1.Shenbao,a new table grape cultivar鲜食葡萄新品种——申宝的选育

1.Our company is the window of Shanghai No.4 Reagent& H. V. Chemical Co. LTD.上海申博化工有限公司由原上海试四赫维化工有限公司宝山申宝化工综合商社改制而成。
2.Please note that any data will be used exclusively by Starlight and only for request processing.声明:所有的申请资料梧州星光宝石制造有限公司仅用于申请审核。
3.Application for Being Included on UNESCO s World Heritage List and Protection and Utilization of Human Treasure;申报世界遗产 保护和永续利用人类瑰宝
4.You have to declare such articles as electric equipment, foreign currency, jewel1 ery, gold, silver, antiques and other treasures.需要申报的物品有电器、汇、宝、金、白银、董以及其他贵重物品。
5.Walters was not expecting an application from this source for the next ten years.再过十年,华尔特先生也不会料想竟是这个宝贝来提出申请。
6.Tungku Long who later became Sultan Hussein, was still living in Rhio in 1819.这位英国人一手扶上苏丹宝座的东姑隆,即是后来的苏丹胡申。
7.Bye-lo, bye-lo, go to sleep.宝宝,宝宝,睡吧。
8."No, you can't, precious!“宝宝去不得的。”
9.And look! Baobao is number 13.看!宝宝是13号。
10."What is your little one's name?"“您的宝宝叫什么?”
11.Congratulations! Is it a boy or a girl?恭喜!是男宝宝还是女宝宝?
12.While my little one, while my pretty one, sleeps.我的小宝宝,可爱的宝宝,正睡得乖!
13.He went over to the baby where it was playing on the floor and began to poke his finger at it.他走到宝宝跟前,宝宝正在地板上玩。 于是他伸出手指去逗宝宝玩。
14.statement of applicant's family background申请人家庭状况申报书
15.for declaration purpose only只用于申报仅限于申报
16.You either declare thing or you do not.你要么申报,要么不申报。
17.application for registration申请注册,申请登记
18.a petition of bankruptcy【法律】申请 [申报] 破产

1.Comment On the Inscription "XianXiaoYuShen"and the Verb-Origin of the Vocabulary"Shen;试析大克鼎铭文“显孝于申”之“申”——兼谈“申”的动词来源
2.There are more than three dozens alternative names such as Shen, Hu, etc.上海得名于上海浦 ,简称有申、沪。
3)darling; baby (a term of endearment)宝宝
4)naming babies宝宝取名
5)searching treasure寻宝夺宝
6)baby socks;socks for baby宝宝短袜

申申 申   ①地支的第九位。常用以纪年、月、日、时。   ②通“伸”。伸展。《灵枢·邪气脏腑病形》:“取诸外经者,揄申而从之。”