1.In this paper,natural distribution characteristics of succulents are analysed according to the regional climate.分析了多浆植物的地区气候自然分布特点,明晰了温度、光照、水分、空气等多个重要的生态因子对多浆植物生长的影响,阐述了在引种多浆植物栽培中要注意的问题及应采取的措施。

1.cacti and succulents仙人掌类与多浆植物
2.The host plants were ornamental plants, perennial/biennial root garden plants, woody flower plants, cover plants and pulpy plants, and so on.为害的寄主植物有观赏树木、宿根园林植物、木本花卉植物、地被植物及多浆植物等。
3.Studies on Cactus and Succullent Planting Outside in Beijing仙人掌及多浆植物在北京的种植及室外造景的应用研究
4.The Effects of Sodium on Drought Resistance of Succulent Xerophyte Zygophyllum Xanthonylon;Na~+与多浆旱生植物霸王抗旱性研究
5.Extraction and Study of Vegetable Amylose in Seed of Nicandra Physaloides;假酸浆子植物多糖的提取与性质测定
6.The glossy, blackish, many - seeded berry of these plants.越橘果这种植物多子的有光泽,带黑色的浆果
7.The poisonous berry of a plant of this genus.该属植物的有毒浆果
8.any of numerous plants of the genus Berberis having prickly stems and yellow flowers followed by small red berries.属于小檗属植物的任意一种,有多刺的茎和黄色的花以及小红浆果。
9.A small, juicy, fleshy fruit, such as a blackberry or raspberry, regardless of its botanical structure.浆果类无论其植物结构如何的小型、多汁的肉质水果,如黑莓、木莓
10.Those whose specialty is plants define a berry as a simple, fleshy fruit with a thin wall and many seeds.专长植物的人将浆果定义为皮薄多籽而果肉丰富的单一果类。
11.Any of various plants, such as the Barbados cherry or the cornelian cherry, having fruits resembling a cherry.浆果植物结有类似樱桃果实的各种植物,如巴巴多斯樱桃树或欧亚山茱萸等
12.The edible, dark red berry of this plant.扬氏杂交梅浆果这种植物的可食用深红色浆果
13." Oxalic acid: Colourless, crystalline, toxic carboxylic acid found in many plants, especially rhubarb, wood sorrel, and spinach."草酸:无色结晶有毒的羧酸类有机化合物。许多植物中有草酸,尤其是大黄、酢浆草和菠菜。
14.(of plants)having many stamens(指植物)多雄蕊的.
15.The tubers of this plant.酢浆草块茎这种植物的块茎
16.North American fern often bearing bulbils on the leaflets.长有浆果的一种北美蕨类植物。
17.Asiatic vine with three-lobed leaves and purple berries.小亚细亚藤本植物,三片叶,结紫色浆果。
18.perennial herb of the eastern United States having arrowhead-shaped leaves and an elongate pointed spathe and green berries.美国东部的一种多年生草本植物,具有箭头形的叶子,一个伸长的、尖形的佛焰苞和绿色的浆果。

succulent xerophytes多浆旱生植物
1.The distribution characteristics of free amino acids and free proline were investigated in succulent xerophytes—Haloxylon ammodendron and Zygophyllum xanthoxylum, xerophytes—Artemisia sphaerocephala and Caragana korshinskii; and mesophytes Agriophyllum squarrosum and Corispermum mongolicum in Alxa Desert of China.以阿拉善荒漠区生长的多浆旱生植物梭梭(Haloxylonammodendron)和霸王(Zygophyllumxanthoxy lum)、少浆旱生植物白沙蒿(Artemisiasphaerocephala)和柠条(Caraganakorshinskii)、中旱生植物沙米(Agrio phyllumsquarrosu)和绵蓬(Corispermummongolicum)为材料,对其游离氨基酸成分及游离脯氨酸的分布特征进行了比较研究。
3)cacti and succulents仙人掌类与多浆植物
4)cactus and succullents仙人掌及多浆植物
1.The study on cactus and succullents planting outside was conducted in Beijing.通过对几种原产美洲及非洲的仙人掌及多浆植物的栽培,总结出这些植物的栽培要点及种植经验,可以在今后的工作中进行推广。
5)plant pulp植物浆
1.The effect of some plant pulps for cultivating Artemia;几种植物浆养殖卤虫的饵料效果
6)Berry plant浆果植物
