1.Three New Species of Fungi on Philodendron spp.;蔓绿绒属植物上的3个真菌新种
2.Effects of a Slow Release Fertilizer Special for Plants on the Growth of Philodendron观赏植物专用缓释肥对蔓绿绒生长的影响

1.Tissue culture for rapid propagation of Dieffenbachia amoena cv. Green Sea and Philodendron erubescens cv. Emerald King碧海万年青和绿大帝蔓绿绒的离体繁殖
2.Effects of a Slow Release Fertilizer Special for Plants on the Growth of Philodendron观赏植物专用缓释肥对蔓绿绒生长的影响
3.Effect of water-cultivating on anatomic structure,contents of soluble sugar and free proline in the leaf of Philodendron pitfieri Engl.水培对羽叶蔓绿绒的叶解剖结构及可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量的影响
4.climbing vine native to China; cultivated in New Zealand for its fuzzy edible green-meated fruit.原产于中国的攀援蔓生植物;因其有绒毛的绿色果肉的果实而被新西兰种植。
5.They were covered with the vines of towel gourd.丝瓜那绿油油的蔓条攀满了瓜架。
6.decorative evergreen shrubs of woody vines.装饰性木本蔓常绿灌木植物的一个属。
7.A creeping, evergreen, perennial plant(Mitchella repens) of eastern North America, having small white flowers and scarlet berries.蔓虎刺一种蔓生,常绿,多年生植物。(蔓虎刺)产于北美洲东部,长有小白花和鲜红的浆果
8.Comparison of Clone Population Characteristics between Potentilla Flagellaria and P.anserina in Songnen Grassland;松嫩草地蔓委陵菜与鹅绒委陵菜无性系种群特征比较研究
9.The lawn looks like green velvet.那草坪看上去就像绿色的天鹅绒。
10.The lawn looked as smooth as velvet.那草坪看上去就像一块绿色的丝绒。
11.Analysis of aristolochic acid A in Ershiwuwei Luronghao pills二十五味绿绒蒿丸中马兜铃酸A的分析
12.small creeping evergreen shrubs: trailing arbutus.小型匍匐常绿灌木;北美东部产的一种蔓延植物。
13.From Tomb to Home--Green Infrastructure to Stop Desert Expansion化冢为家——阻止沙漠蔓延的绿色基础设施
14.Gradation and Control Countermeasures on Anomala corpulenta in Yushu铜绿丽金龟在玉树人工林的蔓延与防治对策
15.the fruit of the winter melon vine; a green melon with pale green to orange flesh that keeps well.冬瓜蔓生植物的果实;易于保存的暗绿色到橙色果肉的绿瓜。
16.fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh.有绒毛的、鸡蛋形的褐色水果,果肉绿色微酸。
17.Theoretical Study on the Structures and Properties of a Tibetan Medicine Meconoquintupline藏药五脉绿绒蒿碱结构和性质的理论研究
18.Effect of Different Temperatures on Germination of Meconopsis racemosa Maxim Seed不同温度对总状绿绒蒿种子萌发的影响

Philodendron oxycardium圆叶蔓绿绒
1.The optimum conditions for rapid propagation of Philodendron oxycardium;圆叶蔓绿绒快速繁殖条件的优化
3)Philodendron pitfieri羽裂蔓绿绒
1.Effect of Water Culture on Anatomical Structure of Roots in Philodendron pitfieri Engl.水培对羽裂蔓绿绒解剖结构的影响
4)Philodendron erubescens cv. Emerald King绿大帝蔓绿绒
1.Tissue culture for rapid propagation of Dieffenbachia amoena cv. Green Sea and Philodendron erubescens cv. Emerald King;碧海万年青和绿大帝蔓绿绒的离体繁殖
5)Philodendron erubescens 'Green Emerald'绿宝石蔓绿绒
6)Phomopsis philodendri n. sp蔓绿绒拟茎点霉

金钻蔓绿绒金钻蔓绿绒介绍 金钻蔓绿绒科属: 天南星科 喜林芋属别名: 金钻形态特征: 叶片宽,手掌形,肥厚,有光泽叶柄长而粗壮,气生根极发达粗壮,纷然披垂,植株搭配均匀、张度适中,叶质厚而翠绿,叶面有刚质亮度每片叶子的寿命长达30个月。分布与习性:在我国中南部各省广泛栽培。多年生常绿草本植物,喜温暖湿润半阴环境,畏严寒,忌强光,适宜在富含腐殖质排水良好的砂质壤土中生长。在室内盆养,宜放置在窗户附近。繁殖与栽培:此花草适应性强,对环境条件要求不高,10℃左右就开始生长,生长期宜放置在半阴处,夏季要避免烈日直射。浇水洒要经常保持土壤湿润,干燥时,还应向植株喷水湿、降温,5-9月为生长旺季,每月施肥水1-2次,不可过多,否则会造面叶柄长而软弱,不易挺立,影响观赏效果。冬季保持5℃左右即可,盆土不可太潮。应用:金钻蔓绿绒叶片搭配均匀、张度适中,叶质厚而翠绿,布置室内,大方清雅,富热带雨林气氛。图片: