荒政思想,Anti-calamity thought
1)Anti-calamity thought荒政思想

1.Wang Zhiyi s Thoughts of Tiding over Famines in his A Summary of Polices for Tiding over Famines;汪志伊《荒政辑要》所见之荒政思想
2.On Zuo Zongtang’s Famine-Relief Thought and His Practice of Famine Relief in Borderland;试论左宗棠的荒政思想及其边疆救荒实践
3.A New Pioneering Academic Work: A Review of A History of Political Ideas of Contemporary China;一部颇具新意的拓荒之作——评《当代中国政治思想史》
4.To Resist the Absurd--the Development of Philosophical Ideas in Camus Literature;反抗荒诞——加缪文学中哲学思想的发展
5.On Philosophy of Superman in The Call of the Wild and White Fang;试论《荒野的呼唤》和《雪虎》中的超人思想
6.O" is for openness, being open to people, new ideas and absurd but intriguing ideas.O代表开明,愿意接受他人,接受新思想、受荒诞而极富吸引力的思想。
7."O" is for openness, being open to people, new ideas and absurd but intriguing ideas.代表开明,愿意接受他人,接受新思想、接受荒诞而极富吸引力的思想。
8.Even today some of their suggestions are still worth absorbing.其中某些抗灾救荒的思想至今还有借鉴意义。
9.The Thinkers Comments on "Silver Lack" and the Solution Plan during the Ming and the Qing Dynasties;明清之际思想家对“银荒”的议论及解决方案
10.Famine and People s Livelihood: A New Perspective on the Economic Thought or Chen Chi;灾荒与民生:考察陈炽经济思想的新视角
11.22.Pre Qin Ideas of Relieving a Famine and Guarding against Natural Calamities and Their Immediate Significance;先秦时期的救荒防灾思想及其现实意义
12.Estimation on Ren Hongjuan's Ideology of Saving the Country through Science播火拓荒,守死善道——任鸿隽科学救国思想的定位
13.This was really a whimsical thought, and I reproved myself often for the simplicity of it.这实在是一个荒唐的想法,我自己也常常责备自己思想太简单。
14.Ideality of a Ridiculous Man--The idealized man and world in The Dream of a Ridiculous Man;陀思妥耶夫斯基与《荒唐人的梦》中的理想人及理想世界
15.This is how one historian, soaked with the fantastic political ideals of our times, is pleased to write of this evil expedition.一个浸透了我们这个时代荒诞无稽的政治思想的历史家却这样兴致勃勃地来写这次不幸的远征。
16.a radical politician, thinker, writer, etc思想激进的政治家、 思想家、 作家等
17.moral education思想道德建设(思想政治工作)
18.The Humanism Theory and the High School Politics Teaching;“人本主义”思想与中学思想政治教学

ancient famine policy古代荒政思想
1.A study of ancient famine policy and disaster relief system in China;中国古代荒政思想与赈济制度探析
3)A Survey of the Anti-Calamity Thought in the East and West Han Dynasties两汉荒政思想探析
4)Idea of famine relief救荒思想
1.It includes three important aspects,the idea of agricultural disasters prevention,the idea of agricultural disasters reduction and the idea of famine relief.我国先秦时期形成了较为系统的农业减灾救荒思想,它包含灾前预防思想、农业减灾思想和灾后救荒思想三大部分。
5)advanced idea of disaster relief先进的救荒思想
6)thought of famine relief农业救荒思想
