灾荒赈救,Bureaucracy and Famine
1)Bureaucracy and Famine灾荒赈救
1.On the relief by Kuomintang government in Henan at the beginning of the 1940s;20世纪40年代初期国民政府在河南的赈灾救荒

1.On the relief by Kuomintang government in Henan at the beginning of the 1940s;20世纪40年代初期国民政府在河南的赈灾救荒
2.Self-Rescue and Relief:Civil Society's Aid to Disasters in Modern Anhui自救与赈济:近代安徽民间社会对灾荒的救助
3.Prevention and Relief:Governments Relieving and Controlling Anhui Disasters in modern Times预防与赈济:近代官府对安徽灾荒的救治
4.relief funds, projects, supplies救济金、 赈灾计画、 救济品.
5.Famine in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Qing Government Relief Measures;晚清时期的灾荒及清政府的赈灾措施
6.On the Influence of Timothy Richard’s Relief in “Ding-wu Disaster”;李提摩太在“丁戊奇荒”时期的赈灾活动
7.Analyzing the Reasons Why Work Relief Was Carried Out in Stricken Areas in the 18~(th) Century s China;试析18世纪中国实施工赈救荒的原因
8.On the governments' disaster relief in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Regions in the Anti-Japanese War论抗日战争时期陕甘宁边区政府的赈灾救灾
9.British missionary Timothy Richard took an active part in the relief during Ding-wu Disaster.英国传教士李提摩太积极参与“丁戊奇荒”赈灾。
10.relieve famine in Africa救济非洲的饥荒灾区
11.famine and disaster relief assistance;饥荒和其他灾害救济;
12.Study on Famine Relief and Its Effects in Hunan in Early Stage of Republic of China--Centered on the Unprecedented Disasters in Spring in 1921(the year of Xinyou);民国前期湖南灾荒赈济及成效研究——以辛酉(1921年)空前春荒赈济为中心
13.In the stricken areas, the existence of co-operatives also helps relief work through production.在灾荒区,有合作社,生产救灾也方便。
14.Local government and relief delivery policies in the 19th century--discussing simultaneously on measures taken by Li Hung-zhang in Chihli province;19世纪的地方政府与荒政——兼论李鸿章在直隶的赈灾活动
15.Legal Discussions About Folks Rescue and Relief Efforts from Perspective of Wenchuan Earthquake Disaster: Concurrently Talking About How to Improve Legislation Concerning Volunteers;民间救助:汶川赈灾的法律视角——兼谈完善志愿者服务立法
16.The Systematic Exploration of Compulsory Relief and Soliciting Contributions in the Republic of China(1912-1949)--A Case of Relief in the Flood of Jianghuai Region in 1931;民国义赈募捐机制探析——以1931年江淮水灾救助为例
17.The Practices of Committee for Flood Relief of Nanjing Kuomingtang Government and the Nongovernmental Relief;南京国民政府救济水灾委员会的活动与民间义赈
18.Study On Relief Work in Hubei s Kuo Ming-Tang Controlling Area in Anti-Japanese War Period;对抗战时期湖北后方国统区赈济救灾工作的评述

1.On the relief by Kuomintang government in Henan at the beginning of the 1940s;20世纪40年代初期国民政府在河南的赈灾救荒
3)committees for famine relief饥荒赈灾委员会
4)relief supplies灾荒救济
1.However,the Government should regulate the action of rich men s relief supplies,both relyed on rich men and squeeze their wealth excessively may bring people.富民参加灾荒救济活动分自愿参与和政府强制参与两种形式,但不论是何种形式,富民的救济活动应该在政府的宏观调控下发挥功效,过分的夸大富民的作用以及一味的剥削其财富,都会使社会矛盾激化,最终使政府处于艰难的境地。
5)provision of disaster relief备荒救灾
6)disaster relief救灾度荒
1.A summary of disaster relief in Hebei Province in the early days of P.R.China;建国初期河北省救灾度荒工作述评
