配气系统,Gas supply system
1)Gas supply system配气系统
1.This paper analyses the problems of gas supply system design for ultrahigh buildings.分析了超高层建筑配气系统设计应注意的问

1.Study on Compressed Natural Gas(CNG) Distribution System of Small Town;小城镇压缩天然气(CNG)配气系统研究
2.Study on Nonlinear Dynamics of Valve System of Internal Combustion Engine内燃机配气系统的非线性动力学研究
3.Research on OHC Valve System of Vehicle s Engine;车用发动机顶置凸轮配气系统的研究
4.Gun-Boring Technologic Application on Processing Inlet and Exhaust System of Diesel Engine;枪镗工艺在柴油机配气系统加工中的应用
5.Change Spark and Compound Gas Systerm of Auto bySensors Techniques;用传感技术改造汽车的点火及配气系统
6.On Four-stroke Engine Valve System Controlled by Electro-liquid;四行程发动机电─液控制配气系统的研究
7.fan and duct system配有气槽的抽气扇系统
8.hydrogen production and distribution system氢气发生和储配系统
9.Study on 4-Valve Engine Valve-Train System发动机四气门配气机构系统分析研究
10.Electrical Riser: A room containing a distribution board or medium voltage distribution cabling电气管井: 装有配电盘或中压配电系统的房间.
11.Research and Development of the Automatic Equipment for Assembling Valve Core;全自动气门芯装配系统的研究与开发
12.Optimization of Load Distribution of Vibration Isolation System of Air-spring;空气弹簧隔振系统载荷分配优化研究
13.Research on Matching and Inflation/Deflating of Suspension System in ECAS-Bus;ECAS客车悬架系统的匹配与充放气研究
14.The Application of SCADA System in the Monitoring System of Coal Pipeline System in Cities;SCADA系统在城市煤气输配管网监控系统中的应用
15.Reliability Allocation of Flue Gas Desulphurization and Control Systems包含控制系统的烟气脱硫系统可靠性分配
16.Electronic Control System for Variable Valve-Timing and Valve Lift可变气门配气相位和升程电子控制系统
17.Research on Optimal Distribution Production of Gas Well & Reserves and Software System Design;气井及气藏优化配产方法研究及软件系统设计
18.AVEO also has comprehensive passive safety support features such as the Siemens SRS dual-airbag system for the front passengers前排配备先进的德国西门子 SRS 双气囊系统;

gas-mixed system燃气配气系统
3)gas-distribution piping system配气管网系统
1.Using system analytical method, a mathematical model for evaluating the efficiency of gas-distribution piping system was established, and the illation was made about efficiency of it in the realm of evaluation.利用系统分析方法,建立了评价配气管网系统效率的数学模型,并延伸出评价区域配气管网效率的数学模型。
4)natural gas transmission and distribution system天然气输配系统
1.The requirements for valves in urban natural gas transmission and distribution system and the selection of materials for valve body are introduced,and the scope of application for different natural gas valves and the matters needing attention in the selection are analyzed.介绍了城市天然气输配系统阀门的要求和阀门壳体材质的选用。
5)gas transmission and distribution system燃气输配系统
1.Based on the establishing safety evaluating index of city gas transmission and distribution system,a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of gas transmission and distribution system is established using fuzzy mathematic principle.在建立城市燃气输配系统安全性评价指标体系的基础上,应用模糊数学原理,建立了燃气输配系统安全性的模糊综合评价模型,用其对某城市燃气输配系统进行了安全性模糊综合评价,获得了满意的结果。
2.This paper has collected the statistical accident data of city gas transmission and distribution system, including gas network and gas user.根据城市燃气输配系统中城市燃气管网和城市燃气用户事故的资料,分析了事故发生的原因,提出了防止对策。
3.According to examples of engineering, the economy of gas storage between high pressure pipeline and spherical gasholder is compared, and the utilization condition of gas storage with high pressure pipeline in gas transmission and distribution system is discussed.结合燃气输配系统实例,比较了高压管道与球罐储气的经济性,讨论了高压管道在城市燃气输配系统中的使用条件。
6)air and water distribution system配气布水系统

动力机械:内燃机配气机构控制内燃机进气和排气的机构。内燃机在完成一个工作循环以后﹐为了持续地工作必须将膨胀作功后的废气排出气缸﹐并及时地吸入新鲜充量(空气或可燃混合气)。配气机构按内燃机各缸工作顺序﹐适时地开启和关闭进﹑排气门或进﹑排气口(见二冲程内燃机)﹐以保证充分换气。 布置形式 配气机构按气门在内燃机上布置的方式可分为侧置气门式和顶置气门式两类(图1 配气机构的布置形式 )。侧置气门式﹕结构简单﹐但进﹑排气阻力大﹐燃烧室难以设计得紧凑﹐抗爆震性和高速性都差﹐燃料消耗率又高﹐故现代内燃机很少采用﹐只在强化程度低的汽油机上还有采用的。顶置气门式﹕由于燃烧室紧凑﹐进﹑排气阻力小﹐可以增多内燃机的新鲜充量和提高汽油机的压缩比﹐内燃机的动力性能和经济性能都优于侧置气门式﹐在柴油机和汽油机中得到广泛应用。顶置气门式配气机构又可分为下置凸轮轴和顶置凸轮轴两种。后者的凸轮轴置于气缸盖上﹐凸轮直接或通过摇臂开启气门﹐由于没有挺柱和推杆﹐惯性力﹑振动和变形都较小﹐改善了内燃机的高速性能﹐在高转速﹑高性能的内燃机上获得更多的应用。 主要构件及其作用 配气机构通常由气门组﹑摇臂﹑挺柱﹑推杆﹑凸轮轴及其传动机构组成。图2 下置凸轮轴的顶置气门式配气机构 为下置凸轮轴的顶置气门式配气机构﹐这种型式应用最广。它由气门组﹑摇臂﹑推杆﹑挺柱和凸轮轴组成。 气门组﹕由气门﹑气门座﹑气门弹簧﹑气门弹簧座﹑锁片和气门导管组成。气门头部的锥面与气门座的内锥面紧密贴合﹐以保证密封。气门头部与气缸内的燃气直接接触。高温的燃气排出时流经排气门﹐可使排气门温度高达600~900℃。进气门温度约为300~400℃。因此要求气门材料耐热﹑耐磨和耐腐蚀。通常排气门采用耐热合金钢﹐进气门采用普通合金钢。气门座可以在气缸盖上或机体上直接镗出﹐但考虑到它在高温下工作﹐磨损严重﹐所以通常用耐热合金钢或合金铸铁制成单独的环形气门座圈﹐压入气缸盖或机体﹐以便于磨损后更换气门座。气门导管的作用是引导气门上下移动﹐并使气门头部锥面与气门座紧密贴合。气门导管通常用铸铁或粉末冶金制成﹐压入气缸盖或机体。气门弹簧用来保证气门关闭时能使气门头部锥面与气门座贴紧。