地震现场应急技术系统,earthquake field emergency technical system
1)earthquake field emergency technical system地震现场应急技术系统
1.Tasks like field communication support,field survey assistance and so on were performed by earthquake field emergency technical system of Earthquake Administration of Shaanxi Province."十五"期间,国家在31个省(直辖市、自治区)建立了全国一体化的地震应急与救援指挥技术体系,其中包括地震现场应急技术系统

1.On the Use of Earthquake Field Emergency Technical System of Shaanxi during Wenchuan Earthquake陕西地震现场应急技术系统在汶川地震中的应用
2.The videotex seismic emergent communicate system is one new technique realizing video communication between seismic field and teadquarter using micro computer.可视化地震应急通讯办公系统是用微机实现地震现场与指挥部之间影音互传的一项新技术。
4.Video Conference System with Application-Layer Multicast Technology in Earthquake Disaster Emergency地震应急中的应用层多播技术网络视频会议系统
5.VOIP technology application in the earthquake information service systemVOIP技术在地震信息服务系统中的应用
6.Emergency Communication at Fire Spots in the Underground;地铁火灾现场消防应急通信系统探析
7.Photomap producing for wenchuan earthquake disaster emergency汶川地震灾区应急影像地图制作技术
8.The Earthquake Damage Simulation System Based on Three-dimensional GIS Technology基于三维GIS技术的地震灾情场景模拟系统
9.Research on Key Technology of Emergency Research Manage System for Civil Airport;民用机场应急救援管理系统关键技术研究
10.Introduction to the Earthquake Emergency Disposal and Response System in Italy意大利地震紧急事务处置与应急响应系统简介
11.Application of Seismic Mathematical Model in Coalmine Winning District Seismic Prospecting Observation System Design地震数学模型技术在煤矿采区地震勘探观测系统设计中的应用
12.Reconstruction Rainwater System Plan and Runoff Disposal Technology after Earthquake Disaster地震灾后重建中雨水系统规划及处置技术应用
13.The Application of OPC Technology to Fieldbus Control System;OPC技术在现场总线控制系统中的应用
14.Application of the field bus- mastering technolegy in the DCS system现场总线技术在DCS系统中的应用
15.The Research and Implementation of Some Emergency Logistics Key Technology;应急物流系统若干关键技术的研究与实现
16.The Research and Implementation of Key Technologies in the Fourth Party Logistics Emergency Monitor System四方物流应急监控系统关键技术的研究与实现
17.Pondering over meeting the emergency of Chenghai earthquake M S 3.8 in Shantou汕头市澄海区3.8级地震现场应急工作的启示
18.Study on countermeasures for disposal of urgent work about health and disease prevention in disaster areas of the earthquake地震灾区卫生防病现场应急处置对策研究

1.Based on the research on data management of urban earthquake emergency command technology system(UEECTS),in the paper geographic information system(GIS) is applied to the field of data management,and database management subsystem(DBMS) is further designed and developed for UEECTS.以城市地震应急指挥技术系统(UEECTS)数据管理为研究背景,将空间地理信息系统技术引入数据管理领域,为UEECTS系统设计并开发了数据管理子软件系统,在实现对UEECTS系统数据空间可视化展示的基础上,实现了对系统数据的查询、添加、删除及修改数据管理操作,为城市UEECTS系统建设提供了良好的数据支持。
3)earthquake field emergency地震现场应急
1.Three kinds of design scenarios of the satellite communication technique systems were presented based on the actual requirement of Yunnan earthquake emergency work, which realized the technological system integration of satellite communication with earthquake field emergency and seismic command center.实现了卫星通讯技术系统与地震现场应急技术系统和地震应急指挥中心技术系统的集成。
4)earthquake urgency地震应急系统
1.Nowadays , the earthquake urgency transaction and information sharing system also need new technology to come into .在信息技术飞速发展的今天,地震应急系统和地震信息共享也迫切需要新技术的融入。
5)earthquake emergency quick response system地震应急快速反应系统
1.Though summarizing the experiences of earthquake emergency quick response system and database construction in Anhui province,this paper introduces the thinking of design and realization of the system.地震应急快速反应系统是地震部门防震减灾工作的重要环节,该文通过对安徽省地震应急快速反应系统及数据库建设的经验总结,介绍了系统设计与实现的思路、对重点技术和功能进行了论述。
6)earthquake emergency information management system地震应急信息管理系统
1.The research on earthquake emergency information management systems in the medium-size cities in Anhui Province;安徽省中等城市地震应急信息管理系统研究

后勤指挥自动化系统(见后勤指挥自动化)后勤指挥自动化系统(见后勤指挥自动化)automated system of logistic command  houqin zhihui zidonghua xitong后勤指挥自动化系统(automated、ys-tem of logistie eommand)见后勤指挥自动化。