战略决策,strategic decision
1)strategic decision战略决策
1.Research and Application of Models to Evaluate Strategic Decisions;战略决策评估模型的研究与应用
2.On the reality and advancing in Deng Xiaoping s strategic decisions and plans;论邓小平战略决策和战略构想中的现实性与超前性
3.A Study of Enterprise Intelligent Strategic Decision Method Based on Analysis of SWOT;基于SWOT分析的企业智能战略决策方法研究

1."Strategy" and "Grand Strategy": The Evolution of Strategic Decision Making Thoughts;“战略”与“大战略”——战略决策思想的演变
2.That was Chairman Mao's strategic decision.这是毛主席的战略决策
3.I. A Strategic Policy That Suits National Conditions一、符合国情的战略决策
4.Study of Strategic Decision of Advertisement Scheme and Its Appliance;广告策划的战略决策与策略运用研究
6.The Research and Application of the Strategic Decision-Making Model Based on BSC-BN;基于BSC-BN的战略决策模型研究与应用
7.Development of Human Resources in Our Province and the Strategic Decision;甘肃省人力资源开发现状及战略决策
8.Analysis Of SWOT And Strategy In Urban Sports Service Industry;城市体育服务业的SWOT分析与战略决策
9.Owing to QFD the Matrix Logistics Competes for the Strategic Decision Frame;基于QFD矩阵的物流竞争战略决策框架
10.Analysis of Enterprises Brand Strategy Decision-making Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的企业品牌战略决策分析
11.Product Market Competition and Strategic Decision-Making of Capital Structure;产品市场竞争与资本结构的战略决策
12.Need for Cognition and the Process of Strategic Decision Making;认知需要与战略决策过程之间的关系
13.Discussion on problem solving method for strategy decision-making based on SDS200X;SDS200X中战略决策问题求解方法探讨
14.Sunzi s Miaosuan Model and Strategic Decisions of Enterprises;孙子的“庙算”模型与企业的战略决策
15.The Analyses of Strategic Deterrence Effect s Impact on Strategic Alliance Decision-making;战略阻绝效应对战略联盟决策的影响分析
16.Chinese communists strategy change and deployment in enemy s rear area in Northern China in the early periodduring Anti Japanese War;抗战初期中共关于战略转移的决策和华北敌后抗战的战略部署
17.Decision Analysis of Coal-electricity Vertical Integration Strategy in Power Plant;发电企业煤电一体化战略的决策分析
18.Research on Corporation Strategic Human Resource Outsourcing Model;企业战略人力资源外包决策模型研究

strategic decision-making战略决策
1.Board Composition,Strategic Decision-making and Firm Performance;董事会结构、战略决策参与程度与公司绩效
2.Study on influential elements of strategic decision-making of MNCs;跨国公司战略决策影响要素研究
3.According to characteristics of the strategic decision-making simulation, the concept of the Integrated Simulation Engine (ISE) is described.按照战略决策模拟的特点,定义了综合模拟引擎的概念,在此基础上,提出了综合模拟引擎三层体系结构和两种工作模式。
3)Strategy decision战略决策
1.Application of constraint-based cost accounting to strategy decision is researched in the paper.研究了基于TOC的会计成本核算法在战略决策中的应用。
2.The article analyses contents about strategy decision of the Power Supplying System in two aspects from interior condition to exterior environment and educes to IFEM(inside factor evaluation matrix) and EFEM (exterior factor evaluation matrix).从内部条件和外部环境两方面分析了供电企业经营战略决策的内容 ,得出了内部与外部因素评价矩阵 (IFEM、EFEM )。
3.By using timing game theory it is discussed that under high uncertainty and competition how two identical firms make strategy decisions in adopting a new information technology.针对不确定环境中,竞争状态下企业的信息技术更新的战略决策问题,运用时间博弈的理论与方法,建立了双头垄断竞争状态下,企业信息技术更新的三种战略决策模型,即开放式、反馈式和竞争式战略决策模型。
4)strategic decision making战略决策
1.An Empirical Study of the Influence of Corporate Culture on Strategic Decision Making;企业文化对企业战略决策影响的实证研究
2.Rational determination of mine's continuous throughput is an important strategic decision making of production and development of underground mines.合理确定生产矿井的持续生产能力是矿井生产和发展的重要战略决策
3.The author pointed out that science and technology competitive intelligence could provide basis to national science and technology strategic decision making,and was the key elements in national technology innovation,and it could show the develo.论文首先分析了国家科技创新中的竞争情报需求问题,其后对科技竞争情报在国家科技创新决策中的作用进行了详细阐述,指出科技竞争情报是国家科技战略决策的依据和前提,是国家开展技术创新的关键因素,是高新技术产业发展的风向标,是建立科技预警机制的强力支撑,也是建设科技保障体系保护科技安全的重要手段。
5)Strategy Decision-making战略决策
1.Application of Joint Programming of C++Builder and MATLAB to the Enterprise Intelligentized Strategy Decision-making;C++Builder与MATLAB混合编程在企业智能化战略决策中的应用
2.Discussion on problem solving method for strategy decision-making based on SDS200X;SDS200X中战略决策问题求解方法探讨
3.According to the strategy decision-making theory, there are four partsof the decision-making proce.中国的这种战略选择,是否是中国的最佳选择?这个问题需要从战略决策理论的角度来进行分析和论证。
6)stratagey and decision making战略及决策
