1.The Social Investigation into Natural Disasters Happening in Ancient Shangdang;上党古代灾异的社会考察

1.Enhancing the Mordernization of Party Education through Establishing Online Party-School;创建网上党校 推动党校教育现代化
2.The Party s Renovating on Jinggang Mountains--the First Seldom-known Rectification Movement in CCP s History;井冈山“洗党”——党史上鲜为人知的第一次整党运动
3.The government party wiped the floor with the floor with the opposition in the last elections.在上届竞选中,执政党大胜反对党。
4.The Democrats outvoted the Republicans.民主党人在票数上胜过共和党人。
5.To Ensure the Mental Progress of the College Student Party Members;大学生党员要切实保证从思想上入党
6.On the Two Significant Ideological Construction Events in the CPC History;中共党史上的两次重大思想建党活动
7.A Historical Study of Contradiction between and Amalgamation of the Kuomintang and the Youth League of Three Principles of the People (Part One);关于“党团矛盾”、“党团合并”的历史考察(上)
8.on the Democratic slate在民主党候选人名单上.
9.Do you think the Conservative Party will get in?你认为保守党能上台吗?
10.The Labor Party came into power in 1945.1945 年工党上台执政。
11.make Nazi in character.在性质上成为纳粹党人。
12.domination of a political organization by a party boss.政党上司控制政治组织。
13.He has in fact betrayed the party.事实上,他出卖了党。
14.According to the Party Constitution, when an issue comes up for decision, Party members may freely voice their views at Party meetings or in the Party's newspapers and journals.党章规定,在问题没有作出决定以前,在党的会议上或在党的报刊上,党员都可以自由发表意见。
15.Experience has shown time and again that many members, although they have joined the Party organizationally, have not or not fully joined ideologically.过去无数的经验证明,不少党员在组织上虽然入了党,在思想上却还没有入党,或者没有完全入党。
16.There are many Party members who have joined the Communist Party organizationally but have not yet joined the Party wholly or at all ideologically.有许多党员,在组织上入了党,思想上并没有完全入党,甚至完全没有入党。
17.They ask for a two-party system as in the West, with one party in office and the other in opposition.他们要求实行西方的两党制,这一党在台上,那一党在台下。
18.The Chinese Youth Party (CYP) and the Chinese Nationalist Party (CNP) are two influential parties in Chinese political circle.国民党和青年党,是两个在中国政坛上有重大影响的政党。

Shangdang Basin上党盆地
1.Shangdang Basin lies in the Loess Plateau in Shanxi.上党盆地地处黄土高原 ,由于历史上的连年战乱、毁林开垦、近期人口膨胀等因素 ,使广大地区天然植被遭到反复破坏 ,导致生态环境退化、生态平衡失调。
3)Shangdang culture上党文化
4)online party school网上党校
1.Establishing online party schools is an inevitable trend of the times and it embodies the spirit of this era——keeping pace with the times;As colleges actively explores new ways of education in party school,the online party schools flourish now;under the guide of the important thought of "Three Represents" and the.以信息化、网络化推动党校教育现代化是新时期党校工作保持生机与活力的重要途径,创建网上党校是时代发展的必然趋势,体现了与时俱进的时代精神;各高校积极探索党校教育新途径,网上党校蓬勃发展;以“三个代表”思想和十六大精神指导网上党校工作,探索网上党校教育规律,不断改进提高,开创网上党校新局面。
5)party online政党上网
6)Offer Shangdang献上党

上党上党,《释名》曰:“党,所也,在山上其所最高,故曰上党也。”上党地区位于今天山西省的东南部,主要为长治、晋城两市.它是由群山包围起来的一块高地。其东部、东南部是太行山脉,与今河北、河南二省分界;西南部为王屋、中条二山,与今河南省分界;西面是太岳山脉;北面为五云山、八赋岭等山地。上党地区地高势险,自古为战略要地,狄子奇《国策地名考》曰“地极高,与天为党,故曰上党”,其意即此。上党战役解放战争初期,晋冀鲁豫解放区部队在山西长治(古称上党郡)地区粉碎国民党军进犯的战役。故称此次战役为上党战役。1945年8月中、下旬,国民党第二战区司令长官阎锡山遵照蒋介石的命令,调集所部19军军长史泽波率领1.7万余人,在日伪军的配合下,向晋冀鲁豫解放区的长治地区进攻,企图占领整个晋东南地区。晋冀鲁豫军区司令员刘伯承、政委邓小平遵照中共中央军委“针锋相对,寸土必争”的方针和关于彻底消灭进犯之敌的指示,集中部队3.1 万人,9月10日发起上党战役。首先收复屯留、长子等四城。自9月20日起,从东、西、南三面合围长治。阎锡山急调第7集团军副总司令彭毓斌率领3个军8个师2.3万人,从太原出发南下,增援长治。晋冀鲁豫军区部队以一部兵力继续围攻长治,主力北上消灭援军。10月2日,将援军合围于屯留西北地区,经4昼夜激战,国民党军除2千余人逃回沁县外,其余全部被歼。长治守军待援无望,于8日向西突围,企图逃回浮山、翼城。晋冀鲁豫区太岳部队跟踪追击,至12日将其歼灭于沁河以东之将军岭、桃川地区,上党战役胜利结束。此役,共歼灭国民党军3.5万人,击毙彭毓斌,生俘史泽波等10余名师长以上将领,有力地配合了重庆谈判斗争。