1.The experiment could lay the foundations for thermal insulation materials selection and greenhouse structure optimization by researching on the back-roof elevation angles, thermal insulation materials and its thickness, in order to insulating heat and saving energy much better.本试验通过对日光温室后屋面不同仰角、保温材料类型及厚度的研究,为保温材料的优选和温室结构优化奠定基础,以便更好保温节能。
2.Thermal Insulation Property Analysis of Various Back-roof Elevation Angle Solar Greenhouse in Central Shaanxi Plain试验结果认为,在关中地区最优的后屋面仰角应该为45°左右。
3)The garage is back of the house.车库在房屋后面。

1.Then the voice of young John's mother came from the house.然后屋里传来小约翰母亲的声音。
2.Most houses have a front door at the front and a back door at the back.大多数的房屋屋前有个前门,屋后有个后门。
3.The roof was blown off in several sections which landed at both front and back of the house.屋顶成几块,落在房屋的前后。
4.These grew on the tree behind my house.这是我屋后栗树上长的。
5.He walked towards the rear of the house.他向屋子的后部走去。
6.When I went in, she said, @Take a seat.进入屋内后,她说:“请坐。”
7.set back building由红线后退进去的房屋
8."Coal and kindling all in the shed in the backyard."“煤,劈柴,都在后院小屋里。”
9.Garbage heaped up behind the house.屋后垃圾积成了堆。
10.There was a patch of garden behind the house.屋后有一小块园地。
11.By the street of "Bye-and-bye" one arrives at the house of "never".沿着"稍后"街,走到"乌有"屋。
12.I ran out of my room only to find out that a tall tree had fallen down and broken the roof of the back room.我跑出屋外发现一棵大树倒下来,砸坏了后面那间屋子的屋顶。
13.I walked to the window, across the room, then close up to her.我从屋子这头,走到屋子那头的窗口,然后靠近她。
14.The rear half of the roof was blown off and fell to the ground about 25 feet behind the house.屋顶后半部被刮掉,落在屋后约25呎之外的地面上。
15.Scarlett beckoned to her to come down and went into the house.思嘉招手叫她下来,然后自己走进屋里。
16.She went across the mountains and stood in front of the house of the seven dwarfs.她翻山越岭后,站在七矮人的屋子前。
17.When Li came in, the sorcerer welcomed him.李备德走进屋子后,道长微微点头致意。
18.The belated moon looks over the roofs,姗姗来迟的月亮从屋顶后面探出脸来,

3)The garage is back of the house.车库在房屋后面。
5)The House Behind the Cedars雪松林后面的房屋
1.The reasons of cast-in-place steel concrete roofing leakage and the preventing steps;现浇钢筋混凝土屋面渗漏的原因与预防措施
2.Origin and prevention analysis of the roofing waterproof and leakage on of the architectural buildings;浅析建筑工程屋面防水渗漏原因及其防治
