抗灾救灾,Disaster prevention andrelief
1)Disaster prevention andrelief抗灾救灾

1.Main Focuses of Improving Current Disaster Relief System from the Fight Against Large-scale Disasters of Frozen Rain and Snow in Several Provinces of South;完善我国当前抗灾救灾制度的主要着力点——从南方数省大规模抗击雨雪冰冻灾害说起
2.The hydraulic filter system is convenient to transport into devastated regions to supply water.水力过滤器安装运输方便,可作为抗灾救灾紧急供水设备。
3.Overall victory has been achieved in combating floods and the disaster-relief work.抗洪救灾取得全面胜利。
4.Model Company in Earthquake Relief Work in Tangshan唐山抗震救灾模范连
5.Applying Disaster Medicine Theory in Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief灾难医学理论在抗震救灾医疗救援中的应用
6."Relief of Scenic Area"--The Ideas and Practice of China National Park's Planning within Earthquake Relief“风景救灾”——抗震救灾中风景区规划思路与实践
7.Japan s Earthquake Relief Measures and the Lessons to be Drawn for the Recovery and Reconstruction of China s Earthquake-Stricken Areas;日本抗震救灾经验与我国地震灾区恢复重建
8.The Investigate Report of Job-relate Crime about Earthquake Relife and Reconstruction抗震救灾及灾后重建职务犯罪问题的调查报告
9.Social Mobilization for Earthquake Relief and After-Disaster Livelihood Reconstruction抗震救灾中的社会动员及灾后民生重建
10.On the governments' disaster relief in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Regions in the Anti-Japanese War论抗日战争时期陕甘宁边区政府的赈灾救灾
11.We must call all possible forces into action to combat the flood and provide disaster relief我们必须调动一切力量抗洪救灾。
12.Enlightenment of Earthquake Relief and Rescue in the Developed Countries;发达国家抗震救灾的有效方法及启示
13.Carrying forward the Spirit of Earthquake Relief Work While Going among the Masses to Promote Harmony;“深入群众促和谐”要弘扬抗震救灾精神
14.Characteristics of Reports after"5·12"Wenchuan Earthquake Relief“5·12”汶川大地震抗震救灾报道的特点
15.Comment on China's the Humanistic Spirit in Wenchuan Earthquake Relief汶川抗震救灾之中国人文精神的评述
16.Preserved Military Health Service Based on the Practice of Earthquake Medical Rescue of Military Hospital从军队医院抗震救灾实践看卫勤保全
17.Application of Tele-consultation Vehicle in Earthquake Relief远程医疗会诊车在抗震救灾中的应用
18.On the Model of Three-level Psychological Assistance in Earthquake Relief抗震救灾的三层次心理援助模式研究

earthquake disaster relief抗震救灾
1.Taking earthquake disaster relief action of Shaanxi Brigade of Armed Police in Sichuan magnitude 8.0级地震抗震救灾行动为例,探索了武警部队在抗震救灾行动中的作用。
2.In order to avoid the same big disaster happening in future earthquake,the designation idea shall change from "earthquake disaster relief" to .为了避免类似巨大灾难的再次发生,应从"抗震救灾"走向"防震减灾",对既有建筑的抗震能力进行鉴定和适当的加固,眼前的这些资金投入会在未来的地震中产生巨大的投入产出比。
3)Earthquake relief抗震救灾
1.Moral power——the highlights of Wenchuan earthquake relief;道德力量在汶川抗震救灾中闪光
2.Practice and thoughts on hospital medical information collection in earthquake relief;抗震救灾时期医院医学情报服务实践与思考
3.Function of hospital propaganda in emergency event from the view of news reporting in earthquake relief;从抗震救灾新闻报道看医院宣传在突发事件中的作用
4)earthquake relief work抗震救灾
1.The paper describes that the earthquake relief work of the high-speed and high-efficiency from the superiority of social system in China.文章概述了中国的快速和高效的抗震救灾工作是来自社会制度的优越性。
2.The long-standing spirit of the Chinese nation is highly promoted widely in 2008 s earthquake relief work from modern baptism to modern innovations,which are fast response,people s supervision,taking people as root,applying modern science,cohesion of modern society,publicity of information and facing to the world.源远流长的中华民族精神,在2008年抗震救灾中不仅得到高度弘扬,而且经历了现代洗礼,走向了现代创新。
3.GIS technology and geospatial data provides spatial services for earthquake relief work.利用GIS技术和地理空间数据为抗震救灾提供空间服务,为决策者提供辅助决策信息是抗震减灾的重要技术手段。
5)disaster relief抗震救灾
1.Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake and disaster relief;四川汶川地震与举国抗震救灾
2.The disaster relief is also a practice of the whole nation with the guidance of the socialist core value system.12"抗震救灾斗争中发挥了巨大的作用,经受了全面的检验,得到了重大的提升。
3.After Wenchuan earthquake, the health work of disaster relief in Sichuan made significant alchievement in the phasal sense and got the approvals of the Central Committee, ministry of health and provincial government.12"特大地震发生后,四川抗震救灾医疗卫生工作取得重大阶段性胜利,得到了党中央和国务院、卫生部和省委省政府领导的充分肯定。
6)earthquake rescue抗震救灾
1.Stomatological disaster medicine in earthquake rescue;口腔医学救护在抗震救灾中的重要作用
2.The XCY2002-1/200 field battle X-ray diagnosis vehicle is widely applied in earthquake rescue in field hospital.介绍了XCY2002-1/200野战X线诊断车在抗震救灾野战医院中的广泛应用,论述了其展开\撤收迅速、安装简单而稳定、操作灵活且功能强大、防护更安全的优点及其在供电系统、滤线器的使用、野战洗片机方面存在的不足之处,指出了XCY2002-1/200野战X线诊断车在野战医院具有很大的应用前景,但需进一步改进,以满足执行多样化军事斗争任务的能力。
