1."Symbolism" had been mistranslated as something similar to "representationalism" by 1919.象征主义最初总是被译为表象主义,直到1919年象征主义才有了正式的译名。
2)Abstract Expressionism抽象表现主义
1.Greenberg is a critic who loves to launch debates,and all of his criticism are related to the avant-garde art movement,especially the Abstract Expressionism in the United States during the specific period,and what he criticizes aims at specific issues and his arguments become more complete and justified in the series of debates with other critics.格林伯格是一个论战性的批评家,他的批评与美国特定时期的前卫艺术运动,尤其是抽象表现主义的发展密切相连,都有明确的针对性,而他的批评理论也是在与其他批评家的交锋与论战中日趋完善的。
2.When we look back on the contemporary ceramic history of the world , we can know directly or indirectly the influence of the modern art movements since the twentieth century, especially the abstract expressionism, which includes two aspects.其中,以兴起并发展于美国的抽象表现主义对中国现代陶艺的影响最为直接和深远。
3.Through the case of Abstract Expressionism formed because of the gallery operations by Peggy Guggenheim, coordinating paper’s skeleton from the angle of the gallery as the agency.通过佩吉·古根海姆的画廊运作方式对抽象表现主义艺术作品的推广,从而促成其形成这一实例着手研究,以画廊作为中介机构的角度出发梳理全文脉络,一方面介绍画廊面对艺术界人士的运作管理,另一方面是阐述面对公众部分的运作经营,从这两方面展开分析进而找出在佩吉的案例中对当代画廊运作模式的可鉴之处。

1.The Influence of the Abstract Expressionism to the Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art抽象表现主义对中国现代陶艺的影响
2.On Abstract Expressionistic Painting and the Reflection of Spirit of the Times;论抽象表现主义绘画折射的时代精神
3.The Commanding Figure of American Abstract Expressionist Movement--A Case Study on Jackson Pollock;美国抽象表现主义代表——杰克逊·波洛克个案研究
4.Perhaps it was the first example of a form of abstract expressionism.它大概是抽象表现主义形式的第一个例子。
5.SEEKING MYSELF──The elaboration of the creative concept of American Abstract Expressionistic art;找寻自我──论美国抽象表现主义艺术的创作观念
6.Language Directly Becomes Nature Showing--Recognize Again "Unadulterated Art" and "Abstract Expressionism;语言直接成为本质的显现——对“纯粹美术”和“抽象表现主义”的再认识
7.Pop art rejected the inner restlessness of the expressive mode infavor of intellectual clarity and conceptual order: Pop artists reacted awayfrom personal language, replacing it with impersonal representation.波普艺术用现成品来反对抽象表现主义,用情感来反对理智,用现成品来反对观念艺术。
8.A Wonderful Flower Formed Through Mixing the Arts of East and West;东西方艺术合璧的奇葩──谈美国抽象表现主义派画家马克·托比的创作思想
9.The abstract space and form origin of modernism architectures现代主义建筑的抽象空间和形式探源
10.Of, relating to, or being minimalism.极简抽象主义的与极简抽象主义有关的或极简抽象主义的
11.The theory and practice of abstract art.抽象主义抽象艺术的理论或实践
12.Analyzing the Abstractive Color of the Western Modernist Painting;论西方现代主义绘画(二战前)色彩的抽象化
13.Marx s Idea Evolution from the Abstract Rational Idealism to Realism;马克思从抽象理性理想主义向现实主义的思想演变
14.On Artistic Form of western Painting-Abstractism;抒情的抽象与抽象的抒情——西方抽象主义艺术简评
15.The impressionist movement was one of the ancestors of abstract art.印象主义运动是抽象艺术的鼻祖之一。
16.On Symbolism and Expressionism in The Streetcar Named Desire;戏剧《欲望号街车》中的象征主义和表现主义
17.Symbolism on Invisible Man;论《看不见的人》的象征主义表现手法
18.Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.20世纪45十时期是抽象体现主义艺术发展和进步的顶峰时期。

Abstract Expressionism抽象表现主义
1.Greenberg is a critic who loves to launch debates,and all of his criticism are related to the avant-garde art movement,especially the Abstract Expressionism in the United States during the specific period,and what he criticizes aims at specific issues and his arguments become more complete and justified in the series of debates with other critics.格林伯格是一个论战性的批评家,他的批评与美国特定时期的前卫艺术运动,尤其是抽象表现主义的发展密切相连,都有明确的针对性,而他的批评理论也是在与其他批评家的交锋与论战中日趋完善的。
2.When we look back on the contemporary ceramic history of the world , we can know directly or indirectly the influence of the modern art movements since the twentieth century, especially the abstract expressionism, which includes two aspects.其中,以兴起并发展于美国的抽象表现主义对中国现代陶艺的影响最为直接和深远。
3.Through the case of Abstract Expressionism formed because of the gallery operations by Peggy Guggenheim, coordinating paper’s skeleton from the angle of the gallery as the agency.通过佩吉·古根海姆的画廊运作方式对抽象表现主义艺术作品的推广,从而促成其形成这一实例着手研究,以画廊作为中介机构的角度出发梳理全文脉络,一方面介绍画廊面对艺术界人士的运作管理,另一方面是阐述面对公众部分的运作经营,从这两方面展开分析进而找出在佩吉的案例中对当代画廊运作模式的可鉴之处。
3)Figurative Expressionism具象表现主义
1.Figurative Expressionism in China s Culture;传承与升华——具象表现主义艺术与中国绘画的因缘
4)expressionist abstract表现主义的抽象派艺术;抽象表现主义
5)abstract expressionism抽象表现派,抽象表现主义
1.The Study on the Symbolism in the Art of Ancient Furniture in Southern Anhui;皖南古民居家具艺术的象征主义研究
2.Lingering at the Margin of Order——the fate of symbolism in the history of modem literary theory;在秩序的边缘徘徊——象征主义在现代文学理论史中的命运
3.The origination of Li Jin-fa and Symbolism;李金发与象征主义之滥觞
