1.Kuwania bipora Borchs caused wilt and death of Castanopsis fissa in the suburb of Guangzhou in recent years.对广州市郊局部发生的藜蒴枯萎死亡原因研究结果表明:藜蒴枯萎死亡主要由榉祥硕蚧Kuwania biporaBorchs引起。

1.The act of wilting or the state of being wilted.枯萎,凋谢枯萎,已枯萎的状态
2.To wither or shrivel or mature imperfectly.枯萎枯萎,萎缩或发育不良
3.Blighted, withered, or shriveled.枯萎的,萎缩的,皱缩的
4.To be affected by dieback.枝叶枯萎受顶枯病影响
5.The grass is gradually dried-up and withering and pallen leaves.草渐渐干枯、枯萎并落叶。
6.To dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture.干枯,枯萎因或似乎因失去水分而变干燥或枯萎
7.Plants wilting in the heat.因炎热而枯萎的植物
8.The hot summer withered up the grass.炎热的夏季使草枯萎了。
9.The hot sun has withered the grass.炎热的太阳于草枯萎了。
10.The hot sunshine shrivelled the grass.炎热的阳光使草枯萎
11.Our potatoes blighted.我们的马铃薯枯萎了。
12.The grass withers up in winter and grows back in spring草在冬天枯萎,春天复绿。
13.The crops were drooping for want of water.农作物缺水枯萎了。
14.The drooping plants wants for water.这些枯萎的植物缺水。
15.the withered leaves lie dead;枯萎的落叶死气沉沉,
16.The roses were beginning to flag.玫瑰花开始枯萎了。
17.wither, esp. with a loss of moisture.枯萎,特别是失去了水分。
18.The flowers dropped and faded.这些花枯萎褪色了。

channel withering河床枯萎
3)Fusarium wilt枯萎病
1.Study on a New Rapid Inoculation Method for Verticillium wilt and Fusarium wilt of Cotton;一种新的棉花黄、枯萎病快速接种方法的研究
2.A co-dominant molecular marker of fusarium wilt resistance gene I-2 derived from gene sequence in tomato;由基因序列开发番茄枯萎病抗性基因I-2的共显性分子标记
3.Studies on engraft preventing fusarium wilt of Balsam pear;嫁接防治苦瓜枯萎病研究
4)Fusarium oxysporum枯萎病菌
1.Relationship between chitinase and β-1,3-glacanase activity induced by Fusarium oxysporum on resistance of cucumber to Fusarium Wilt;枯萎病菌诱导的几丁质酶和β-1,3-葡聚糖酶与寄主抗病性的关系
2.Effects of the Root Exudates of Watermelons on Fusarium Oxysporum;根系分泌物对西瓜枯萎病菌的影响
3.Fungicides screening against to Fusarium oxysporum in lilium and application in fields;切花百合枯萎病菌室内药剂筛选及田间防治效果
5)fusarium oxysporum枯萎病
1.Studies on the effects of biological agents (chitin) on controlling fusarium oxysporum and on promoting growth in C. Persicum;甲壳素等生物制剂对仙客来枯萎病的防治效果及生长促进作用研究
2.Preliminary Study on Resistance Induced by the Fermentation Metabolic Product of Trichoderma harzianum T_(2-16) Against Fusarium oxysporum in Cowpea Seedling;哈茨木霉T_(2-16)代谢产物诱导豇豆幼苗抗枯萎病研究
3.The results showed that three pesticides including Kuweilin,thiophanate-methyl carmazine and jijiuhuishengdan,had stronger effect on inhaibiting Cyclamen Fusarium oxysporum,and the effect of control in the field was very obvious.经室内抑菌力测试和田间试验,枯萎灵、甲基托布津和急救回生丹三种农药对仙客来枯萎病病菌均有较强的抑制作用,田间防治效果明显。
6)Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense枯萎病菌
1.Screening the resistant mutants to banana vascular wilt using the crude toxins of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense;利用枯萎病菌粗毒素筛选香蕉抗性突变体
2.Banana seedlings inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f.用枯萎病菌4号生理小种接种香蕉苗后,观察发现:香蕉苗在发病初期出现了黄叶、球茎组织变褐症状;发病中期出现了叶片萎蔫、球茎组织变褐、假茎可见斑点状或线条状褐色病变、根变黑褐症状;发病后期出现了植株萎蔫、枯死等症状。
