时段性,time period
1)time period时段性
1.On time period of breaking news communication;突发新闻传播的时段性分析

1.The modernity of Chinese poetics has its own quality of long-term, and has already entered the modernity two.中国诗学现代性具有自身的长时段性,现已进入现代2时段。
2.A Review of China s Civil Procedural Law Study;民事诉讼法学的发展维度——一个时段性分析
3.Saturate flow interval饱和流时段(间段)
4.Heart Rate Variability Analysis on ECG ST-segment Deviation Episodes Based on the Time-frequency Method;时频分析方法用于心电信号ST段偏移时段的心率变异性分析
5.The state or time of being a woman.成年女性成为女子的时间或阶段
6.In the meantime, they are lying again the repellent phase to the opposite sex.同时,他们又正处在对异性的排斥阶段。
7.Stability and L_2-Gain of Linear Parameter-Varying Subsection System线性时变分段参数系统的稳定性与L_2增益性能
8.The "Rear Area Films" is a dominant element in Chinese films in the period of anti-Japanese war.大后方电影是战时中国电影时段的主导性层面。
9.Sometimes, there was an introductory part, called yan, and a concluding part, called qu or luan."大曲"有时前面有相当于引子的"艳"段,后面有尾声性质的"趋"或"乱"段:
10.Lumbar segmental instability is a temporary phase in the degenerative process of the lumbar spine.腰椎节段性失稳是腰椎退变过程中一个暂时的阶段。
11.Natural Runoff Stage Analysis Controlled by the Least Duration of Each Stage of the Yellow River不同最小控制时段约束下黄河天然径流量变化阶段性
12.To suspend or cause to suspend activity temporarily or periodically.暂停暂时地或阶段性地推迟或使活动推迟
13.A period of acute depression can sometimes follow childbirth.分娩之后可能会有一段时间的急性抑郁期。
14.The Solutions Property of a Stage-structured Predator-Prey System with Time-delay;具有阶段结构和时滞的捕食系统的解的性态
15.A Comment on the Many Voices in the Discussion of New Englishes;未到尘埃落定时——英语变体研究的阶段性评述
16.Improving the Teaching Methods to Enhance the Contemporary Feature of the Teaching of "Thought Morality and Culture" Course;改进教学手段,增强“思想道德修养”课的时代性
17.Anomie & The Deviation of Means during Social Transtion Period in China;我国转型时期的社会失范与手段性越轨
18.Action Research on How to Improve infant s Initiative of Interaction During dask;利用黄昏时段,提高幼儿交往主动性的行动研究

regional and time-dependent characteristics区域性时段性
3)linear duration property线性时段性质
4)temporal duration property有序时段性质
5)separability of time intervals时段可分离性
1., inflow and water using in various periods and breaches in the paper.本文分时段、河段从来水和用水的角度探讨了造成黄河卜游断流的原因,通过分析得出如I;结论:2~5月份下游断流的主要原因是下游引黄耗水量大幅度增加和中游区间来水的减少;汛期下游断流的原因主要是全网耗水的增加、中游区间来水的减少和龙羊峡、刘家峡水库进入汛期蓄水运用阶段影响;龙、刘水库非汛期的补水有助于缓解厂游断流的程度,但中游区间来水的减少和上游引黄耗水量的增加削弱了龙、刘水库的补水作用;全河特别是下游引黄时间的提前导致下游首次发生断流的日期也相应前提。
2.Objective:To investigate the nursing workload and nursing human resource allocation of different period in order to provide evidence for the head nurse to arrange shifts reasonably and increase the work efficiency and effectiveness.目的:通过对呼吸内科临床护理工作量和护理人员结构的分时段调查分析,为病区护士长如何结合其病房特点,充分利用现有护理人力资源合理排班,提高工作效率和效能提供科学的依据。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-