1.Reaction of Prunus persica 'Tsukuba-4' and 'Tsukuba-5' to nematode Meloidogyne javanica桃树砧木品种筑波4号筑波5号对爪哇根结线虫的抗性

1.Reaction of Prunus persica 'Tsukuba-4' and 'Tsukuba-5' to nematode Meloidogyne javanica桃树砧木品种筑波4号筑波5号对爪哇根结线虫的抗性
2.Avenue5 St George's Ave圣乔治大街5 号.
3.A third category takes in shorter-range signals used to connect things in a building or room.第三类即信号范围更短的无线电波用于建筑物或者房间内部互联。
4.5 and 6 were unanimous and they were between Acer C.元宝枫>栓皮槭6号>5号>3号>4号。
5.Numbers 2 and 4 of the fifth row in the stalls. Are not they ?中间第5号排2号和4号,对不对?
6.Offer firm5 days200 mens shirt medium June/ July U. S.$2500 to Boston.兹报实盘5日内有效200件中号男衬衫6/月交货2500美元波士顿到岸价。
7.Offerfirm 5days 200 mens shirt medium June/July us 2500 CIF Boston兹报实盘5日内有效200件中号男衬衫6/7月交货2500美元波士顿到岸价。
8.A five iron used in golf.高尔夫球5号铁头球杆
9.Registration plus overweight... err... 5 dollars in all.挂号加超重,总共5美元。
10.The symbol for the Roman numeral5.表示罗马数字5的符号
11.The No. 5 oil well suddenly blew out5号井突然发生井喷。
12.The flight number is AK708 on September 5th.班机号码是9月5日AK708
13.(96)H.ZH.W.Z. No.5(96)沪证外字第5号
14.The ship is lying at No.5 berth.该船停于5号碇泊处。
15.signal conditioning信号波形加工,信号修整
16.Numbers 2 and 4 of the fifth row in the stalls, aren't they?我们是在正厅5排2号和4号,是不是?
17.Mary has bedroom number 4 and her parents are in room 5.玛丽住4号,她的父母住5号房间。
18.The performances are on the 5th and 6th of this month.(剧的)上演是在这个月的5号和6号。

Zhuno No. 2筑糯5号
1.Reaction of Prunus persica 'Tsukuba-4' and 'Tsukuba-5' to nematode Meloidogyne javanica桃树砧木品种筑波4号筑波5号对爪哇根结线虫的抗性
1.Two species of Castanea crenata,ZhuBo and YinJi,have the characteristics of rapid growth,vigor,early fruit,early ripe,high yield,big nut and high quality.日本栗筑波、银寄品种种植表现出生长快、长势好、早实、早熟、丰产、粒大、质优等优良性状,是值得大力推广的优良品种。
5)Lujia 5鲁加5号
1.The contents of phenolic compounds in apple juice concentrate of Lujia 1 and Lujia 5 were studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on an Eclipse XDB-C18 column (150 mm×4.利用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)分析了儿茶素、绿原酸、咖啡酸、表儿茶素、香豆酸、阿魏酸等六种酚类物质在鲁加1号和鲁加5号苹果浓缩汁中的的含量。
6)No.5 BF5号高炉
1.Brief description on usage of pelletized iron ore in No.5 BF in WISCO;武钢5号高炉使用球团矿简述

大同卧虎湾1号、2号辽墓壁画大同卧虎湾1号、2号辽墓壁画  墓址在山西大同市城北郊约3公里多。1954年发现。西为1号墓,东为2号墓。两墓壁画相同,2号墓较完整。2号墓墓门东西两侧壁各画l门卫,西壁画车马出厅图,其中有驼车,另有宴饮图1幅。东壁画乐队12人,各执乐器,排列有序,正在吹奏;上部画l衣架,架右立l女侍,架后站1男侍。北壁绘花卉山石围屏5条,上有蓝黄色卷帷幔,西侧立女侍捧盘,东侧立童侍捧唾盂。1号墓西壁画车马出行图,其中亦有驼车,另有两组饮宴图。北壁画花卉围屏5条,上方画帷幔,西侧立1女侍,东侧立l童侍。墓门两侧壁面各画l门卫,执竿而立。