1.Optimal Seasoning Formulation of the Instant Meicai by the orthogonal test正交实验优选即食梅菜调味配方
2.Due to the high saline capacity of Huizhou Meicai,the formal technical parameters of potch and desalination can guarantee the products quality stable.惠州梅菜含盐量高,工业化生产过程中,规范的漂洗及脱盐工艺参数能保证产品质量稳定。

1.Preliminary Identification of Brassica Juncea Varieties by ISSR Molecular Markers梅菜ISSR分子标记技术初步研究
2.And you can also taste the traditional Hakkas' food, like the meat with vegetable and bean.当让你还可以品尝到传统的客家菜:农家梅菜扣肉、豆腐等。
3.pick lettuce, plums, spinach, strawberries, etc收获莴苣、 梅子、 菠菜、 草莓等.
4.A Study of the Custom of "Five Fruits & Five Cookings" in "Jing Ping Mei Ci Hua;《金瓶梅词话》“五果五菜”食俗小考
5.Melissa ordered some and we all dove in with relish.梅利莎点了这道菜,我们便开始大块剁饵了。
6.Determination on the Trace Elements in Preserved Vegetable by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry原子吸收光谱法测定梅干菜中微量元素的含量
7.Pamela loved to cook, and she used to make elegant meals for her friends.帕梅拉喜欢做饭,她经常给她的朋友们做可口的饭菜。
8.Spring plowing was at its height and the cotton and garden seed Pork had brought from Macon was being put into the ground.春耕正处于大忙季节,波克从梅肯带回的瓜菜和棉籽也在赶着播种。
9.Miss Adela Strangeworth came daintily along Main Street on her way to the grocery.埃德拉·斯特兰沃思小姐沿着梅因街步态轻盈地向蔬菜杂货店走去。
10.Women instead were more likely to eat vegetables, especially carrots and tomatoes, and fruits, especially strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and apples.而女性则更青睐蔬菜和水果,尤其爱吃胡萝卜、西红柿、草莓、蓝莓、酸梅和苹果。
11.A deer, a deer, the deer is short.梅花鹿,梅花鹿,梅花鹿很
12."Cameron! Hi there, Cameron!" Someone began the cry and others took it up.“卡梅伦!嗨!卡梅伦
13."Mason," said the voice. "Miss Mason."“梅森,"那声音说,"梅森小姐。”
14.The Education of Anna香梅之路:陈香梅回忆录
15.Why doesn't Meimei want go to go Haikou?梅梅为什么不想去海口?
16.Aime Thome de Gamond,名叫埃梅. 托梅. 德. 干蒙,
17."Mei, I've wronged you, hurt you ...“梅,我负了你。……
18.of or relating to or infected with syphilis.梅毒的,与梅毒有关的或患梅毒的。

canned Meicai梅菜罐头
3)Mei Cai Kou Rou梅菜扣肉
1.A New Technology for Industrialized Production of Mei Cai Kou Rou;梅菜扣肉工业化生产的新工艺
4)duck with preserved vegetable梅菜烧鸭
5)Sparerib with preserved vegetable梅菜排骨
6)pickled Cabbage Rice Soup梅菜泡饭

梅菜鲜肉馄饨原料:绍兴梅干菜1/2包、猪肉馅225克、薄的大馄饨皮300克、香菜1棵、葱1根辅料:(1)酒1/2大匙、盐1/2茶匙、胡椒粉少许、香油1大匙(2)高汤1碗、盐少许做法:1 梅干菜泡水至软化,捞出后用清水洗净,再沥干水分,剁碎备用。2 猪肉馅再剁细,拌入调味料(1)及切碎的梅干菜,一起拌匀做成馅料。3 每张馄饨皮包入少许馅料,捏拢成官帽式馄饨,再放入开水中煮熟至浮起。4 调味料(2)调匀后放碗内,再盛入煮好的馄饨,最后撒入洗净、切碎的香菜末及葱花即成。