1.The Soviet Russia making the capitalist benefit the whole people--The new economic policy by JIU Qiubai in his books;苏俄使资本主义变得有利于全体人民——瞿秋白笔下的新经济政策
2.This paper discusses,from ethic perspective,informed consent,inoffensiveness,benefit and basic life ethics as well as the expenses for the operation,with the aim to treat dr.本文就其涉及的知情同意,不伤害、有利,基本生命伦理原则以及戒毒手术费用问题进行道德伦理的探讨,旨在更加人性且理性地对待毒品及其附带问题。

1.in favour of有利于,有利的,顺利的
2.A beneficial factor or combination of factors.有利条件有利因素或有利因素的总和
3.a good [bad] investment有利[不利]的投资 (物件)
4.Press one's advantage利用有利形势[优势]进逼
5.The probabilities are against us [in our favor].好像对我们不利[有利]。
6.(all) grist to [for] one's [the] mill(某人) 获利, (对某人) 有利
7.Fire is as hurtful as healthful.火有两面性,有利也有弊。
8.Despite the adverse effects … has, it has its advantages.尽管……有不利的影响,但它也有有利之处。
9.What is disadvantageous to John may be advantageous to Henry.对约翰不利的事情也许对亨利有利
10.Fit for Liverpool, but not fit for England.对利物浦有利,但是对英格兰不利。
11.profitable or interesting to sb对某人有利益或有好处
12.be advantageous or profitable to(sb)对(某人)有利或有好处
13.Publicity is a,two-edged `weapon.出了名有利也有弊.
14.An option with a downside as well as benefits.既有利又有弊的选择
15.Every stick has two ends.凡事总有利又有弊。
16.There are advantages and disadvantages to each option.每种选择都会有利有弊。
17.Of or relating to Galilee or its people.加利利的属于或有关加利利及加利利人的
18."Where there is a right there is a remedy.「有权利即有救济,权利无救济即非权利」。

advantageous use有利利用
3)favourable or unfavourble有利无利
4)pros and cons有利有弊
5)profitable or non-profitable有利与无利
6)Every advantage has its disadvantage有利必有弊
