湖北西部山区,Western mountain areas of Hubei
1)Western mountain areas of Hubei湖北西部山区

1.Discussion on Several Problems about Agricultural Economy Development in Western Mountain Areas of Hubei Province;湖北西部山区农业经济发展若干问题探讨
2.Probing into the Centralization SAtrategy of County Area Characteristic Industry in the Western Mountain Area in Hubei Province;湖北西部山区县域特色产业集聚化战略探讨
3.The area stretching from northern Kwangtung along the Hunan-Kiangsi border into southern Hupeh lies entirely within the Lohsiao mountain range.广东北部沿湖南江西两省边界至湖北南部,都属罗霄山脉区域。
4.Most of the species of Clematis from Hubei concentrate in the west montane region of Hubei.湖北铁线莲属大部分种类分布在鄂西山区。
5.To the north of the lake area are extensive flatlands which are divided into three sections, the east, the middle and the west.湖区以北是平原区,可分东、中、西三部分。
6.We tramped through the Lake District.我们徒步漫游英格兰西北部湖泊区。
7.Autonomy of Villagers and Consciousness of Clans at Mountain Villages of Southern Ethnic Areas --Taking Ethnic Villages of Western Hubei Province for Example;南方民族地区山村的村民自治与宗族意识——以湖北西部少数民族地区农村为例
8.A Strategic Thinking over the Economic Development of Exi (West Hubei) s Mountainous Counties;湖北崛起与鄂西山区县域经济开发的战略思考
9.Determinants of the Participation of Rural Households in Non-agricultural Activities:The Case Study of a Mountainous Area in Hubei Province;农村家庭参与非农业活动的“推力”与“拉力”分析——湖北省西部山区的一项个案研究
10.Mount Lushan is located in the north of Jiangxi Province, with the Yangtze River flowing by just in the north and the Poyang Lake lying in the southeast.庐山,位于江西省北部,北濒长江,东南临鄱阳湖,自然风光奇特秀丽。
11.Study on Biotechnology and Economic Development of Western Region in Hubei Provice;生物技术与湖北西部民族地区经济发展的研究
12.Present Situation and Countermeasures of P.E Development in the Western Rural Region of Hubei Province湖北省西部地区农村体育发展的现状及对策
13.sure-footed mammal of mountainous northwestern North America.北美洲西北部山区的脚步稳重的哺乳动物。
15.The Investigation on Physical Education in LocalMiddle School in Mountainous Areas of North Shanxi;山西省北部山区民办中学体育工作调研
16.Evolutionary Characteristics of Faulted Structure in the Pazishan-Majiashan Region, North Chaohu巢湖北部耙子山—马家山区域断裂构造演化特征研究
17.Simulation of sewage detention and transfer owing to water diversion measures and its risk analysis引江济太措施对太湖西北部湖区污水滞留和转移风险评估
18.2. "Mountain" here refers to Mount Omei in Szechuan Province and more generally to the mountainous areas in southwestern and northwestern China.〔2〕这里所说的“山”,即峨眉山,实际上是泛指中国西南、西北部的山区。

Western Hubei region湖北西部地区
1.The study of the relation between small earthquakes occurred in Western Hubei region and Taiwan strong earthquakes;湖北西部地区小震活动与台湾强震关系研究
3)western Hubei湖北西部
1.Total organic carbon(TOC),and total sulfur(TS),total iron(TFe)contents were analyzed in the siliceous rocks(bedded chert)and shales sampled from the selenium deposit of Yutangba,western Hubei,based on which the mechanism of enrichment of multiple elements and depositional environments(i.对采自湖北西部渔塘坝二叠系独立硒矿区的硅质岩和页岩样品进行了元素测试(微量元素、总铁、总有机碳、总硫),分析了该区域的多元素富集及沉积环境。
2.There are 13genera, 53 species, 4 subspecies and 5 varieties of compositae (Senecioeeae and Calenduleae)in western Hubei, of which 2 species are reported the new distriburion in Shennongjia.湖北西部菊科千里光族和金盏花族植物共有13属,53种,4亚种,5变种,其中2种为神农架地理分布新记录。
3.The Lower Jurassic Hsiangchi Formation in western Hubei,China is well known for its abundant and diverse fossil ferns,including five families such as Marattiaceae,Osmundaceae,Matoniaceae,Dipteridaceae and Dicksoniaceae,as well as 25 species referred to 11 genera.我国湖北西部早侏罗世香溪组真蕨植物化石十分丰富,且具有较高的多样性,包括合囊蕨科、紫萁科、马通科、双扇蕨科及蚌壳蕨科等,共计约11属25种。
4)Beijing western mountainous areas北京西部山区
1.Calculation of ecological footprint and analysis of sustainability for Beijing western mountainous areas in 1999;北京西部山区1999年生态足迹计算与可持续性分析
5)northern area of Western Mahuangshan麻黄山西区北部
6)mountainous area of West Lake西湖山区
1.Based upon survey of vegetation in mountainous area of West Lake, the features of vegetation and influence of anthropogenic disturbance on forest community were studied in the present paper.杭州西湖风景名胜区中西湖山区的森林群落是浙江省目前保存较完整、发育较好的次生植被之一。

浙江千亿民间资本流入西部 110万浙江人西部经商新华网杭州6月5日电(记者裘立华 胡作华)记者从5日召开的%26#8220;浙商论坛2005年峰会%26#8221;上了解到,目前有超过110万浙江人在西部12个省市区投资经商,在西部地区投资超过1000亿元。 在云南,无论是中心城市还是边远民族地区或边境一线口岸,从商贸、水电、旅游到房地产、轻纺、小五金、家具等行业的销售队伍中,浙商占80%,累计投资超过500亿元,年营业收入500亿元,年税收近15亿元,解决云南105万人的就业岗位。 在四川,有近20万浙江人直接参与开发建设,投资总额达到200亿元左右,兴办企业超过1500家,实现年销售收入近100亿元。 在新疆,浙江人数已逾10.5万人,投资额48亿元,实现年营业收入228亿元,分别占浙江参与西部开发总人数的12%、总投资的5.5%和年营业收入的12.6%。 在重庆,20万浙江人总投资达68.5亿元,由浙江人投资创办、投资参股、控股的企业有270多家,投资创办的个体工商户11800家,实现利税率占全市的52.34%。 随着中央实施西部大开发战略,浙商投资西部的幅度出现了前所未有的增长,原先在浙江本地发展势头良好的企业如广厦、华立、娃哈哈、青春宝、德力西、正泰、卡森、云森、纳爱斯等著名企业捷足先登,投资项目均产生了较好的经济效益和社会效益。 如较早实施%26#8220;销地产%26#8221;战略的杭州娃哈哈集团公司,高标准输出品牌、技术、管理,如今已在全国17个省市建立了40家全资或控股子公司,%26#8220;销地产%26#8221;型生产基地达28个,使%26#8220;中国第一饮料品牌%26#8221;更大密度覆盖国内市场。 2004年,温州著名鞋制品企业奥康集团更是斥资10亿元在重庆打造了占地2600亩%26#8220;西部鞋都%26#8221;。在企业西进的同时,浙江的市场优势业%26#8220;移植%26#8221;到西部。到目前为止,浙江人在西部创办各类市场和大型销售中心590多个,投资总额38亿元。其中仅义乌中国小商品城、台州中国日用商城就在新疆、青海、甘肃、四川等地办分市场5个,投资总额达9000万元,年成交额40多亿元。这些市场不仅扩大了浙江商品占有率, 而且帮助西部开拓了产品市场。 西部广阔的市场和丰厚的资源强烈地吸引着浙商的眼球。调查显示,浙江在西部兴办的近7000家企业中,从事与资源开发利用相关的企业占了大头,投资总额达200多亿元。占全省投资西部总量的近1/3。这表明,资源的开发利用,是首当其冲吸引浙商投资者的领域,也是充分显示东西优势互补的领域。(完)