
1.I'm trying to sleep off my fatigue.我想睡觉解除疲劳。
2."Awakening" Is Not "Awaken":The Interpretations of "Awakenings" in The Awakening;“觉”而未“醒”:解读小说《觉醒》中的“觉醒”
3.From "Vision" to "Visualization":Rethinking of Visual Culture从“视觉”到“视觉化”:重新理解视觉文化
4.To perceive in terms of past experiences.统觉理解凭借以往经验来察觉
5.I have great difficulty in understanding him.我觉得很难理解他。
6.She found it difficult to understand him [found him difficult to understand].她觉得很难理解他。
7.Go sleep off your wine.去睡一觉把酒解掉。
8.She found it difficult to understand him/found him difficult to understand.她觉得很难理解他.
9.We understand metaphors intuitively, but what does that really mean?我们凭直觉理解隐喻,但直觉真正的意思是什么?
10.Perception only solves the problem of phenomena; theory alone can solve the problem of essence.感觉只解决现象问题,理论才解决本质问题。
11.I feel indifferent whether I am comprehended or not.不管人家理解不理解我,我都觉得无所谓。
12.Visual matter used to clarify or decorate a text.图解,图示用来解释或装饰书本的视觉材料
13.The Awakening of Explanalogical Consciousness in the History of Understanding Marxist Philosophy;马克思主义哲学理解史上解释学意识的觉醒
14.a sudden intuition as part of solving a problem.解决问题时突如其来的直觉。
15."You never get a feeling of resolution."你总是觉得没有得到解决。”
16."It's hard to make her understand."“我觉得离开她很远,”他说,“很难使她理解。”
17.Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled.在争吵解决以前绝不要上床睡觉。
18.Kim's Note】 Everyone likes to think they have been helpful.【金的注解】人都喜欢觉得自己有用。

1.The Confucian,Taoist and Zen culture’s Self-awareness and the Psychological harmony;儒道禅文化的自我觉解与心理和谐修养
3)analyze painting art视觉解析
5)sensation liberation感觉解放
1.From the viewpoint of sensation liberation, following the train of thought of human and human object coming into being in activity, with the fundamental judgement of aesthetic possibility depending on acquisition of objectives and the loss of objectives, Marx s Aesthetics have been established relation between aesthetics and human reality life.马克思美学以人的感觉解放为起点 ,以人与他的对象在活动中生成为主线 ,以占有对象与失去对象为审美能否发生的基本判断 ,把美学与人的现实生活活动联系起来。
6)perceptual separability知觉解体

满庭芳 觉觉觉【诗文】:道法弥高,教门洪大,东西南北无边。阐开玄径,剔正路无偏。行步逍遥坦荡,尘情事、不许萦牵。明三觉,精神氯涌,清净递相传。自然成造化,木金间隔,水火潺Ё。定虎龙交媾,婴姹牢坚。结正金丹大药,银霞内、灿烂光圆。飞腾势,往来出入,逗引大罗仙。【注释】:【出处】: