1.Floral Organogenesis of Brasenia, Nymphaea and Euryale and Its Systematic Significance;莼菜属、睡莲属和芡属的花器官发生及其系统学意义
2.Investigation on the morphological diversity of taxa in genus Nymphaea部分睡莲属植物形态性状的多样性分析
3.Thirty three morphological characters were investigated in 60 taxa of Nymphaea.通过对睡莲属60份材料33个形态性状进行统计分析,结果表明:睡莲属植物具有丰富的形态多样性,平均多样性指数为1。

1.an aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae.睡莲属的一种水生植物。
2.the type genus of the family Nymphaeaceae; any of a variety of water lilies.睡莲科模式属;睡莲属的各种植物的任一种。
3.Any of several similar or related plants, such as the water lilies Nymphaea caerula or N. lotus.几种与之相似或相关的植物,比如红白睡莲属或齿叶睡莲属的水仙
4.Investigation on the morphological diversity of taxa in genus Nymphaea部分睡莲属植物形态性状的多样性分析
5.Floral Organogenesis of Brasenia, Nymphaea and Euryale and Its Systematic Significance;莼菜属、睡莲属和芡属的花器官发生及其系统学意义
6.Any of several leguminous plants of the genus Lotus.睡莲一种白脉根属植物,睡莲
7.B. Monet: WaterliliesB.莫奈:《睡莲》
8.alternatively, a member of the family Nymphaeaceae; a small genus of American aquatic plants.作为选择,睡莲科中的一员;美洲水生植物的一个小属。
9.pulled up to the side of the lily pad.停靠在睡莲叶子的边上。
10.The water lily in the pond is in full blossom now.池塘里的睡莲正盛开着。
11.disentangled the oar from the water lilies;使桨不受睡莲的缠绕;
12.A tree(Durio zibethinus)of southeast Asia, bearing edible fruit.榴莲树东南亚的一种树(榴莲榴莲属),果实可食用
13.A revision of Clematis sect. Fruticella (Ranunculaceae)铁线莲属灌木铁线莲组修订(英文)
14.A revision of Clematis sect. Meclatis (Ranunculaceae)铁线莲属黄花铁线莲组修订(英文)
15.A revision of Clematis sect. Aspidanthera s.l. (Ranunculaceae) (Continued)铁线莲属单性铁线莲组修订(英文)
16.A revision of Clematis sect.Pterocarpa (Ranunculaceae)铁线莲属翅果铁线莲组修订(英文)
17.A revision of Clematis sect. Brachiatae (Ranunculaceae)铁线莲属对枝铁线莲组修订(英文)
18.A revision of Clematis sect. Pseudanemone (Ranunculaceae)铁线莲属茴芹铁线莲组修订(英文)

Nymphaea tetragona睡莲
1.Inhibitory Effects of Liquor Cultured with Nelumbo nucifera and Nymphaea tetragona on the Growth of Microcystis aeruginosa;荷花和睡莲种植水对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制作用研究
2.Nymphaea tetragona Geargi and Nuphar pumilum DC.研究了中国睡莲科的3属3种即芡(Euryale ferox Salisb。
3)Nymphaea candida Presl睡莲花
1.Study on Ultrasonic Extraction Technologies of Nymphaea candida Presl.;睡莲花总酚酸超声提取工艺研究
2.OBJECTIVE To isolate and determine chemical constituents from Nymphaea candida Presl.目的对维药睡莲花的黄酮醇苷类成分进行研究。
4)tropical waterlily热带睡莲
1.The experimentation of overwintering tropical waterlily tubers was carried out by different dormant phases of tropical waterlily tubers,different disinfection levels and different sand humidity.通过对不同休眠状态的热带睡莲(Nymphaea)地下茎,在不同消毒处理和不同的藏沙湿度下进行了越冬沙藏试验。
5)Nymphaea caerulea蓝睡莲
1.Effects of Ultrasonic Wave on Water Condition and Membrane Stability of Cut Nymphaea caerulea Flower during Wet Storage;超声波对蓝睡莲湿藏期间水分状况和膜稳定性的影响
6)Hardy water lilies耐寒睡莲

睡莲科(Nymphaeaceae)  睡莲科(Nymphaeaceae) 双子叶植物,隶属睡莲目(Nymphaeales)。8属,约100种,广布于温带与热带地区。中国包括引种的共有5属,13种,各省均有分布。分3个亚科:莲亚科(Nelumboideae)和睡莲亚科(Nymphaeoideae)。 多年生,少一年生,沼泽或水生草本。根状茎平卧,浸生于沃泥中。具有节乳汁管。互生,叶芽期内卷,有长的叶柄,有托叶;沉水叶细弱,气孔器无规则型。花两性,单生于长的花梗上,大或小型,溧浮或挺立水面。绿色,花瓣3至多枚,离生,或向内渐变为雄蕊。雄蕊6至多枚,离生螺旋排列。子房上位,下位或半下位。胚珠1至多枚,直生或倒生。胚乳细胞型、核型或沼生目型。坚果或浆果。种子有或无假种皮,有或无胚乳,胚有肉质子叶。染色体x=12-29。 食用的有莲属(Nelumbo)的根状茎和种子,芡实的种子及莼菜。药用的有莲、芡实及萍蓬草。观赏的有睡莲属(Nymphaea)、莲属以及王莲(Victoria regia)。