1.【Objective】 In order to provide bases for molecular assisted breeding, and for cloning creeping habit related genes from the ground-cover chrysanthemum, the inheritance traits of creeping habit were studied, and the RAPD markers related to this habit were screened.【目的】探讨地被菊株型匍匐性的遗传控制,并寻找与匍匐性连锁的RAPD标记,为匍匐型地被菊新品种选育、分子标记辅助育种和匍匐性相关基因的克隆奠定基础。

1.Conversion of RAPD Marker Linked to Creep Plant Type in Ground-Cover Chrysanthemum to SCAR Marker与地被菊株型匍匐性连锁RAPD标记的SCAR转化
2.Cryopreservation of creeping bentgrass embryogenic callus by vitrification and its plant regeneration玻璃化法超低温保存匍匐翦股颖胚性愈伤组织及其植株再生
3.Study on the plant regeneration of creeping bentgrass几种匍匐翦股颖品种植株再生的研究
4.Preliminary Research of Creep Mutant and Analysis of Genotypes of Rice Variety with Tolerance to Pi Deficiency;水稻匍匐性状的研究和耐低磷品种间的基因型分析
5.Growing flat along the ground.匍匐性的沿着地面平直地生长的
6.small creeping European herb having delicate pink flowers.欧洲小型匍匐草本植物,有纤细的粉红色的花。
7.small creeping evergreen shrubs: trailing arbutus.小型匍匐常绿灌木;北美东部产的一种蔓延植物。
8.Development and Evaluation of Forecasting Model for Brown Patch on Creeping Bentgrass;匍匐翦股颖褐斑病预测模型的建立与评价
9.Study on Turf Quality and Heat Tolerance of Native Creeping Bentgrass;野生匍匐翦股颖耐热特性及坪用价值研究
10.The biology of Spodoptera mauritia fed on the turfgrass Agrostis stolonifera匍匐翦股颖害虫禾灰翅夜蛾生物学习性研究
11.Preliminary Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Drepanostachyum stoloniforme and Sinobambusa tootsik f.luteolo-albo-striata匍匐镰序竹和花叶唐竹生物学特性初报
12.Transpiration and Water Uptake of Sabina vulgaris Stolon under Water Stress水分胁迫条件下臭柏匍匐茎的蒸腾和吸水特性
13.The effect of 6-BA and SAR on storability of Agrostis Stolonifera cv. Yuexuan No.1 stem6-BA和保水剂对匍匐翦股颖种茎耐贮性的影响
14.Genetic Analysis and RAPD Marker of Creeping Habits in Ground-Cover Chrysanthemum地被菊匍匐性的遗传分析与RAPD标记研究
15.We started our crawling climb again.我们又开始了匍匐攀登。
16.procumbant or spreading juniper.爬地的一种匍匐杉树。
17.A baby crawling on all fours.一个匍匐爬行的婴儿
18.perennial marsh plants with creeping rootstocks and long linear leaves.沼泽地的多年生植物具有匍匐的根状茎和长线性叶。

runner plant匍匐茎植株
1.The runner plants of five strawberry varieties were irradiated by three different doses of 60Co-γ ray, and the irradiation effect of lethality, lesion, growth restraint on runner plants and the production of new runner plants were studied.采用3种不同剂量的60Co-γ射线辐照5个草莓品种的匍匐茎植株,对辐照引起的致死、损伤和生长抑制效应以及新的匍匐茎发生情况进行了研究。
3)spreading type匍匐型
1.Study on the difference of the herbs colloid contents between spreading type and erect type of Mesona Blume;匍匐型和直立型仙草中仙草胶含量测定
4)Stolon[英]['st?ul?n][美]['sto,lɑn, -l?n]匍匐性
1.Study on Stolon Characteristic of Hemarthria Compressa in Southwestern Region;西南地区扁穗牛鞭草野生资源匍匐性研究
5)espalier growth form匍匐生长型
6)spreading type peanut匍匐型花生

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-