衡算,balance calculation
1)balance calculation衡算
1.Balance calculation of available energy in HT & LT cascade shift system;中变串低变系统的有效能衡算

1.near real time material accountancy近实时物料衡算管理
2.Joint CMA+DDLMS blind equalization algorithm联合CMA+DDLMS盲均衡算
3.The Algorithm of Adaptive Equalization Based on Improved PSO Algorithm基于改进PSO算法的自适应均衡算
4.Comparison between different equalization algorithms in SC-FDE单载波频域均衡技术中均衡算法的比较
5.A Load-Balancing Algorithm for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Parallel Computers并行计算稀疏矩阵乘以向量的负载平衡算
6.Calculation of Heat Balance in Chemical Reaction Course;化学反应过程中热量衡算——焓差计算技巧
7.Caloric Calculation of Monotype Evaporator and Margin Calculation of Diathermanous Average Temperature;单效蒸发器的热量衡算与传热平均温度差计算
8.Research of genetic algorithm optimization neural network weights blind equalization algorithm based on real number coding遗传算法优化神经网络权值盲均衡算法的研究
9.Common System of Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials核材料衡算和控制共同制度
10.equilibrium point algorithm for computing计算中的平衡点算法
11.Calculation for Equilibrium Silt Concentration,Equilibrium Depth and Seabed Evolution平衡含沙量、平衡水深与海床冲淤计算
12.warhead material balance and accounting弹头物质平衡和核算
13.a unit for measuring computer memory.衡量计算机存储的单位。
14.balance of the state budget system国家预算系统平衡表
15.Ance on balance redress the balance strike a balance tip the balanceincome and expenditure to be equal平衡预算(使收支相抵)
16.balance the budget,ie arrange for income and expenditure to be equal平衡预算(使收支相抵).
17.The government balances the budget in the beginning of every year.政府每年年初平衡预算。
18.Study on the Calculation of Chemical and Phase Equilibrium in Complex System;复杂体系化学平衡及相平衡计算方法的研究

material balance物料衡算
1.Moreover,feasible operation parameters and material balance were also obtained based on the results of purification experiments.本工作根据乙酸甲酯体系制备生物柴油的特点,提出了相应的生物柴油后处理精制工艺,并根据实验研究给出了可行的操作工艺参数及物料衡算,所得成品精生物柴油符合DINE 51606质量标准。
2.The material balance table has been also arranged.5万t·a-1甲醛生产装置进行了物料查定 ,以工厂生产参数和分析结果为依据 ,计算了反应原料的氧醇比、水醇比、配料浓度 ,校核了反应器的选择性、转化率、收率 ,列出了物料衡算
3.The article introduces the stable simulation method of material balance , which is carried out by means of sequential model,in the ammonia synthetic circle of Braun technology.用序贯模块法对布朗三塔串联氨合成圈系统进行物料衡算
3)heat balance热量衡算
1.The PVC polymerization process was controlled comprehensively and optimumly by fully utilizing the powerful functions of DCS system and using such means as model control,fuzzy logic control,variable PID parameter control,program control,heat balance estimation control,series control and DCS inside blocking.充分利用DCS系统的强大功能,采用模型控制、模糊逻辑控制、变PID参数控制、程序控制、热量衡算预估控制、串级控制、DCS内部分程等手段,对PVC聚合反应过程进行优化综合控制。
2.Based on thermodynamic analysis,a precise method for heat balance of chemical reactor was presented.植根于热力学分析 ,提出严谨的反应器热量衡算方法 ,对国内外一些论著中的疑点、误点进行了辨析 ,得出了理想流动反应器之一的平推流反应器 (plugflowreactor)热衡算精确、通用的新型微分方程和过程方程 ,试图为精确进行反应器的热量衡算重新探讨理论依据。
3.The heat balance of technological process for distill citrals out from litsea cubeba oil has been developed, which shows that the consumptions of the rectifying energy were relatively small.对山苍子油蒸馏提取柠檬醛的工艺过程进行热量衡算,给出了原料和能量消耗计算结果。
4)mass balance物料衡算
1.,the mass balance in gas outlet pipe,liquid outlet pipe and anode gas-liquid separator at three kinds of load,that was 100%,80% and 120%,were carried out.针对中国石化齐鲁股份公司氯碱厂5万t/a离子膜烧碱装置运行中出现的阳极气液分离器内压力升高的现象,分别进行了100%、80%和120%3个不同负荷下,气相出料管线、液相出料管线和阳极气液分离器的物料衡算,结论是气液分离器规格小,分离空间不足。
2.On the base of it, the mass balance and heat balance, the amount of the raw material, the supplement material and water, electricity, stream were determined respectively.在设计过程中开展了可行性研究,进行了详细的工艺论证,对每个工艺过程进行分析,并且在此基础上进行了物料衡算、热量衡算、确定原辅材料用量,以及水、电、汽耗量,对主要设备进行选型,最后进行投资估算和成本核算。
5)water budget水量衡算
1.Planted with Phragmites australis and unplanted wetlands were constructed to compare organic matter removal from domestic wastewater based on water budget.构建了芦苇和无植物人工湿地,在系统水量衡算的基础上比较了两种湿地对生活污水中有机物的去除效果。
6)equilibrium calculation平衡计算

汤衡汤衡 汤衡   南宋医家。东阳(今属浙江)人,世医出身,祖汤民望、父汤麟为进士,尝著《婴孩妙诀》99卷,而《宋史·艺文志》记为《汤民望婴孩妙诀论》。另尚有《博济婴儿宝书》(一名《明验方》二十卷),均佚。