标准化体系,standardization system
1)standardization system标准化体系
1.Establishing enterprise's standardization system to meet client's requirements;创建满足顾客需求的企业标准化体系
2.Establishing and perfecting standardization system of enterprises are core contents of standardization work.建立、完善企业标准化体系是企业标准化工作的核心内容。
3.The author expounded the evolution and status quo of coal geological exploration standardization in China,characteristics and existing problems in current coal geological exploration standardization system.就如何根据当前煤炭地质勘查标准化的需求的问题,从目的、主要任务、建立煤炭地质标准化体系的原则、建立煤炭地质标准化体系的的主要工作内容、以及近期开展的煤炭地质标准化体系工作等方面进行了详细的论述。

1.Preliminary Study on Agricultural Standards and Standardization Framework of China;农业标准系统与标准化体系框架研究
2.Deepening standardized Management of Enterprise and Establishing Characteristic Standardized System;深化企业标准化管理 建立有特色的标准化体系
3.An Empirical Study of Logistic Standardization System in Guangdong;广东省物流标准化体系建设实证研究
4.Conception About Establishing Standardization System for Scientific Popularization Exhibits;关于建立科普展品标准化体系的设想
5.On Establishing and Improving Agricultural Standardization System in China;论中国农业标准化体系的建立与完善
6.Establishing enterprise s standardization system to meet client s requirements;创建满足顾客需求的企业标准化体系
7.standard network architecture标准化网络体系结构
8.Technical standards are the main part of standardization system of enterprises.技术标准是企业标准化系统的主体。
9.NSRDS (National Standard Reference Data System)国家标准基准数据体系
10.The Design and Development of the CAPP System of Rotational Parts Base on Standardization;基于标准化的回转体零件CAPP系统设计
11.Study on Agriculture Standardization and Its Systems Construction in Henan Province;河南省农业标准化及其体系建设研究
12.Discussion on Changing the Lab-Evaluating Criterion System to Yearly Check-Up System;评诂体系转化为年度考核标准的探讨
13.Non-system System, Shipping Companies Study the Standardization of Safety非体系航运企业标准化安全制度研究
14.Study on the Standards System of Administration for Industry and Commerce工商行政管理信息化标准体系的研究
15.Development of Emulsified Asphalt and Study of Standard System in China National Petroleum Corporation中石油乳化沥青开发及标准体系研究
16.Study of Business Administration Courses Standardization System工商管理类课程标准化建设体系研究
17.Standardization and Diversity of Steel Housing System轻钢轻板住宅体系的标准化与多样性
18.Technology System and Standardization Issues of Emergency Communication应急通信技术体系及标准化问题探讨

Standardization work system标准化工作体系
3)enterprise standardization system企业标准化体系
4)agricultural standardized system农业标准化体系
1.By analyzing the construction of agricultural standardized system of Tai an,the paper puts forward that the problems of lacking attention,imcompletion of the system,imperfection of supervision and unsmoothness of carrying out the system exist while achievements are preeminent in construction.本文通过对泰安市农业标准化建设状况分析后认为,该市农业标准化建设取得了明显成效,现已初步建立起了农业标准化体系,但也存在着思想认识不到位、农业标准化体系不健全、监测体系不完善、组织实施体系不够通畅等问题。
5)forestry standardization system林业标准化体系
1.The establishment and expansive application by piloting of forestry standardization system is an important forestry industrial restructuring means and a pivotal role of achieving market-oriented, industrialized, intensive and modernization forestry is a pivotal role.建立林业标准化体系并通过示范加以推广应用,是林业产业结构调整的一项重要手段,在林业市场化、产业化、集约化和现代化的过程中起着举足轻重的作用。
6)standardization management system标准化管理体系
1.Several misunderstandings of standardization management system certification标准化管理体系认识的几种误区

欧洲标准化委员会标准(见欧洲标准化委员会)欧洲标准化委员会标准(见欧洲标准化委员会)standards of CEN: see European Committee for Standardization; CEN  Ouzhou BiaozhunhuaW白}和。nhui biaoZhun欧洲标准化委员会标准(stand田月5 of CEN)见欧洲标准化委员会。