受灾者,disaster victims
1)disaster victims受灾者
1.The paper studies the behavior of local governments and disaster victims in three scenarios—mild disaster, severe disaster and frequent disaster—by constructing a static model on the game between local governments and disaster victims.通过建立地方政府与受灾者的静态博弈模型,可以研究地方政府与受灾者在轻度灾害、重度灾害、灾害频繁发生中的行为,利用演化博弈的方法分析地方政府和受灾者的博弈关系。

1.Research on Impact of Flood on Psychology and Behavior of Victims and Social Support;洪灾对受灾者心理行为的影响与社会支持研究
2.A Study on the Game between Local Governments and Disaster Victims地方政府与受灾者在救灾中的博弈探讨
3.Psychological stress condition of earthquake victims one month after the Wenchuan Earthquake汶川震后一个月受灾者心理应激状况
4.providing relief assistance to refugees and disaster victims, countering global crime, drugs and terrorism;向难民和受灾者提供救济援助,打击全球犯罪、毒品和恐怖主义;
5.Indonesia is a prime example of this damage.印度尼西亚是这场灾难的主要受害者。
6.The authorities issued food to the flood victims.当局给水灾受害者发食物。
7.The government dispensed emergency food to the flood victims.政府把应急食品发给水灾受害者。
8.The Red Cross helped the flood victims.红十字会援助了水灾受害者。
9.We are bound in honour to help the flood victims .我们在道义上应该帮助水灾受害者。
10.The church service is a memorial to the disaster victim.该礼拜仪式是悼念这场灾难中的受害者。
11.The church service be a memorial to the disaster victim该礼拜仪式是悼念这场灾难中的受害者
12.The church service was a memorial to the disaster victims.该礼拜仪式是悼念这场灾难中的受害者.
13.Monitoring and Management of Nosocomial Infection:Analysis of Earthquake Victims77例地震灾区受伤患者医院感染监控管理
14.The Effect of Psychological Crisis Intervention on Victims of Earthquake Calamity心理危机干预对地震灾难受害者的效果研究
15."Earthquakes, floods, forest fires, tidal waves, tornadoes - all these and many other disasters too - mean pain and distress for the victims. "地震、水灾、森林火灾、海啸、飓风——所有这些及其他灾难对受害者都意味着痛苦与不幸。
16.The state of being flooded.泛滥成灾受洪灾的状态
17.Chernobyl and Beyond: Humanitarian Assistance to Victims of Technological Disasters切尔诺贝利及其后:向技术灾难受害者提供人道主义援助
18.As with most diseases and disaster, the young suffer the most.正如大多数疾病和灾难一样,遭受最多痛苦的往往是年轻的患者。

fire victim火灾受害者
3)victim of disasters灾祸受害者
4)rehabilitation (of victims of a disaster)灾害受害者的复原
1.Relation of plants injury in Yang River's irrigation with water pollution;洋河下游农灌区农作物受灾与水质污染的关系
6)disaster rate of flood洪灾受灾率
