1.A new yellow flesh watermelon variety with small fruit——Tianniu黄瓤小西瓜新品种甜妞的选育
2)niu niu妞妞

1.Key Words:" Girl-- A father's reading notes"; Zhou GuoPing; Documentary literature.关键词:《妞妞——一个父亲的札记》;周国平;纪实文学。
2.The Father Paean --Zhou Guoping and Niu Niu--A Father Reading Note;父爱的绝唱——周国平与《妞妞—一个父亲的札记》
3.Niu Niu likes to eat gum and asks her grandmother to buy them whenever she meets her.妞妞最喜欢吃橡皮糖, 每次见到外婆都要外婆给她买。
4.This had enraged Tigress.这个,招翻了虎妞。
5.He snogged loadsa girlies.他吻了好多妞儿们。
6.On the sixth day of the New Year, Tigress climbed into the bridal sedan-chair.初六,虎妞坐上了花轿。
7.but to Tigress they were a treat.在虎妞,这是些享受。
8.Tigress glared at him. "What?虎妞又瞧了眼:“怎么?
9.Could Tigress follow him to Tianjin?虎妞还能追到他天津去?
10.Only then did she call a doctor.虎妞这才想起去请大夫。
11.Tigress would certainly not let him off so lightly.虎妞岂肯轻饶了他呢!
12.Tigress was pregnant, this time truly so.虎妞有了孕,这回是真的。
13."Hey,dude,look at the chick over there!""嘿,哥们,瞧那边那个小妞!"
14.Having thought this far, he put Tigress and all she had said aside.想到这儿,他把虎妞和虎妞的话都放在一边去;
15.Even she had had her strong points and had at least helped him a lot with her money.虎妞也有虎妞的好处,至少是在经济上帮了他许多。
16.Once you've seen through yourself there's no need to despise other people. Tigress was Tigress, and that was that.看透了自己,便无须小看别人,虎妞就是虎妞吧,什么也甭说了!
17.In this smile, Xiangzi saw Tigress, a young and beautiful Tigress.祥子忽然在这个笑容中看见了虎妞,一个年轻而美艳的虎妞。
18.Don't gawk at that pretty girl.别呆头呆脑地瞪着那个漂亮小妞。

niu niu妞妞
1.An Analysis of "Huniu" to See the Virago Characters Created by Laoshe;从“虎妞”看老舍笔下的泼妇形象
5)Idle away one's time accompanying girls泡妞
6)a little girl小妞
