避灾意愿,disaster avoidance intention
1)disaster avoidance intention避灾意愿

1.A Preliminary Discussion on the Public Disaster Risk Acceptance and the Disaster Avoidance Intention--A Case Study of Drought Risk in Sichuan and Chongqing Region公众灾害风险可接受性与避灾意愿的初探——以川渝地区旱灾风险为例
2.Maybe this is one disaster that could be averted if we are willing to act with a sense of responsibility.如果我们有责任感,愿意行动起来,这也许倒是可以避免的灾害。
3.I intend to be fluid enough to move as I foresee a natural disaster ahead.我意愿保持足够的流动性(规避)当我预见到前方一场自然大灾害的时候。
4.The Zhuang's people use every method of sorcery to meet the needs of exorcising and driving ghost away, praying good fortune and ending disaster, also forecasting the foison and leaning on the festival days.壮族群众在节日里,利用各种巫术手段来满足自己驱邪避鬼、祈福消灾、预测丰歉的意愿。
5.It does not matter whether you are willing to or not, and there is no escape.不管你愿不愿意都没法逃避。
6.The Relationships Among Responsibility Judgment, Schadenfreud and the Will of Help Giving;责任归因、幸灾乐祸与帮助意愿的关系
7."It is a compliment which I never pay to any place, if I can avoid it."“无论在什么地方,我也不愿意赏这种脸,能避免总是避免。”
8.The country of initial asylum may be reluctant to accept such long-term aid.最初避难国将会不愿意接受长期的发展援助。
9.Study on the acceptability for the knowledge of emergency contraception in unwilling pregnant women非意愿妊娠妇女紧急避孕知识的可接受性研究
10.Investigation and Analysis of Contraception and Terminating in Unwanted Pregnant Women非意愿妊娠妇女避孕与终止现况的调查与分析
12.The jade is broad usage of mascot down the ages , residence is held intention of lucky , avoiding evil spirits to dispense with a disaster safe and sound.玉自古以来被作为吉祥物广泛使用,寓含平安吉祥、避邪免灾之意。
13.Having or proceeding from a disinclination to call attention to oneself;retiring or diffident.羞怯的有或出自不愿引起别人对自己注意的;避世的或缺乏自信的
14.Not wishing Li Mei-t'ing to accuse them of trying to steal his glory, Hung-chien and Hsin-mei did go eat breakfast to avoid suspicion.辛楣鸿渐都避嫌疑,不愿意李梅亭说他们冒他的功,真吃早点去了。
15.Iraq says the new declaration shows it wants to cooperate to prevent war.伊拉克说,新的申报报告声明,它愿意合作以避免战争,
16.Investors concerned with avoiding risk will be prepared to accept the relatively low yields now available on government bonds.要避免风险的投资者,则愿意接受政府债券目前提供的相对低收益。
17.If you would like to donate for the earthquake/ tsunami relief efforts, please visit here.如果您愿意给灾区人们提供帮助,请点此查看详情。
18.To alleviate the crisis, South Korea said it would make flood relief an exception to its suspension of aid.为了缓解危机,韩方称其愿意破例对朝鲜洪灾施援。

1.Mathematic models for mine fire simulation and determination of refuge route;矿井火灾仿真与避灾路线的数学模型
3)escape fighting避灾抗灾
1.Preliminary Discussion of agricultural facilities to the typhoon,causing high-temperature and low-temperature or other adverse weather escape fighting countermeasures.概述了浙江省设施农业的基本情况及设施农业主要气象灾害,初步探讨了设施农业对台风、雪灾及低温或高温等不利天气的避灾抗灾对策措施。
4)disaster prevention防灾避灾
5)disaster reduction and prevention减灾避灾
1.Willingness of Injection Drug Users to Persistently Participate in a HIV Seroconvertion Cohort Study in Sichuan, China;前瞻性队列研究吸毒人群HIV预防随访意愿的初步分析
2.Willingness of Support Doctors from Hospitals to Support Community Health Services in Beijing北京市大医院支援医生对支援社区卫生服务的意愿调查
3.The Analysis of the Shepherd's Behabiour and Willingness on Przewalski's Gazelle Conservation普氏原羚保护中牧民行为及参与保护意愿分析
