儒家哲学,confucian philosophy
1)confucian philosophy儒家哲学
1.Confucian philosophy is a theoretical system,a humanitarian culture which seeks harmony and cooperation,a political culture with benevolence & uprighteousness and ceremony as the core,a gentleman s culture with the Sage inside and Monarch outside as its standard and is full of the humanistic spirit everywhere.儒家哲学是由以和合为追求的人道文化、以仁义礼为核心的政治文化、以内圣外王为标准的君子文化所构成的理论体系,到处充满着人文精神。
2.At the same time,from a comparative perspective to the culture of Marxist philosophy and Confucian philosophy,Marxist philosophy is an indispensable part to understand China,but also help improve the localization of Marxist philosophy .同时,从比较文化的角度去探讨马克思主义哲学与儒家哲学的关系,也是理解马克思主义哲学中国化不可缺少的方面,而且有利于更好地开展马克思主义哲学中国化,建设有中国特色的社会主义文化。
3.In Confucian philosophy harmony is a state as much as a process.在儒家哲学中,“和”既是一种状态,也是一个过程,它是一种创造生命、创造新事物的积极力量。

1.Comparison of Mozi s philosophy with that of Confucius;墨子哲学思想与儒家哲学思想之比较
2."Speeches on Zhouyi Philosophy" and Mou Zongsan's Interpretation of Confucianism从《周易哲学演讲录》看牟宗三对儒家哲学的阐释
3.Research on the Enlightenment of Early Ch in Dynasty Confucian Philosophy to the Modern News Dissemination;先秦儒家哲学对现代新闻传播的启示
4.The Positive Function of Confucian Philosophy Social Transformation;儒家哲学思想在转型时期的积极作用
5.The Illustrious Role of the Confucian Ontology Philosophy in Pre - Qin Period;从先秦本体哲学看儒家的“显学”地位
6.On Xu Fuguan s Examination of the Political Philosophy of the Early Confucianism;论徐复观对早期儒家政治哲学的探析
7.Primary Discussion on the Philosophy of "Monarchy Outside" of the Modern Neo-Confucianism;现代新儒家的“外王”论政治哲学初探
8.Modern Social Value of the Balance;儒家中和观的哲学意蕴及其现代意义
9.On the Moral and Philosophical Implications and Value of the Confucian "Honesty";儒家“诚”的道德哲学意蕴及价值本位
10.Philosophical Implications of Confucian Educational Ideology in Sanzijing;《三字经》中儒家教育思想的哲学意蕴
11.Management Philosophy Contained in the Confucianism’s Unity Viewpoint;儒家的“合一”观所蕴涵的管理哲学思想
12.On the Chinese Philosophy s Modernization--from the point view of the connotation of Morality in Confucianism;从儒家“德”论看中国哲学的现代转化
13.Philosophical Interpretation of the Confucian Thinking of Destined Fate in Han Dynasties;两汉儒家天命思想哲学意义上的阐释
14.The Evaluation of the Confuciants Eco-philosophy Idea and Its Modern Reference Value;试评儒家生态哲学思想及其现代价值
15.The "Peace with the West" as a Diplomatic Policy in the Late Qing Dynasty in the Perspective of the Confucian "Philosophy of Harmony"从儒家“和”哲学看晚清的“和戎”外交策略
16.One of the prominent distinctions of confucianists from other schools of thought was their advocation of adversity consciousness in life.儒家特别提倡忧患意识 ,这是儒家人生哲学有别于他家的地方。
17.Political Philosophy of Contemporary Neo-Confucianism: Abstract Calculation of Ideas and a Case Study of Li Minghui s Political Thinking from the Angle of Confucianism;试析当代新儒家的政治哲学——兼评李明辉《儒家视野下的政治思想》
18.The Implied Category Consciousness in the Benevolence ,Propriety and Life Philosophy Doctrines of Confucianism儒家仁学、礼学及人生哲学所隐含的类意识

1.The Cause of Confucianism;中国儒家哲学的起因新论
2.The Combination of Marxist Philosophy with Confucianism——An Important Path to Make Marxism Philosophy with Chinese Characteristics;马克思主义哲学与儒家哲学的融合——马克思主义哲学中国化的一个重要途径
3.Reason and Passions:the Main Topic of Confucianism;儒家哲学的新课题:理性与情感
3)pre-Qin political philosophy儒家政治哲学
4)humanistic philosophy of Confucianism儒家人文哲学
5)Confucian economic philosophy儒家经济哲学
1.Huang Zongxi s economic ideas marked a breakthrough in late Ming Confucian economic philosophy.黄宗羲的经济思想从三个方面展示了晚明儒家经济哲学的新突破。
6)the confucianist's life and death philosophy儒家生死哲学

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀