2)Cyclobalanopsis chungii福建青冈
1.Genetic polymorphic analysis on a dominant species of evergreen broad-leaf forest(Cyclobalanopsis chungii);常绿阔叶林优势种福建青冈的遗传多态分析
2.Establishment of RAPD reaction system of Cyclobalanopsis chungii,the dominant species of evergreen broad-leaf forest;常绿阔叶林优势种福建青冈RAPD反应体系的建立
3.On Soil Fertility and Water Conserving Capacity of Cyclobalanopsis chungii Plantation;福建青冈人工林土壤肥力与水源涵养功能

1.A Research of Forest Community Features and Plant Diversity in Cyclobalanopsis Chungii Forest;福建青冈林群落特征及植物多样性的研究
2.The Study on Ecophysiology Mechanism of Seed of Cyclobalanopsis Chungii;福建青冈种子萌发的生理生态学机制研究
3.Study on Ecological Adaptive Mechanisms of Seed Special Germination System of Cyclobalanopsis Chungii福建青冈种子特殊发芽方式的生态适应机制研究
4.Effect of Environmental Factors and Storage Duration on Seed Germination of Cyclobalanopsis chungii贮藏时间与环境因子对福建青冈种子萌发的影响
5.On Legal Education to Young People : Failure and Reconstruction--The Legal Consideration on the Case of Exterminating a Family in Fukuoka,Japan;青年法律教育的理念误失与重建——福冈灭门公案的法理学议论
6.What a great number of people have joined the Red Army from Changkang Township in Kiangsi[1] and Tsaihsi Township in Fukien[2]!江西的长冈乡⑴,福建的才溪乡⑵,扩大红军多得很呀!
7.Performance and High-yielding Cultural Techniques of New Hybrid Rice Combination Gangyou 148 Planted at Fu′an,Fujian杂交水稻新组合冈优148在福建福安种植表现及高产栽培技术
8.Our university building is now under construction on a hillside in the north of fukuoka city.我们的大学校舍正在兴建中,它建在福冈城北部的山坡上。
9.Our university building be now under construction on a hillside in the north of fukuoka city我们的大学校舍正在兴建中,它建在福冈城北部的山坡上
10.Study on the Structure and Dynamics of Populations of Cyclobalanopsis glauca in Jiande County,Zhejiang Province浙江建德青冈常绿阔叶林种群结构和动态的研究
11.The Temple of Happiness and Longevity is made of grey bricks and iron tiles.福寿寺是由青砖瓦建成的。
12.Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum on peanuts in Fujian福建省花生青枯病菌遗传多态性分析
13.plump chunky bird of coastal California and Oregon.加利福尼亚和俄勒冈州海岸矮胖的鸟。
14.Research on the Campaign of Sending Down Young Intellectuals to the Countryside in Fujian (1968-1973);福建知识青年上山下乡运动高潮阶段研究(1968-1973)
15.Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Organic Acids of Prunus Mume in Fujian Province;福建青梅(Prunus mume)的遗传多样性与有机酸分析
16.On the Serves of Fujian Junior Tennis Players;福建省青少年网球运动员发球技术的现状分析
17.Studies on individual characters of juvenile delinquents in Fujian Province;福建省违法犯罪青少年的个性特征研究
18.Investigation and Research on the Demands of Adolescents' Lifelong Education in Fujian Province福建省青少年终身教育需求的调查研究

Cyclobalanopsis chungii福建青冈
1.Genetic polymorphic analysis on a dominant species of evergreen broad-leaf forest(Cyclobalanopsis chungii);常绿阔叶林优势种福建青冈的遗传多态分析
2.Establishment of RAPD reaction system of Cyclobalanopsis chungii,the dominant species of evergreen broad-leaf forest;常绿阔叶林优势种福建青冈RAPD反应体系的建立
3.On Soil Fertility and Water Conserving Capacity of Cyclobalanopsis chungii Plantation;福建青冈人工林土壤肥力与水源涵养功能
3)Cyclobalanopsis chungii forest福建青冈林
1.The species diversity of plants in Cyclobalanopsis chungii forests at 5 different restoration phases was studied in Huangchulin Natural Reserve in Fujian.结果表明,福建青冈林恢复过程中乔木层、灌木层的物种更替较剧烈;阳性树种在群落中的地位较弱;随恢复期增长,物种α多样性指数增大,群落的稳定性也增大,且群落间的共有种数增多。
2.The study on the plant components′ characteristics in Cyclobalanopsis chungii forests in different restoration phases showed that phanerophytes occupied a dominant position in the 5 communities.对福建青冈林各演替阶段的群落内植物成分特征的研究表明 ,各群落均以高位芽植物占优势 ,并有较大比例的藤本高位芽植物 ;各群落的生活型谱相似 ,说明它们相互之间的密切联系。
4)Qingshui of Yongan in Fujian福建永安青水
1.The Primary Study of Tobacco Curing Buildings in Qingshui of Yongan in Fujian福建永安青水烤烟房初探
5)Phosnic bronze福斯利克含磷镍青铜
6)California lapis加利福尼亚青金石

福建方言笑话—福建福鼎方言笑话  福建福鼎的方言将“抓”说成“妈”,有一个外地来的人到市场买豆芽,她用普通话和卖豆芽的老太婆讨价还价后,就开始往袋里抓豆芽,老太婆看她把豆芽抓得乱七八糟,就说:“我来帮你‘妈’(抓),你看,我‘妈’(抓)一条条,你‘妈’(抓)乱糟糟。”外地人把袋子一丢,甩头就走了。