综合防灾,comprehensive disaster prevention
1)comprehensive disaster prevention综合防灾
1.As an important part of master plan, urban comprehensive disaster prevention & reduction plan is interrelated with many professional plans.城市综合防灾减灾规划是城市总体规划中一项非常重要的综合规划, 与城市总体规划中的各项专业规划密切相关,综合防灾减灾规划的内容与要求应融入在城市规划的所有内容和规划的全过程中。

1.Urban Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Planning:A Case Study of the Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Planning in Lue-yang,China城市综合防灾规划探析——以略阳县城综合防灾规划为例
2.Study on Defence Standard and Policies of Urban Disaster Prevention;城市综合防灾设防目标和设防政策研究
3.Research on the Principle and Strategies of Comprehensive Plan of Disaster Prevention and Relief for Towns小城镇综合防灾减灾规划原则与策略刍议
4.Research on the Mode of Comprehensive Plan of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation for Town小城镇综合防灾减灾规划编制模式研究
5.Research on Methords of Chinese Urban Comprehensive Disarster Prevention Plan;我国城市综合防灾规划编制方法研究
6.Measure and Evaluation on Public Disaster Prevention:Taking Shanghai City for Example;公众综合防灾意识测评——以上海市为例
7.The Concept of Integrated Disaster Prevention in Building Standard--The Discussion of Integration between Japan's "Building Standards Law" and Disasters,Building disaster prevention建筑标准的综合防灾理念——试论日本《建筑标准法》与灾害、建筑综合防灾的融合性
9.Study on Optimizing Urban Form Based on Urban Calamity Prevention;基于城市综合防灾的城市形态优化研究
10.Study on Spatial Decision Support System for Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Plan for Water Supply System;给水工程综合防灾规划空间决策支持系统研究
11.Exploration of establishing integrated disaster prevention standard system for engineering construction构建工程建设综合防灾标准体系的探讨
12.Synthentical Prevention on Both Power System Blackouts and Power Market Crashes;电力系统物理灾难与经济灾难的综合防御
13.The Government Precautions against Calamities and City Disaster Alleviation in Japan;日本政府防灾行政管理及都市综合减灾规划
14.Management of Lightning Protection and Disaster Reduction, and Research on Application and Development of Integrative Lightning Protection and Disaster Reduction Technology;防雷减灾管理及综合防雷减灾技术的应用和发展研究
15.The Comprehensive Assessment of Geological Environment and Disasters Preventioncure in Shenfu Dongsheng Mining Area;神府东胜矿区地质环境综合评价与灾害防治
16.The Reciprocity and Synyheyic Prevention and Cure Measure on Ground Water and Other Geologic Hazard in Tunnel;隧道水害与地质灾害相互作用及综合防治研究
17.Integrated Research for Karst Soil-void (Sinkhole Collapse) Hazard of Linear Engineering;线性工程路基岩溶土洞(塌陷)灾害防治综合研究
18.The Characteristics of the Natural Disasters and Its Defenses Countermeasures in Fujian Island Area;福建海岛地区自然灾害特征与综合防御对策

integrated disaster prevention综合防灾
1.Exploration of establishing integrated disaster prevention standard system for engineering construction构建工程建设综合防灾标准体系的探讨
3)Comprehensive Disaster Prevention division综合防灾课
4)comprehensive plan of disaster prevention and mitigation综合防灾减灾
1.The paper concludes the restricts in the comprehensive plan of disaster prevention and mitigation through the research on the characteristics of towns,such as lower disaster kinds,unreachable threshold of equipments,lower economic power,lower planning level and lack of manage foundation,so the planning mode of big cities is not suited for towns.通过对小城镇特色的研究,总结出我国小城镇在综合防灾减灾规划领域内存在有灾害种类相对较少、防灾设施无法达到门槛规模、经济条件较差、规划水平难以保证、管理依据欠缺等多方面条件的制约,因此无法套用大中型城市的综合防灾减灾规划编制模式。
5)comprehensive urban disaster prevention城市综合防灾
1.Starting with the analysis of the effect caused by Wenchuan earthquake,this paper states the importance and main problems of comprehensive urban disaster prevention planning in China.从四川汶川地震灾害造成的影响分析入手,阐述了城市综合防灾规划的重要性,并指出当前我国城市综合防灾规划存在的主要问题,认为城市综合防灾规划应该贯彻于城市总体规划的始终,并尝试提出了城市特别是大城市的多心组团布局结构模式,阐释了其在减灾救灾方面的优越性。
6)comprehensive mitigation of earthquake disaster综合抗震防灾
