1.A double haploid (DH) population and six generations (P1、P2、F1、B1、B2 and F2) derived from a broccoli combination of 86101 and 90196 were used to investigate the inheritance of head-leaf trait in the Brassica oleracea L.DH群体分析结果表明,花球荚叶性状的遗传受到2对连锁并具有加性—加性×加性—上位性作用主基因+多基因(E-2-0模型)的控制;经6个世代联合分析结果表明,花球荚叶性状的遗传受到2对加性—显性—上位性主基因+加性—显性—上位性多基因(E模型)的控制,DH群体的主基因遗传率为70。
2)Globularia cordifolia心叶球花
3)flower and legumen花荚

1.He was touching unconsciously the dead husks of flowers as he passed by.当他路过时,无意中碰落了枯死的花荚
2.Effects of Cd~(2+) on the physiological and biochemical properties of Glycine max in flowering-poding phase镉胁迫对大豆花荚期生理生态的影响
3.Effect of Environmental Factors on the Formation and Abscission of Flowers and Pods环境因素对蚕豆花荚形成和脱落的影响
4.Study on the Relations between Adzuki Bean Complete Flower Bud Differentiation and Flower Pod Formation and Abscission;小豆全株花芽分化与花荚形成及脱落关系的研究
5.Opening by valves, as the capsule of a lily or iris.瓣裂的由荚分开的,例如百合花或蝴蝶花的荚膜
6.take something out of its shell or pod, such as peas or beans.把像花生或豆子的荚壳除去。
7.pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British terms.通常有2颗坚果或种子的花生的果荚。
8.The peanut was suffered from water stress at its pod setting stage.花生结荚期明显受土壤水分胁迫影响.
9.of pollen development of Astragalus membranaceus (Ficsh) Bunge膜荚黄芪花粉发育的细胞形态学观察
10.Genetic Analysis of Head-leaf Traits Using Mixed Major Gene Plus Polygene Inheritance Model in Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Planch青花菜花球‘荚叶’性状主基因+多基因遗传分析
11.Study on Floral Characteristics and Flowering and Fruiting Features of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.乌拉尔甘草花部特征和开花结荚特性的研究
12.We had gathered magnolia seed pods for hand grenades;我们把木兰花籽的荚果集拢起来,当手榴弹用。
13.European medic naturalized in North America having yellow flowers and sickle-shaped pods.引入北美的欧洲苜蓿,开黄花,结镰刀形荚。
14.small genus of Eurasian shrubs with yellow flowers and bladdery pods.长有黄花和气泡豆荚的亚欧灌木的小的属。
15.Effect of Continuous Cropping on Peanut Seedling Physiological Characteristics and Pod Yield连作对花生幼苗生理特性及荚果产量的影响
16.Physiological Characteristics of Different Genotypes of Mung Bean at the Flowering and Pods Formation Stage;不同基因型绿豆开花结荚期生理特性研究
17.The Relationship Between the Flower and Pod Abscission Rate of Vegetable Soybean and the Reproductive Stage of Species菜用大豆落花落荚率与品种生育阶段的关系
18.Effect of HJNBR on the Drop of Bean Flowers and Pods油菜素内酯对菜豆落花落荚作用的研究

Globularia cordifolia心叶球花
3)flower and legumen花荚
4)Genus helwingia青荚叶属
5)Viburnum prunifolium樱叶荚迷
6)Vinurnum betulifoljkium桦叶荚蒾
