1.On the Essential Views for the Power of King and Caprice of Hegel;略论黑格尔对王权和任性的基本观点

1.(British slang) obstreperous.(英国俚语)任性的。
2.The quality or state of being perverse.刚愎,任性任性的性质或行为
3.Capricious or peculiar behavior.任性任性的或怪僻的行为
4.obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness.任性好斗有侵略性的。
5.indulgence in irresponsible Behavior.任性地作出不负责任的行为
6.In a wayward mood, he ran away from home.他任性地离家出走了。
7.He is fickle to a proverb.他的任性是人所共知的。
8.You have no idea how headstrong she can be.你不知道她会多么任性
9.She was a willful child.她是个任性的孩子。
10."You wilful girl!" scolded her mother, indulgently.“你这个任性的姑娘
11.On two questions about arbitrariness and nonarbitrariness of linguistic signs;语言符号任意性与非任意性研究两问
12.The Integration Of Technical And Moral Responsibility In The Administrative Esponsbility;论技术责任与道德责任在行政责任中的统一性
13.By having a flamboyant character in a management position任用个性活泼外向的人员担任主管
14.Belief or confidence in the truth of something.信心,信任对某物真实性的信任或信心
15.A C2C Personalized Trust Mechanism Based on Recommended Trust基于推荐信任的C2C个性化信任机制
16.a menial task, job, etc非技术性的任务、 工作等
17.female friends of any age(任何年龄的)女性朋友
18.the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge.对知识的绝对性不信任。

1.On Arbitrariness and Iconicity of Linguistic Signs in Recent 20 Years in China;二十年来中国语言符号任意性与象似性之争
2.The two-dimensional natures of languages;arbitrariness and iconicity;语言符号的二维性质——任意性与象似性
3.On Arbitrariness and Non-arbitrariness of the Linguistic Sign;关于语言符号的任意性和非任意性
4)male's responsibility男性责任
1.From meaning change of “吧” and it s assimilating process,the characteristics of linguistic symbols which are randomicity,openness and building nature can be reported.从“吧”字的意义变化及其被吸收进全民共同语的过程,可以很好地反观语言符号的特点:任意性、开放性、生成性。
2."Seeking meaning on the basis of sound" put forward by scholars in Qian Jia cannot waver Sapir s hypothesis of randomicity of language signs.乾嘉学者的“因声求义”动摇不了索绪尔关于语言符号任意性的论断;《荀子。
3.Through argumentation,this article reviews and evaluates the debate on the theory of lansign randomicity in linguistics circle in and out of China,discusses some questions on lansign randomicity and theory and basis.本文通过讨论、回顾并评价了国内外语言学界对索绪尔语言符号任意性理论的争议,探讨了语言符号任意性与理据性等问题。
6)the obligation property责任性质
1.This article attempts to elaborate for the institution in the establishment,the obligation property and extension,and tables a proposal for the imperfect place in the institution.本文试图从实际承运人法律制度的确立,实际承运人制度的概念,责任性质和范围等方面对这一制度作以阐述,并对不完善之处提出建议。
