罕见重大突发事件,infrequent fatal emergency
1)infrequent fatal emergency罕见重大突发事件
1.The characteristic of infrequent fatal emergency is analyzed in this paper.罕见重大突发事件有其独有的特征,针对这类突发事件,传统的"预测—应对"的应急决策范式已不适用,必须向"情景—应对"的应急决策范式转化。

1.The Study on the Issues of Scenario Evolvement in Real-time Decision Making of Infrequent Fatal Emergencies罕见重大突发事件应急实时决策中的情景演变
2.SARS was an important public health paroxysmal incident.SARS是一次重大的公共卫生突发事件。
3.The Suggestion of China Life Insurance Company for the Emergency Preplan to Major Unexpected Events;中国人寿应对重大突发事件预案建议
4.Perfect Public Emergency Legality Deal with Serious Emergency;健全公共应急法制 应对重大突发事件
5.Thinking about SARS Magnitude Outburst Public Health Incident;“非典”重大突发公共卫生事件的思考
7.Situation Assessment for Major Traffic Emergent Events重大交通突发事件中的态势评估研究
8.The Classification and the Characteristics of Major Incidents News Reports重大突发事件新闻报道的分类及特点
9.Emergent Medicine Supply in Momentous Public Emergency Events重大公共突发事件应急药品保障探讨
10.Study on the Preventive System of the Opinion-monitoring of the Emergency or Mass Events重大突发性事件舆情监报与群体性事件预防
11.The management of any large incident requires command, control and coordination to bring a sense of order and accountability to major events and incidents.任何大型突发事件的管理要求指挥、控制和合作,以达到对重大事件和突发事件的命令和责任。
12.Leadership is a vital aspect in any large scale incident.在任何大规模突发事件中,领导角色至关重要。
13.Study on Emergency Rescue Organization System in Superhighway Accidents高速公路重大突发事件的危机救援组织研究
14.A Discussion about Emergency Disposal of the Abrupt Affair in the Significent Safety Defence Work浅谈重大安全保卫工作中突发事件的应急处置
15.On the Expansion and Transmission Characteristics of the Media of Large Scale Emergency Report;重大突发事件报道媒介的拓展和传播特点研究
16.The Report on Important Paroxysmal Event and Newspaper Core Competence;重大突发事件的报道与报纸的核心竞争力
17.On Enhancing Ethics of Adolescents at Times of Emergencies;从重大突发事件看青少年思想品德升华的契机
18.Study on Early-Warning Monitoring Index System of Regional Significant Emergency;区域重大突发事件的预警监测指标体系研究

serious emergency重大突发事件
1.Among various kinds of countermeasures of serious emergency , it is the important legal guarantee to implement such means as the administration , economy ,etc.在应对重大突发事件的各种对策中,建立公共应急法制是行政、经济等手段得以顺利和有效实施的重要法律保障。
3)major sudden emergencies重大突发性事件
1.Based on an introduction of the nature and category of the special funds for major sudden emergencies, the essay expounds the aim, procedure, method content and stress of the auditing of the funds.文章在介绍重大突发性事件专项资金的性质和种类的基础上,阐述了重大突发性事件专项资金审计的目的、步骤、方法、内容和重点。
4)sudden occurrences突发性重大事件
1.With the development of era, sudden occurrences often happen all over the universe.随着时代的发展,突发性重大事件在全球时有发生,面对突发性的重大事件,“现场直播”就成为了媒体最主要的,甚至是唯一的节目播出样态,媒体新环境由此产生。
5)a rare occurrence罕见的事件
6)important public outburst重大突发公共事件
1.Society public opinion intercommunion in important public outburst;重大突发公共事件中社会舆论的互动传播——从“非典型性肺炎”事件谈起
