堵腔效应,Hohlraum closure
1)Hohlraum closure堵腔效应
1.According to XFC image manipulation by MATLAB and measurement of radiation temperature,hohlraum closure of Au plasma generally will not occur in hohlraums with sizes of 1 000 μm×1 800 μm and 1 200 μm×2 100 μm,on condition that there is no gas and low-Z filling in hohlraum,by laser beams with 351 nm wavelength,2.5 ns时出现明显的Au等离子体堵腔效应;当腔尺寸放大到1。
2)blocking effect堵塞效应
1.Accordingly,the severe blocking effect and the lints of ho theroy are revealed.简单叙述转动惯量的奇偶差,并详细分析了造成准粒子激发带转动惯量之间的关系Rod和Rexp不符的物理机制,进而揭示堵塞效应的重要影响及BCS理论的局限性。
2.Based on our calculation the configurations of the six superdeformed bands are assigned and the influence of blocking effects of proton and neutron on moments of inertia is investigated in detail.根据我们的PNC计算结果 ,分别指定了194 Tl的 6条超形变带的组态 ,详细分析了质子和中子的堵塞效应对转动惯量的影响 。

1.Double-Blocking Effects of Normally Deformed Band[411]1/2 in Odd-A Nucleus ~(171)Tm;正常形变奇A核~(171)Tm的[411]1/2带的双重堵塞效应
2.Chemical Treatment for Blockage Removal in Ansai Oilfield and Its Result化学解堵技术在安塞油田的应用及效果分析
3.Presumably reactive surfaces become blocked.反应表面可能被堵塞了。
4.The airway management function of fiberoptic bronchoscopy on the acute airway blocking diseases支气管镜在急性气道堵塞性疾病中的应用及疗效观察
5.The ultrasonic root canal treatment of curved,fine and obstructed root canal in 146 cases应用超声波根管治疗仪治疗146例弯曲、狭窄和堵塞根管的效果分析
6.Study on Plugging of Huanxi Heavy Oil Reservoir and Application of Deplugging Technology欢西稠油油藏堵塞研究及解堵技术的应用
7.What it can do: Dissolve pore-blocking debris.功效:可溶解堵塞毛孔的皮肤碎屑。
8.Failure Correlation Analysis of Urban Road Network城市道路网络失效(堵塞)相关性分析
9.Kaiser effect凯塞(Kaiser)效应
10.Development and Application of Bridge-plug Sealing Detection String in Thermal Production Well热采桥塞堵水验封管柱的创新与应用
11.An instance of clogging or obstructing.阻塞堵塞或淤塞的实例
12.Bring Internal Auditing into Full Play and Plug Hole in Business;有效发挥内部审计作用堵塞企业经营漏洞
13.We need to strictly abide by law in tax administration, so that all taxes due are collected, and tax evasion and fraud are prevented.严格依法治税,做到应收尽收,堵塞"跑、冒、滴、漏"。
14.An analysis and countermeasures of high-pressure flow line clogging at Chongqing gas field重庆气矿高压采气管线堵塞分析及应对措施
15.Clogged pipes backed up drain water.阻塞的水管堵塞了沟水。
16.channeling effect and blocking effect沟道效应和阻塞效应
17.Clinical Study of Contraception Efficacy of the Non-occlusive Intra - Vas Device.非堵塞性输精管滤过装置节育术效果的临床研究
18.Studies on Performance of Purification and Influence on Clogging of Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands with Different Filter Media;不同基质对垂直流人工湿地处理效果及堵塞影响研究

blocking effect堵塞效应
1.Accordingly,the severe blocking effect and the lints of ho theroy are revealed.简单叙述转动惯量的奇偶差,并详细分析了造成准粒子激发带转动惯量之间的关系Rod和Rexp不符的物理机制,进而揭示堵塞效应的重要影响及BCS理论的局限性。
2.Based on our calculation the configurations of the six superdeformed bands are assigned and the influence of blocking effects of proton and neutron on moments of inertia is investigated in detail.根据我们的PNC计算结果 ,分别指定了194 Tl的 6条超形变带的组态 ,详细分析了质子和中子的堵塞效应对转动惯量的影响 。
3)Occlusion effect堵耳效应
1.Occlusion effect of hearing aid earmold and its solution;助听器耳模的堵耳效应及解决方案
4)Pinhole closure堵孔效应
5)clogging effect淤堵效应
6)cavity effect空腔效应
1.For acetic acid,propionic acid and butyric acid with reducing of the inductive effect and increasing of the cavity effect,the apparent adsorption rated constant(k),the interaction energy between the absorbent and the absorbate and the affinity of the absorbate to the absor.实验结果表明:乙酸、丙酸和正丁酸,吸附速率常数k随着吸附质浓度的增大而逐渐减小;对乙酸、丙酸和正丁酸,因为诱导效应的减小和空腔效应的增大,表观吸附速率常数k是逐渐减小的;吸附质与吸附剂之间的相互作用能逐渐减小;吸附质对吸附剂的亲和能也逐渐减小。
2.The article introduced the visible emissivity and opening phenomena ——cavity effect which makes the emissivity and the absorptivity increa.这种由于辐射在空腔内多次反射和吸收使表面吸收率和表面发射率都增大的现象称之为"空腔效应"。
3.This characteristics of the cavity is so called cavity effect.由辐射性能一致的漫射表面组成的腔体,在温度一致的条件下,其辐射行为可以归结到由腔体开口的表现来描写,这就是所谓空腔效应。

瞬时空腔效应瞬时空腔效应temporary cavitation, effect of  shunshi k()ngq【iQng xiaoying瞬时空腔效应(’temp()rary cavitation,ef_fect of) 弹丸等高速投射物击中机体后,机体内瞬间形成急剧胀缩的空腔现象及所产生的致伤效应。5.56毫米枪弹击中狗后肢后1.616毫秒时的 高速X射线照片 高速投射物侵入机体时,产生很强的压力波(最高压力可达10兆帕以上)作用于原发伤道周围的弹性软组织,迫使其向外急剧扩张,形成巨大的空腔。空腔的最大直径可达投射物直径的10~30倍,但持续时间仅数毫秒。不同形状的投射物形成的空腔形状也有所不同。通常,空腔多呈椭圆形,在接近伤道人口和出口处,由于易受外界压力和进人气流的影响,其腔体较伤道中央部为小。当空腔膨胀时,一部分能量以弹性能的形式聚积于伤道周围组织中。这种弹性能力图使组织恢复原来的位置。在空腔的形成过程中,开始时压力最大,随着空腔的膨胀,压力随之一冈泽,当形成最大空腔时,压力降至最低点,即最大负压值。因而,当空腔膨胀至最大容积时,出现机体组织的弹性回缩,引起空腔迅速塌陷,经数次胀缩脉动后方消失。 在空腔的急剧扩张与收缩过程中,周围组织受到了挤压、牵拉和震荡,因而造成不同程度的损伤。用5.56毫米枪弹,以约950米/秒的撞击速度击中狗双后肢后1.616毫秒时拍摄的高速X射线照片见图。中央部分浅色区为巨大瞬时空腔,箭头显示弹丸射击方向。此外,空腔的反复胀缩,还会形成负压,可将异物等吸人,而引起伤道污染以至并发感染。 瞬时空腔的大小和损伤范围,取决于投射物传递给组织的能量和组织本身的力学特性。因而,不同的组织形成的空腔及所产生的致伤效应不同。例如,肌肉组织密度大而均匀、含水量多,易于吸收能量形成较大的空腔,损伤广泛;肺组织密度小、弹性大、含气多,因而损伤较轻;脑组织含水量多、粘滞性大,易于传递能量,常造成广泛的组织碎裂,并可使颅骨骨缝开裂;胃肠等有腔脏器,在形成瞬时空腔时,不仅造成局部损伤,还可通过其中的气体膨胀或液体传导,引起远隔部位的粘膜损伤以至穿孔。(王正国)