近代安徽,Modern Anhui
1)Modern Anhui近代安徽
1.Study on the Improvement and Popularization of Crop Breeds in Modern Anhui近代安徽农作物品种改良与推广事业述论
2.In modern Anhui, natural disasters occur frequently.近代安徽自然灾害极其频繁,水灾、旱灾、蝗灾、震灾等破坏性较大灾害的发生频率都较鸦片战争以前为高。

1.The Railroads of Anhui Province in Modern History and Their Contributions to the Social Economy;近代安徽铁路及其与社会经济的发展
2.The Natural Disaster and the Crumple of Country Order in Modern Anhui;近代安徽自然灾害与乡村秩序的崩坏
3.Background and Characteristics of the Educational Exchange between Modern Anhui and the Western World;近代安徽与西方教育交流的背景与特点
4.Analyzing Vicissitude of Market Trading in Modern Anhui s Jiang-Huai Areas;试论近代安徽江淮地区集市贸易的变迁
5.Study on the Improvement and Popularization of Crop Breeds in Modern Anhui近代安徽农作物品种改良与推广事业述论
6.Self-Rescue and Relief:Civil Society's Aid to Disasters in Modern Anhui自救与赈济:近代安徽民间社会对灾荒的救助
7.Researching into the administering income and expense of the clan field in modern Anhui province--beginning from the word of "nine tenthes persons of administering public property become rich by corruption";近代安徽族田收支管理研究——从“十家管公九家富”谈起
8.The Geographical Distribution and Its Characters of Anhui Intellectuals in Mordern History of China安徽近代文化人物的地理分布与特征
9.A Probe into Construction and Its Causes of Anhui Chizhou Polder Land since Modern Times;近代以来安徽池州圩田的兴建及其成因初探
10.A Summary of the Symposium on "Three Families in Anhui and Modern Chinese Industries"“安徽三大家族与近代中国实业”学术研讨会综述
11.Prevention and Relief:Governments Relieving and Controlling Anhui Disasters in modern Times预防与赈济:近代官府对安徽灾荒的救治
12.The Opening of the Hangzhou-Huizhou Highway Built before Liberation and the Modernization of Huizhou Urban Life近代杭徽公路的开通与徽州市镇社会近代化
13.Effect of Chinese Country Fair Trade on Modern Social Transition-Anhui Area as Example;集市贸易在近代社会转型中的作用——以安徽地区为例
14.Comparative Study on Structural Characteristics and Causes of Cultural Figures in Modern Huizhou and Anqing近代徽州与安庆地区文化人物的结构特征及其成因比较研究
15.Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Maximum Temperature Variations in Recent 45 Years in Anhui安徽省近45年最高气温时空变化特征
16.Influence of Myopia on Life Among Medicos in Anhui近视对安徽省医科大学生生活的影响
17.On the Shang Period Bronze Zun Vase Unearthed from Liu an City,Anhui;对安徽六安市出土商代青铜尊的认识
18.Anhui 14285 17490 23939安徽142851749023939

modern Anhui province近代安徽
1.Researching into the administering income and expense of the clan field in modern Anhui province——beginning from the word of "nine tenthes persons of administering public property become rich by corruption";近代安徽族田收支管理研究——从“十家管公九家富”谈起
3)Anhui modern architecture安徽近代建筑
1.With the study on culture background and value of the Anhui modern architecture,this paper focuses on Anhui modern architecture s basic types:Anhui modern architecture in time of the West movement,traditional architecture in time of typlogical modernization,Anhui s modern west architesture,modern industrial building,and modern building in Japan occupied tim分析了安徽近代建筑文化背景及其价值 ,对安徽近代建筑进行了分类研究 ,认为安徽近代建筑主要有五种类型 :洋务运行影响下的近代建筑、近代转型中的传统建筑、安徽近代西方建筑、近代产业建筑和日据时期建筑。
4)Near-modern and Modern Civilization of Anhui Province安徽近现代文明
5)modern Huishang近代徽商
6)Qing Dynasty清代安徽
1.Country Clan and Its Effects on Basic Society in Anhui Province during Qing Dynasty from the Angle of Economic Community;从清代安徽经济社区看基层社会乡族组织的作用
