1.This paper tries its best to expound some important concepts of hermeneutics circulation,former understanding,itself,mastering perfection,time distance and so on.本文试图阐明伽达默尔诠释学的几个重要概念,即诠释学循环、前理解、事情本身、完满性前把握、时间距离等,特别指出伽达默尔哲学诠释学关于理解循环的三个必要条件,即前理解、事情本身与完满性前把握这三者之间的相互关系,即前理解来自同事情本身的关联,并根据完满性前把握这一预设而进行修正,从而达到对事情本身的正确理解。

1.The thing itself is not important.这事情本身并不重要。
2.The incident itself was very meager.事情本身不过是芝麻大
3.These little things aren' t important in themselves.这些小事情本身并不重要。
4.The general principle of phenomenological method in “returning back to real things themselves”;“面向事情本身”现象学方法的普遍原则
5.It seems unfair because it is unfair.事情本身就是不公平的,所以听来不公平。
6.Quite often the things that human beings do appear literally incredible although in fact they have done them.人生有些行为,虽然千真万确,但从事情本身看,往往象是不可能的。
7.“Something is out of our control, so we have to command ourselves.” said Linghu Chong, a known character in a Chinese novel. Who is, however, fucking he?令狐冲说“有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。”可是,他算什么!
8.After all, if something can be excused, it doesn't need forgiving, does it?毕竟,如果事情本身是有道理的,那就不需要原谅了,不是吗?
9.“Something is out of our control, so we have to command ourselves.“ said Linghu Chong.令狐冲说“有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。”
10.The whole event is not complex at all, and some people even arranged to photograph it.这个事情本身并不复杂,也是刚刚发生。并且还有人事前安排拍了电视,想以电视为证。
11.We must decide the case on its merits.我们应根据本身条件来决定事情。0?
12.Forgiveness is about pardoning things that are essentially inexcusable.原谅就是宽恕本身没有道理的事情。
13.But she does not go so far as to say that men's presence is of itself dangerous.但是她并没说丈夫在场本身就是危险的事情。
14.Progress itself is now suspect.现在,发展本身已经成为一件值得怀疑的事情。
15.Putting things in perspective is almost as much work as the audit itself.把事情看得长远几乎和审计本身工作量一样大。
16.The agent is a substitute or deputy appointed by the principal with power to do certain things which the principal could do.代理人是被本人委托授权去做一些本人能做的事情的替身或代表。
17.In fact, time itself was the greatest question, for there was no question that could be left unanswered in time.时间本身才是最大的问题,所以,没有什么事情是时间所不能解决的。
18.It is exciting for me to be there with Ferrari.对我而言,来到法拉利本身就是一件令人兴奋的事情。

mit der Sache sich zu befassen面向事情本身
3)returning back to things themselves回到事情本身
4)thing itself事物本身
1.The “thing itself” is “being” in the “duration” of “time”.“进入”“时间”是“接近”“事物本身”的唯一方式,而不是在“时间—空间”之“外”把各种已被“分裂”了的“表象”“再”重新“组合—拼凑”起来,以为那才是“事物”的“本质”。
6)The event itself.事件本身

事情1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。