界萃取及成分分析

软炸软丝条中文名称: 软炸软丝条出处: 川辣子产地: 四川类别: 菜谱制作方法title 制作方法软炸软丝条【材料】墨鱼300克、红辣椒2支、大蒜2瓣、葱1根、花生1大匙、蛋黄粉1杯调味料盐1茶匙、糖1茶匙、酱油膏少许、味精少许【作法】1.墨鱼洗净切成条状,拌入蛋黄粉,入油锅炸熟备用。2.红辣椒切段,大蒜切片,葱切段,入锅爆香,加入炸好的墨鱼、花生及调味料即可。