1.Clinical Application of Measurement of Forearm BMD by DXA;前臂DXA骨密度测量的临床应用

1.Bone Miner Density Measurement in Infant's Tibia and a Little Piece of Bone小婴儿下肢及小块骨骼骨密度测量
2.Quantitative Ultrasound Measurement for the Assessment of Bone Density Based on Leteral Wave;基于侧波的定量超声骨密度测量方法
3.Study on Bone Density Measurements with Fan-beam Dual Energy X-ray Sources扇束双能X射线骨密度测量方法研究
4.The Design of Ultrasound BMD Measurement System Based on FPGA基于FPGA的超声骨密度测量系统的设计
5.The measurement of bone mineral density of lumbar vertebra and femoral neck of men男性腰椎和股骨颈骨密度测量的临床价值
6.The Study of the Difference of Bilateral Proximal Femur Bone Mineral Density in DXA Measurements;双侧股骨近端DXA骨密度测量差异性的研究
7.Influence of pre-or post-meal factor on bone mineral density measurement进餐对中老年女性腰椎骨密度测量的影响
8.Effect of body fat on the results of bone mineral density examination and osteoporosis diagnosis by DAX体脂对DXA骨密度测量结果及骨质疏松诊断的影响
9.Study on coefficient of variation of bone mineral density by Prodigy-DXA measurementProdigy型骨密度仪测量骨密度的变异系数研究
10.The Study of Bone Mineral Density of Mandible in Northern Chinese;中国北方人下颌骨骨密度的测量研究
11.The Study of Accuracy of Volumetric Quantitative Computed Tomography in Measuring Bone Mineral Density of the Proximal Femur;容积性定量CT测量股骨近端骨密度准确性研究
12.Feasibility of measuring palate bone thickness and bone mineral density using spiral computed tomography螺旋CT测量腭中缝骨厚度及骨密度的可行性
13.The Contrast Study between Bone Mineral Density Measured by Dual Energy x-ray Absorptiometry and Quantitative Computed Tomography;双能X线骨密度仪与定量CT测量骨密度的比较研究
14.Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry monitor bone mineralization in lower limb lengthening of children双能量X线骨质密度测量仪监测小儿下肢骨延长骨矿物质的变化
15.Jaw bone density assessments of implant sites using spiral CT and Simplant software应用螺旋CT及Simplant软件测量种植区颌骨骨密度
16.Jaw Bone Density Assessments of Pre-implant Sites Using Spiral CT and Classify Then by Bone Quality螺旋CT测量预种植区颌骨骨密度并进行颌骨质量分类
17.Study on Bone Density in Different Parts of the Palate and Alveolar Using Spiral Computed Tomography螺旋CT用于测量腭骨及上下颌牙槽骨不同部位骨密度的比较研究
18.Comparison of Prodigy Advance and Delphi A for Bone Mineral Density in Chinese Women;Prodigy Advance和Delphi A两种骨密度仪测量结果的比较

bone densitometers骨密度测量仪
1.This article is started with analyzing the structure and principle the X-ray filter of NORLAND XR-36bone densitometers rational purchase and safe use of the domestic medical equipments.本文从分析NORLANDXR-36型骨密度测量仪的滤线器的结构原理入手,对进口设备的维修在确保安全的前提下,以提高效益为中心,能用国产配件的则用之,能修复的则修之,尽可能地降低维修成本,提高维修技术人员的技能,准确地判断故障,快速地修复设备。
3)Measuring machine of BMD骨密度测量仪器
4)quantitative bone mineral density measurement定量骨密度测定
5)bone densitometry source骨密度测量源
6)bone densitometry骨密度测量术

密度测量方法密度测量方法method for density measurement  m idu celia叩fangfa密度测t方法(砒山记fordensity一,ment)测量物体密度的方法,可归纳为源于密度基本原理的直接测量法,以及利用密度与某些物理t关系的间接测t法。①直接测t法按其侧t原理分为相对侧量法与绝对测量法。相对侧t法在密度侧t技术中最为常用,它利用已知的密度参考物质进行比较测量,例如流体静力称t法、密度瓶法、浮汁法及悬浮法等。绝对测量法则是通过直接侧t物质的质t和长度来求得密度,主要用于研究建立密度墓(标)准或密度参考物质。②间接测量方法的种类较多,例如浮子法、静压法、介电常数法、流出法、射线法、声学法、光学法、振动法等,主要用于工业生产过程中的密度计t。 (施昌彦)