热核聚变,hot fusion
1)hot fusion热核聚变
1.This article describes the arguments of cold fusion research, lists recent experimental identifications of cold fusion, including abnormal fusion: Fleischmann- Pons effect, normal fusion at room temperature, abnormal fusion products in the hot fusion.简要介绍了冷聚变研究的争论,列举最近冷聚变研究的令人信服的实验证据,包括:反常核聚变——Fleischmann-Pons效应的实验;常温下的正常核聚变,热核聚变反应中的反常核产物的实验证据。
2.Based on a lot of foreign publications, this article describes experimental identifications of cold fusion, including abnormal fusion: Fleischmann-Pons effect, normal fusion at room temperature, abnormal fusion products in the hot fusion.本文根据国外发表的一系列资料,简单介绍最近冷聚变研究的令人信服的实验证据,包括:反常核聚变:Fleischmann_Pons效应的实验证实,常温下的正常核聚变,热核聚变反应中的反常核产物的实验证据。

1.Systems of this sort are being used in an effort to produce controlled thermonuclear fusion reactions.这类系统正用于产生受控热核聚变反应的探索。
2.Preliminary tesign of cooling proposals of correction coils for international thermal-nuclear experimental reactor国际热核聚变堆校正场线圈冷却方案初步设计
3.R&D of Low Temperature Superconducting Wire for ITER国际热核聚变(ITER)用低温超导线研究进展
4.Between 1990-92, through experimentation, thermonuclear fusion reaction was achieved through the method of indirect driving, and thermonuclear neutron was observed.接着在1990-1992年间通过实验,用间接驱动方式实现热核聚变反应,观察到了热核中子。
5.The ITER fusion project demonstrates a solidity of purpose that is sorely lacking across the rest of the energy research spectrum.国际热核聚变能源研究项目〔TER〕明了能源研究其它领域非常缺乏的目的上的一致性。
6.The ITER project, admirable though it is, should be merely a component of a concerted effort.国际热核聚变能源研究计划,尽管绝妙,本来应当只不过是整个能源研究开发协调努力的一部分。
7.Controlled nuclear fusion and ITER project可控核聚变与国际热核实验堆(ITER)计划
8.To cause to undergo nuclear fission or fusion.使裂变或聚变使遭受核裂变或聚变
9.fusion fission hybrid reactor核聚变裂变混合反应堆
10.driven magnetic fusion reactor从动磁核聚变反应堆
11.laser induced fusion source激光引发的核聚变源
12.nuclear fusion reactor triggered by laser激光触发核聚变反应堆
13.Nuclear energy-Light water reactors?Calculation of the decay heat power in nuclear fuels核能--轻水堆核燃料衰变热功率的计算
14.fusion device at lawrence radiation laboratory劳伦斯辐射研究所的核聚变装置
15....for the sole purpose of creating successful fusion.唯一的目的便是创造成功的核聚变
16.a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fusion to generate energy.用受控核聚变控制能量产生的反应堆。
17.experimental fusion device of magnetic mirror type磁镜型实验用核聚变装置
18.Nuclear fusion is the energy source that keeps the sun alive.核聚变是使太阳保持活力的能源。

controlled thermonulcear fusion[核]受控热核聚变
3)thermonuclear fusion热核反应,热核聚变
4)controlled thermonuclear fusion受控热核聚变
1.After 50 years of research on controlled thermonuclear fusion, a new stage will be reached in 2003, when a site for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project will be chosen to start the construction.受控热核聚变研究在发展了 5 0年后 ,在 2 0 0 3年进入了一个新的阶段 ,国际热核聚变实验堆项目将最后选址开工 。
5)laser for thermonuclear fusion热核聚变用激光
6)fusion power热核能,聚变能
