番茄汁,tomato juice
1)tomato juice番茄汁
1.Application of membrane separation technology in the concentration of tomato juice;膜分离技术在番茄汁浓缩工艺中的应用
2.Progress in research on fermented tomato juice drink;发酵番茄汁饮料的研究进展

1.Tomato,orange and apple juice,please.番茄汁、橙汁及苹果汁。
2.tomato juice, sauce, soup, ketchup番茄汁、 沙司、 汤、 酱.
3.B: Fresh orange, grapefruit or tomato juice.乙:鲜橙、葡萄或番茄汁
4.Yes, orange, pineapple and tomato, sir.有,先生,有橘子汁、菠萝汁和番茄汁
5.What drink would you like? We've got orange juice, apple juice, tomato juice, grapefruit juice and coke.您要点什么饮料?我们有橘汁,苹果汁,番茄汁,西柚汁和可乐。
6.Supplementary foods for infants and young children-Tomato juiceGB10780-1989婴幼儿辅助食品番茄汁
7.I'll have tomato juice, waffles, scrambled eggs and tea.我要番茄汁、夫饼、炒鸡蛋和茶水。
8.vodka and spicy tomato juice.由番茄汁加伏特酒而成的一种饮料。
9.baked beans,ie haricot beans baked and tinned with tomato sauce烘豆(经烘烤后加入番茄汁做成罐头的菜豆).
10.Study on the Effect of Tomato Juice and/or Grape Juice on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Carcinoma PC-3 Cell;番茄汁和葡萄汁单独及联合作用对人前列腺癌PC-3细胞的影响
11.large pasta tubes stuffed with chopped meat or mild cheese and baked in tomato sauce.中间塞碎肉或干酪,在番茄汁里烘焙的大的通心面。
12.Pizza has a bread-l ike crust that is covered with tomato sauce, cheese and vegetables or meat.比萨饼有和面包相似的饼皮,饼皮上调有番茄汁、奶酪、蔬菜和肉。
13.NIR Spectroscopy Based on Least Square Support Vector Machines for Quality Prediction of Tomato Juice基于最小二乘支持向量机的番茄汁糖酸度分析研究
14.Experimental study on the effect of yogurt tomato juice on acute alcoholism mouse酸奶番茄汁对急性酒精中毒小鼠解酒作用的实验研究
15.bottled or canned juice of tomatoes.瓶装或罐装的番茄果汁。
16.Spaghetti marinara;mussels marinara.意大利式番茄大蒜调味汁;淡菜番茄大蒜调味汁
17.Studies on Fermentation Technique of Mixed Vegetable Juice with Tomato and Carrot by Lactic Acid Bacteria;乳酸菌发酵番茄、胡萝卜复合蔬菜汁工艺研究
18.Kinetics of Fermentation on Capsella bursa-pastoris L. and Tomato Mixed Juice with Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum乳酸菌发酵荠菜-番茄复合蔬菜汁的动力学研究

clear tomato juice番茄清汁
1.In this study,a new clarification technology was determined to produce a clear tomato juice,that is ,twice heating aggregation;and ultrafiltration was also used for clarification.确定了用二次加热凝聚澄清技术工业化生产番茄清汁的工艺 ,并将超滤 ( UF)技术应用于澄清工序 ,使产品质量的可靠性得到保证。
3)juice of tomato番茄原汁
1.Study on the inhibitory effects of juice of tomato on the growth of human prostate carcinoma PC-3 cells;番茄原汁对人前列腺癌PC-3细胞生长抑制作用的研究
4)thick tomato sauce稠番茄汁
5)concentrated tomato juice番茄浓缩汁
1.The parameters for three critical processing techniques for removing the fishy smell from silver carp,drying the paste and adding the concentrated tomato juice were studied.利用感官评定方法确定了脱腥、烘干方式以及番茄浓缩汁的添加量等关键工艺参数,从而制作出一种不仅适合工业化生产,而且营养丰富,色、香、味俱全的复合型鱼脯。
6)tomato juice beverage番茄汁饮料
1.The present study focus on the key points of processing technology of tomato juice beverage: (a) Effect of the methodof bruising on tomato juice viscosity; (b) Instability of product prevention; (c)Determination of the prescription and technologyparameters.本文探讨了番茄汁饮料加工过程中的几个关键技术点:1。

冰镇番茄汁【菜名】 冰镇番茄汁【所属菜系】 浙江菜【特点】 清凉爽口【原料】番茄一公斤,红甜椒一枚,罗勒叶三片,赫雷斯(xeres)咖啡一匙,盐,胡椒粉。【制作过程】1.番茄洗净去籽,连同切成丁的红甜椒放入搅拌器,再加入咖啡一起搅拌。 2.加盐,胡椒粉后,置于冰箱里冰镇。取出饮用时将罗勒叶放在面上。