非人类物种,Non-human species
1)Non-human species非人类物种

1.Selecting Terrestrial Reference Organisms for Assessment of Radiation Impact on Non-human Species in the Area near a Nuclear Installation我国某核场址非人类物种辐射影响评价中陆生参考生物的选择
2.Radiation is now the unnatural creation of man's tampering with the atom.辐射是当今人类通过支配原子而得到的一种非自然的创造物。
3.a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind).离得非常近的观察者;观看事物(如不同种类的展览)的人。
4.Accommodation in Renal Allograft in Presensitized Nonhuman Primates诱导非人灵长类动物预致敏同种肾脏移植“适应”的研究
5.This food is not fit for human consumption.这种食物不宜人类食用.
6.The continued desiccation of the African landscape limited the amount and variety of edible plant foods available to hominids.由于非洲大地上的乾旱趋势不变,人类仰赖的食用植物资源,种类与数量都受到限制。
7.treated natives as subhuman; a subhuman spectacle; the subhuman primates.非人的对待土著;非人的景象;低于人类的灵长类动物。
8.Researchers' skepticism is fueled in part by their professional aversion to anothropomorphism, the very nonscientific tendency to attribute human qualities to nonhumans.人格化是把人类的特性强加到非人类事物上的非常不科学的做法。
9.Any of several similar plants, such as the African violet.堇菜属植物几种类似植物之一,如非洲紫苣苔
10.In this it has done mankind a great disservice.这种做法对人类危害非浅。
11.Royal jelly is greatly coveted by humans, for it is said to contain every vitamin and mineral the body needs.王浆是人类非常垂涎的,据说因为它含有人体所需的每一种维生素和矿物质。
12.Genetic control is an important component of the general management of nonhuman primate colonies.遗传学控制在非人灵长类动物人工繁殖种群诸多管理环节具有至关重要的作用。
13.Studies on the Introduction and Cultivar Classification of Canna;美人蕉属(Canna)植物引种与品种分类研究
14.nonhuman primates such as chimpanzees.例如黑猩猩等非人类灵长动物。
15.Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Non-human Primates非人灵长类动物精原干细胞研究进展
16.Alien 2: The human animals, grossly undersized.外星人2:人类这种动物真是矮小。
17.Subdivide the African population, as some taxonomists propose, and perceptions of scarcity may shift.如果把非洲象细分下去,就像物种分类学家所做的那样,人们对稀缺的敏感度也随之降低了。
18.At one time, the human species had a 2000-year life span.曾有一段时期,人类物种拥有2000年(人类年)的寿命。

non-human primate animal非人灵长类动物
1.This paper briefly introduced the contents,methods,steps and the main affecting factor of the fertilization and embryo transfer for non-human primate animal in vitro and non-human primate animal research direction in the future was proposed.简要介绍了非人灵长类动物体外受精与胚胎移植的内容、方法和步骤,影响其体外受精的主要因素,以及对未来非人灵长类动物的研究方向。
4)The human race;humankind.人种;人类
