重大雷灾,Serious lighting disaster
1)Serious lighting disaster重大雷灾

1.Preliminaty Discussion on the Serious Lighting Disaster Prediction Based on Information Diffusion in the Southern Fujian Province基于信息扩散技术对闽南地区重大雷灾预测初探
2.The Doppler Weather Radar Feature Analysis of a Heavy Rain in Northwest Sichuan in July 20, 20082008年7月20日汶川地震重灾区大暴雨的多普勒天气雷达特征分析
3.The warning of global great disaster to disaster prevention and reduction of city of China;全球重大灾难对中国城市防灾减灾的警示
4.cause of large loss重大火灾损失的原因
5.The heavy rain led to serious floods.大雨造成了严重的水灾。
6.Characteristics Analysis of Atmospheric Electric Field during Disastrous Thunderstorms Weather in Northeastern of Tibet高原东北侧灾害性雷暴的大气电场特征分析
7.the heaviest calamity in English history, the breach with America(James George Frazer.英国历史上最沉重的灾难,是和美国关系的破裂(詹姆斯 乔治 弗雷泽)。
8.Reconstruction on Tourism Industry of Postearthquake-disaster Area:a case study of Sichuan重大地震灾后旅游业重建经验及对四川灾区的启示
9.Major Incident Investigation and Disaster Support System重大事件调查及灾难支持工作系统
10.An unexpected heavy rain caused severe flooding.一场意外的大雨引起严重的水灾。
11.wreak havoc on...= play havoc with...= make havoc of...大肆破坏 [摧毁] …,使…遭受惨重的灾害
12.As the saying goes, @A little neglect may breed great mischief.俗云:“小小的疏失可能造成重大的灾害。”
13.The Discussion on Introduction of Hearing Procedure into the Confirmation of Major Fire Potential;重大火灾隐患判定引入听证程序探析
14.A Meteorological Analysis of Damaging Forest Fires on Celestial Capital Peak of Mt.Huangshan;黄山天都峰重大森林火灾的气象分析
15.Post-disaster Reconstruction of Osaka-Kobe Earthquake and its Implications;阪神大地震的灾后重建工作及其启示
16.Study on the Influence of Severe Floods and Droughts to Prices of Grain;重大水旱灾害对粮食价格的影响研究
17.Reconstruction of a Storage Fire Scene Based on Numerical Simulation某仓库特大火灾场景的数值模拟重构
18.Investigation on Qingdao Chengyang "12·4" fire accident青岛市城阳区“12·4”重大火灾事故调查

disastrous fire重大火灾
1.The disastrous fire not only endangers the life of the people,but also the economy development and social stability.重大火灾事故不仅危害了人民群众的生产生活,还影响到经济的发展和社会的稳定。
3)weighty disaster重大灾害
1.On how to improve the investigation and disposition of the weighty disaster in coal mine;试论如何提高煤矿重大灾害事故的调查处理水平
4)major disaster重大灾难
1.The major disaster is strongly sudden and severely harmful.重大灾难、灾害突发性强,危害严重,往往造成大量人员死亡,使经历者出现严重的心理失衡,从而产生思维不清、意志失控、情感紊乱等心理危机,如果不及时进行心理疏导和干预,经历者可能长期沉浸在痛苦中难以自拔,身心健康受到影响,并可能最终酿成精神疾病,影响到人生和生活。
5)severe disasters重特大灾害
6)lightning disaster雷灾
1.The Construction and Application Of Lightning Disaster Information Management System;雷灾信息管理系统的构建与应用
2.Through carrying out comprehensive analysis of the lightning disaster in Shanxi Province in 2006,it shows that the lightning highly happens in May to August of the whole year and during this period the lightning happens very frequently in 14:00-18:00 every day.对山西2006年的雷电灾害进行了调查分析,结果表明:该省全年5-8月是雷电高发期;期间,每日14-18时为高发时段;强对流天气暴雨和大暴雨是造成雷灾主要原因。
3.According to the features of LDLS such as its occurrence time,location,intension and polarity,a detailed analysis about lightning disaster is made.雷暴天气是最严重的气象灾害之一,潮州市每年由于雷电引起的人身伤亡、电力系统和通信设备的破坏等各种雷击事故频频发生,因此加强闪电监测定位系统在雷电预警、雷灾调查与鉴定中的运用,是十分必要的。

重大1.谓物体大而沉重。 2.大而重要。 3.指高而重要的官位。 4.指诗文风格凝重,气象阔大。