1.On the Relation Between Said and Marxism论萨伊德与马克思主义的关联
2)E. W. Said爱德华·萨伊德
1.The Transformation and Its Inspirations of Western Consumption Ethics in the Development of Market Economies——From Say to Keynes西方市场经济发展中消费伦理的转型及启示——从萨伊到凯恩斯

1.The Nilotic language of this people.马萨伊语该民族属尼洛特语系的语言
2.The Say s Law in the medical market--supplier induced demand;医疗市场的“萨伊定律”——供给诱导需求
3.DANYAU, Cesar Ruiz塞萨尔·鲁伊斯·丹耀
4.Koidu-New Sembehun科伊杜-新萨姆比亨
5.French Territory of the Afars and the Issaas法属阿法尔和伊萨领土
6.Asarco-Loy alloy阿萨科-洛伊镉镍合金
7.YOUSAFZAI, Yaqoobv雅各布·优萨夫扎伊
8.Study on the Development of the Kazak Minority s Education in Xinjiang Yili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture;新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州哈萨克族教育发展研究
9.A king of Thessaly and ancestor of the Aeolians.伊奥勒斯塞萨利的国王,伊奥利亚人的始祖
10."Every time Roy and Sammy come to Guangzhou, they want to paint the town red."罗伊和萨米每次来广州都痛饮狂欢
11.Sally rang up Eve's purchase of tomatoes..萨利已把伊夫买的西红柿记入收银机。
12.One after another they sailed to Ithaca.他们相继来船驶往伊萨卡。
13.Ylaya: Malassa's daughter said to seek you out.伊拉娅:马拉萨之女要我来寻找您。
14.Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy, in1564.伽利略·利莱伊1564年生于意大利的比萨。
15.Isam Sartawi's Martyrs伊萨姆·沙塔韦殉道者组织
16.Ibiza preserves considerable evidence of its long history.另外,伊维萨岛的历史遗迹保存完好。
17.The fellow made a high bid on Eliza.那家伙肯出高价买伊丽萨。
18.Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre维克拉姆·萨拉巴伊外空中心

E. W. Said爱德华·萨伊德
1.The Transformation and Its Inspirations of Western Consumption Ethics in the Development of Market Economies——From Say to Keynes西方市场经济发展中消费伦理的转型及启示——从萨伊到凯恩斯
4)Mollasadra Hydropower Station伊朗莫拉萨德拉水电站
5)Ishak Haji Muhammad (1910~  )伊萨·哈吉·穆罕默德
6)Eugène Ysa╔e (1858~1931)伊萨伊,E.
