1.Application of Molecular Marker Technology on Identification of Cabbage Varieties and Study of Cabbage Immature-bolting Characteristics;分子标记技术在甘蓝品种鉴定及未熟抽薹性状研究中的应用
2.Study on the Controlling of Immature-bolting in Cabbage by Plant Growth-regulator利用植物生长调节剂防止甘蓝未熟抽薹的研究

1.Study on the Controlling of Immature-bolting in Cabbage by Plant Growth-regulator利用植物生长调节剂防止甘蓝未熟抽薹的研究
2.Application of Molecular Marker Technology on Identification of Cabbage Varieties and Study of Cabbage Immature-bolting Characteristics;分子标记技术在甘蓝品种鉴定及未熟抽薹性状研究中的应用
3.Analysis of Bolting Trait of Brassica campestris L. ssp. Chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee by ISSR and SRAP Makers菜薹抽薹性状的ISSR和SRAP分析
4.Molecular Markers of Late-Bolting and Inheritance for Date of Bolting in Non-Heading Chinese Cabbage;不结球白菜晚抽薹分子标记及抽薹性遗传分析
5.Physiological Characters Changes during Vernalization or Bolting in Different Cultivars of Chinese Cabbages;不同耐抽薹性大白菜春化及抽薹前后生理特性的变化
6.Breeding of A New Late-bolting Broad-leaf Spinach Hybrid‘Dongxin 1’晚抽薹大叶菠菜新品种‘东新1号’
7.Study on the Bolting Tolerance in Chinese Cabbage and Its Identification;大白菜耐抽薹性及其鉴定方法的研究
8.The Initial Research of Mechanism of Transition of Leaf Color in the Bolting Process of Chinese Cabbage;大白菜抽薹过程中叶色转变机理初探
9.Molecular and Genetic Analysis of Bolting and Flowering Time in Brassica Rapa;白菜类作物抽薹开花的分子遗传分析
10.cDNA-AFLP analysis on transcripts associated with bolting in Brassica rapa L.ssp. pekinensis白菜抽薹性状相关基因的cDNA-AFLP分析
11.Study on Screening for Molecular Maker of Male Sterility Gene and Mapping of Bolting Gene of Brassica Campestris L.ssp. Chinensis Var. Utilis Tsen Et Lee;菜薹雄性不育和抽薹性分子标记筛选及定位研究
12.In 4 transgenic plants examined out there are two no bolting.检出的4株转基因植株中,有两株不抽薹。
13.Results showed that "bolting time" was the basic morphological index for heat resistant identification.结果表明,抽薹时间是理想的耐热性鉴定指标。
14.Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Mustard Bolting;植物生长调节剂对芥菜的抽薹效应研究
15.Genetic Analysis of Bolting and Cultivar Fingerprinting in Radish (Rapanus Sativus L.);萝卜抽薹性遗传分析与春萝卜种质标记鉴定
16.Studies on Physiological Characteristics and mRNA Differential Display of Correlated Genes during Bolting in Radish (Raphanus Sativus L.);萝卜抽薹生理特性与相关基因的差异表达研究
17.RAPD Marker of Later Bolting Gene and Filtration of Germplasm Resources on Cabbage;甘蓝迟抽薹基因的RAPD标记及种质资源的筛选
18.Research Progress on Cruciferous Vegetables Bolting and Its Indentification十字花科蔬菜抽薹特性及其鉴定方法研究进展

1.Studies on the Difference of Bolting and Unbolting Onions on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics;洋葱抽薹与未抽薹植株生理生化特性对比研究
2.Objective:To study on the changes of physiological and biochemical index in bolting and unbolting plants.目的:研究防风抽薹与未抽薹植株各项生理生化指标的变化。
1.Traits of bolting,blooming and seed-setting of cabbage hybrid combination(06A×06B);甘蓝杂交新组合(06A×06B)双亲抽薹开花结实特性研究
2.Effect of Day Length and Supplementary Light Luminosity at Night on Bolting and Florescence of Brassica Campestris L.;光周期与夜间补光光强对芸薹种抽薹开花的影响
3.Studies on the Difference of Bolting and Unbolting Onions on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics;洋葱抽薹与未抽薹植株生理生化特性对比研究
4)early bolting提前抽薹
1.Effect of root diameter on early bolting rate and yield in seedling of Angelica sinensis;当归苗根直径大小对提前抽薹率及产量的影响
5)Bolting trait抽薹性状
1.Bolting trait was linked with ME7EM2c and ME8EM2d,the distance was 27.选用耐未熟抽薹性状差异较大的甘蓝亲本材料2002-45和2002-49配制杂交组合,并构建F2分离群体。
6)bolting resistance抗抽薹性
1.The results show that the mean bolting days of "GUANCHUN" is 45 days and mean flowering days is 53 days after vernalization under 45 ℃ for 20 days;The vernalization is consistent between reciprocal cross F1 and orthogonal cross F1,and all are weaker than its parents in winterness,which presents that the bolting resistance of "GUANCHUN" i.结果表明,春大白菜“冠春”萌动种子在4-5℃持续春化处理20 d后,平均显蕾时间45 d,平均开花时间53 d;不同春化时间下,“冠春”正反交的春化表现一致,而且均较其双亲冬性弱,说明该品种的抗抽薹性由细胞核基因控制,并表现隐性遗传;随春化时间延长,平均显蕾时间和显蕾持续时间缩短,绝对开花时间变化不大,因此在春大白菜育种中应将显蕾时间作为重要指标;在20 d或25 d不完全春化条件下,抗抽薹微效基因得到表达,材料内部的差异明显,可以通过选择积累晚抽薹微效基因提高晚抽薹性。

观诸众生熟与未熟【观诸众生熟与未熟】  谓如来将欲降生,先观众生根机,熟与未熟。以此土众生根机成熟可度,故现降生也。