
1.Shared responsibility often leads to neglect两人养马瘦两家养船漏
2.converted or adapted to domestic use.更换成家养的或适应家养的。
3.flesh of a duck (domestic or wild).鸭子(野生或家养)的肉。
4.meat from a domestic hog or pig.家养的公猪或幼猪的肉。
5.flesh of a goose (domestic or wild).鹅(野生或家养)的肉。
6.a domestic hen ready to brood.准备孵蛋的家养母鸡。
7.meat from an adult domestic bovine.成熟的、家养的牛的肉。
8.She has nurtured and sheltered us,国家养育并保护我们,
9.a fish fancier养鱼迷, 养鱼行家
10.Coordinate the Foster Care Program. Select foster families, train foster mother, place children in foster homes.协调孩子寄养计划。挑选寄养家庭、孩子到寄养家庭、访寄养家庭。
11.One who is trained or an expert in the field of nutrition.营养学家营养学领域的专家
12.if I keep it with me, I do not have a cage for it.养着它吧,家中没有笼子。
13.National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA)美国国家营养食品协会
14.She stretched herself to provide for the family.她竭尽全力养家活口。
15.battery farmingph.1. 层架式家禽饲养法
16.a small building for housing poultry.一种圈养家禽的小屋。
17.The family adopted two children as their own.这家人收养了两个孩子。
18.the spoiled pet of a wealthy family娇生惯养的富家宠儿

running one's house养家
3)domestic animal家养动物
1.Domestic animal genetic resources are the foundation for sustainable animal industry.中国家养动物物种按驯养时期早晚分,早期驯养的就有22个物种,除猫狗外,现有650余个品种(类群),是中国畜牧业可持续发展的基础。
4)Taoism regimen道家养生
1.SUN Si-miao is the first great medicial person who threw light on Taoism regimen theory and pushed it to practicing to more people.在他的影响下,道家内丹养生学说在唐宋元时期得到快速发展,促进了中医学与道家养生学继《内经》之后的第二次大融合,从而推动了命门学说和中医养生学的发展、成熟。
5)recuperation at home家居宁养
1.Application of health communication skills to the nursing of the malignant tumor patients whose recuperation at home;治疗性沟通技巧在晚期癌症病人家居宁养护理中的应用
6)domestic animals家养动物
1.Recently, research on genetic diversity of domestic animals has developed rapidly.家养动物多样性的研究多年来侧重于经济性状和生态多样性及品种多样性。
2.The application of restriction fragment length polymophism(RFLP) of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) in the study of genetic diversity of domestic animals was summarized in this article.对线粒体DNA限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)在家养动物遗传多样性研究中的应用现状进行了综述,并对其应用前景进行了展望。
3.Nutritional metabolism of domestic animals is close related to growth performance,product quality and faecal amount and composition.家养动物的营养代谢与其生长性能、产品品质和排泄物的数量及成分密切相关。

家养人工饲养(区别于‘野生 ’)。