交错刀片型,staggered blade-type
1)staggered blade-type交错刀片型
1.In order to improve the photon beam position monitor,a staggered blade-type photon beam position monitor was introduced.为了改进刀片型光位置检测器,给出了一种交错刀片型光位置检测器的设计,该检测器将狭缝为40 mm时的水平灵敏度提高到0。
2)interlocking side milling cutter交错侧铣刀
3)staggered tooth milling cutter交错齿铣刀
4)staggered fins交错鳍片
5)negative edge dislocation负刀型位错
1.This paper discusses the reason why OPS83 is selected as the developing toolfor expert systems in developing slot-mold-of-blade expert system DPCXES-1, and presents the improvements of OPS83.本文论述了在刀片槽型专家系统DPCXES-1开发过程中,选择专家系统开发工具OPS83的理由,并对OPS83进行了改进,介绍了DPCXES-1的结构及各功能模块的设计。

1.Study on Groove Optimization of Complex Three-Dimension Grooves Milling Insert;三维复杂槽型铣刀片槽型优选技术的研究
2.Design on 3D complex groove of turning inserts with ATLAB基于MATLAB的车刀片三维复杂槽型设计
3.Analysis on Temperature Field of Three-Dimensional Complex Groove Insert and Study on Groove Reconstruction Technique;三维复杂槽型铣刀片温度场分析及槽型重构技术研究
4.Stress Field Analysis and Evaluation for Milling Insert with Complex Groove;三维复杂槽型铣刀片应力场分析及评价
5.Study on the Chip-breaking Mechanism of Turning Inserts with 3-D Complex Groove at High Speed Cutting;高速切削三维复杂槽型车刀片断屑性能的研究
6.Study on Stress State of 3D Complex Groove Milling Insert in Cut-in Course三维复杂槽型铣刀片切入过程应力状态的研究
7.The Theory Analysis of Cut-in Type for Milling Insert with 3D Complex Groove and Its Exploiture Research;三维复杂槽型铣刀片切入类型理论分析及其开发研究
8.Research on Heating Density Function & Temperature Field Mathematical Model for Milling Insert with 3D Groove;三维槽型铣刀片受热密度函数与温度场数学模型的研究
9.In particular embodiments, the longitudinal ends of the blades are received in slots in the first and second plastic blocks.某几型产品中,刀片的纵向末端收藏于第一、根塑料块的凹槽内。
10.Research on Sticking Failure Mechanism and Failure Criterion for Milling Insert with 3D Groove;三维复杂槽型铣刀片粘结破损机理及破损判据的研究
11.Study on Force Density Function and Stress Field for Milling Insert with 3D Complex Groove;三维复杂槽型铣刀片受力密度函数及应力场的研究
12.Study on Measuring Technology and Choice of 3D Non-Uniform Groone of Milling Tools;三维铣刀片复杂槽型测量技术及优选技术的研究
13.Study on Measuring Methods and Chip Breaking Mechanism of 3D Non-Uniform Groove Cutting Tools;三维复杂槽型车刀片测量方法及切屑折断机理的研究
14.Research on Visualization and Evaluation Criteria of Temperature Field for Milling Insert with 3D Complex Groove;三维复杂槽型铣刀片温度场可视化及评价准则研究
15.Study on the Theory and Application of Cut-In Disrepair with 3D Complex Groove Wave-Edge Milling Insert三维复杂槽型铣刀片切入破损机理及其应用的研究
16.Experimental Study on Impact Disrepair of Complex Three-Dimension Groove Milling Inserts for Machining Carbon Structural Steel加工碳素结构钢的三维复杂槽型铣刀片冲击破损实验研究
17.The blades can be movable in the slots during shaving.剃削过程中,刀片能在凹槽内移动。
18.Research and Design of Indexable Inserts 3-Dimensional Chip-Breaking Grooves;可转位刀片三维断屑槽的研究及设计

interlocking side milling cutter交错侧铣刀
3)staggered tooth milling cutter交错齿铣刀
4)staggered fins交错鳍片
5)negative edge dislocation负刀型位错
1.This paper discusses the reason why OPS83 is selected as the developing toolfor expert systems in developing slot-mold-of-blade expert system DPCXES-1, and presents the improvements of OPS83.本文论述了在刀片槽型专家系统DPCXES-1开发过程中,选择专家系统开发工具OPS83的理由,并对OPS83进行了改进,介绍了DPCXES-1的结构及各功能模块的设计。

交错交错alternation  交错[aitemad.或目te~ce;~e户叫脚.州搜l,料砂珍(skew symm“‘ry),)荞对称(an‘i,symme‘ry) 张最代数的一种运算.它把给定的张量化为斜对称张量(在一组指标」).交错总是在儿个上标或儿个下标l进行的.例如,分量为{叫二汀,l续‘,,.j。簇。}的张量A是分量为仕}{火,1簇‘,大:簇”}的张量T在上标上关于指标集I二(i、,…,i,)的交错结果,如果 必_兮:共及。(I.。丫卜、·、“、 脚!瓜这个求和取遍I的所有m!个重排(置换)“二(仪,,·,比,),而数川I,叼为十1或一1,取决于对应的重排是偶或奇的.用类似的方式可定义在一组下标土的交错. 用方括一号把某些指标括起来可以表示在此指标集仁的交错,并把在括号内的不参与交错的指标用竖线隔开.譬如: ‘!一,一去}‘4231一,1234,,在指标集毛与几(I,C几)一上的逐次交错等同于在指标集12上的交错: tl,阮tll‘刃=坏l针 如果n是张量所基于定义的向量空间的维数,则经过个数大于n的指标集上的交错总是得到零张量.张量关于它的对称指标集(见对称化(张星的)(s ymmetri-zation(of tensol、)))的交错也得出零张量.在给定的指标集I的交错之一};保持不变的张量,就称为在I上斜移称的(skew一symme‘r,c)或挛错的(al‘erna‘,ng)·交换任意一对这样的指标将改变张量的分量的符号. 张量的交错运算与对称化运算可以用来把一个张量分解为一些更简单的张量. 两个张量相乘后再对所有指标取交错运算,所得结果称为交错积(alternated produet)(外积(exterlorProduCt)). 交错亦用来长具有一多指标项的形如(,)的符号交错的和.例如,元素关于乘法可交换的行列式可按公式 {创以 ! } {。?。卜.。: } 二,;!a!‘,二a:j二。!‘:}}二a:{来计算.