1.This article is the research of subspecies and varieties seed of agapanthus biology and the seedling growth processes.本文对百子莲属九个亚种及品种种子生物学及幼苗发育过程进行研究,研究发现:九个不同亚种及品种的种子和胚的外部形态特征基本一致,但千粒重有所差别;九个不同亚种及品种吸水规律基本一致,说明种子的吸水过程不是导致种子萌发指标不同的因素。
2.Agapanthus belongs to monocotydoneae, Asparagales, Its original species occurs in South Africa.百子莲属系单子叶植物纲天门冬目,原种分布于南非,是一种集观赏、药用、固沙等功能为一体的草本花卉。

1.Study on pollinating insects of Agapanthus africanus and their foraging behavior百子莲的传粉昆虫及其访花行为研究
2.Study on Seed Biological Characteristics and Seedlings Development of Varieties of Agapanthus;百子莲属种子生物学和幼苗生长特性研究
3.Effects of Agapanthus Seeds Induced in Space Flight on Leaves Shape of SP_1 Generation太空搭载百子莲种子对其SP_1代叶片形状的影响
4.Comparative Studies on Flowering Biology of 5 Agapanthus Species百子莲属五个品种开花生物学特性的研究
5.Effects of Shading on Leaf Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis‘Big Blue’遮光处理对大花百子莲叶片结构特征和光合特性的影响
6.The nectar secretion rhythms and influencing factors of pollination efficiency of Agapanthus africanus ssp. orientalis 'Big Blue'百子莲的花蜜分泌节律及传粉效率影响因素的研究
7.any of various plants of the genus Agapanthus having umbels of showy blue to purple flowers.百子莲属众多植物中的任何一种,具有艳丽的蓝色至紫色的花,成伞状花序。
8.When they gather lotus at Nantang in autumn The lotus blooms are higher than their heads;采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头;低头弄莲子,莲子清如水。
9.Typical of this style are Hundred Family Spring and The Lilies are Emerging From the Water.代表曲目有《百家春》、《出水莲》等。
10.The edible seed, leaf, or rhizome of this plant.莲子,莲藕这种植物的可食性种子、叶子或根茎
11.pulled up to the side of the lily pad.停靠在睡莲叶子的边上。
12.The leaves of the giant Victorian water Lily,维多利亚大水莲的叶子,
13.Proliferation effect of lotus-seed and lotus-seed starch on bifidobacterium莲子及莲子淀粉对双歧杆菌增殖作用的影响
14.Studies on Phylogeny and Their Photosynthetic Characteristic of Tai-zi Lotus, Aether Lotus and Present- Lotus;古太子莲、太空莲与三种现代莲亲缘关系及光合特性的研究
15.An Introduction of Alternanthera philoxeroides's Natural Enemy-Agasicles hygrophila喜旱莲子草天敌——莲草直胸跳甲引种方法介绍
16.Optimization of Extraction Technology of Liensinine from Nelumbo nucifera by Orthogonal Experiment正交试验优选莲子心中莲心碱提取工艺
17.The Lotus festival kicked off at Dailam( Tainan) White River, where visitors not only see lotus in full bloom but also get to watch farmers harvest lotus and try shelling lotus seeds hands-on.台南县白河镇莲花节昨方开幕﹐乎旅客欣赏当咧开耶莲花﹐嘛有看郎收割莲花、嘛会使试剥莲子。
18.Effects of Xuelian on paraquat-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats雪莲对百草枯诱导的大鼠肺纤维化的干预作用

Agapanthus SP_1百子莲SP_1代
3)Sweetened Red Bean Paste with Lotus Seeds and Lily Bulbs莲子百合红豆沙
4)lily lotus seeds licorice root Chinese jujube prescription百合莲子甘草大枣方
5)Lily bulb and lotus decoction百莲汤
6)lotus seed莲子
1.Study on the processing technology of properties clarified lotus seed juice beverage;莲子饮料澄清工艺的研究
2.Application of cluster analysis in the quality control of lotus seed;聚类分析在莲子质量评价体系中的应用
3.Studies on the machine of lotus seed sheller hollowly;莲子穿心脱壳机的设计与研究
