
1.The Variation Trend of Fruit Fresh Weight,Flesh Water Demand and Distribution of Qianlong 1(a Pitaya Variety)黔龙1号火龙果果实鲜重动态变化及水分的需求与分配
2.Effects of Different Drugs on Agronomic Characters of Qianyu 1(a Potato Variety) after Frost Damage冻害后不同药剂处理对黔芋1号各性状的影响
3.The Research on the Processing Quality of New Species-Ming Ke 1 Oolong Tea;新品种茗科1号乌龙茶加工品质研究
4.Research on the high-yielding and high-profitable cultivation techniques of Longshu No.1 in hills and dry areas龙薯1号在丘陵山地高产高效栽培技术研究
6.Cultivation Models for High Yield of Qianyou 22,a Hybrid Rape Variety in Qianxi County杂交油菜黔油22号在黔西县的高产栽培模式
7.England won Paraguay 1-0,for No 4's own goal of Paraguay.英格兰因为巴拉圭4号的乌龙球,最后以1比0获胜。
8.Stability analysis of the large ancient underground rock caverns in Longyou and the selection of maximum-security routes in the caverns龙游石窟1~3号洞室稳定性分析及安全通道路线的选择
9.Connotation,Status Quo and Protection of Nanxi Work Songs in Qianjiang,Chongqing重庆黔江南溪号子的内涵、现状与保护
10.Breeding of Qianyou 29,a New Hybrid Rape Variety with High Yield and Double-low Content高产双低杂交油菜黔油29号的选育
11.Breeding of Qiancao 3,a New Forage Variety(Rescue Brome)牧草新品种黔草3号扁穗雀麦的选育
12.The Research on the Origin,Current Situation and Measures of Dragon Boat Activity in the southeast area of Guizhou Province黔东南龙舟活动的起源、现状与对策研究
13.By the"tatsuta maru,"captain t. inouye, I have shipped the twenty - five bale of cotton ordered in you favour of the 1st june.我已将贵公司6月1日来函中所定购的25包棉花,装上船上井上武之助先生的“龙田号”货轮。
14.D. D.134, Lung Kwu Sheung Tan, Tuen Mun. The location of the Project is shown in Figure1 attached to this Permit.屯门龙鼓上滩丈量约份134号。工程项目的位置见载于本许可证夹附的图1。
15.Please return this form to ECSAF, Unit1-12, G/ F., Nam Tai House, Nam Shan Estate, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Thank you.请填妥捐款表格后,邮寄至香港九龙石硖尾南山邨南泰楼地下1-12号『苗基金』。
16.Study on The Leaving Fosters Rapid Propagation Technique for Axillary Bud of Sugar Cane Qian Tang-4甘蔗新品种黔糖4号腋芽离体快繁技术研究
17.Preliminary Study on Planting Techniques of Pulp Forest for No.3 Chenglü Bamboo Clone in Mountainous Region of North Guizhou;黔北山区撑绿竹3号纸浆林培育技术初步研究
18.A Brief Study on Artistic Characteristic and Value of Nanxi Work Songs in Qianjiang, Chongqing;浅论重庆黔江南溪号子的艺术特色与价值

Qiancao 1黔草1号
1.Standardization System Construction For Seed Production of Qiancao 1(Festuca arundinacea);黔草1号高羊茅种子标准化繁育体系建设
2.Breeding of Qiancao 1,a New Festuca arundinacea Variety;牧草新品种黔草1号高羊茅的选育
3)Qianbai No.1黔白1号
4)Qianyu 1黔芋1号
1.Effects of Different Drugs on Agronomic Characters of Qianyu 1(a Potato Variety) after Frost Damage冻害后不同药剂处理对黔芋1号各性状的影响
5)Qianla 1黔辣1号
1.Breeding of Qianla 1,a New Pepper Variety辣椒新品种黔辣1号的选育
6)Qianheiqiao 1黔黑荞1号
1.The Cultivation Technique for High Yield of Qianheiqiao 1 (a Buckwheat Variety) under Spring Sowing Condition;黔黑荞1号春播高产栽培技术

大同卧虎湾1号、2号辽墓壁画大同卧虎湾1号、2号辽墓壁画  墓址在山西大同市城北郊约3公里多。1954年发现。西为1号墓,东为2号墓。两墓壁画相同,2号墓较完整。2号墓墓门东西两侧壁各画l门卫,西壁画车马出厅图,其中有驼车,另有宴饮图1幅。东壁画乐队12人,各执乐器,排列有序,正在吹奏;上部画l衣架,架右立l女侍,架后站1男侍。北壁绘花卉山石围屏5条,上有蓝黄色卷帷幔,西侧立女侍捧盘,东侧立童侍捧唾盂。1号墓西壁画车马出行图,其中亦有驼车,另有两组饮宴图。北壁画花卉围屏5条,上方画帷幔,西侧立1女侍,东侧立l童侍。墓门两侧壁面各画l门卫,执竿而立。