自由王国,Realm of Freedom
1)Realm of Freedom自由王国
1.Freedom,realm of freedom,or the freeman association society,is the highest ideal and eternal belief of Marx s philosophy.“实践”是马克思理解世界历史和创意理想世界的出发点;“人本”即“以人为本”是马克思的哲学武器和服务现实的目的;“自由”或“自由王国”亦或“自由人联合体社会”则是马克思哲学的最高理想和恒久信仰。
2.Man is both the subject and purpose of social development;social development is to enable man to reach the realm of freedom.从发展的主体向度看 ,社会发展就是人的发展 ,它是人为的发展和为人的发展的统一 ;社会发展的终极价值 ,在于使人类的深层发展进入自由王国

1.realm of necessity and realm of freedom必然王国与自由王国
2.We are moving from the realm of necessity towards the realm of freedom.我们正从必然王国走向自由王国
3.Discussing the Relation Between Necessity Realm and Freedom Realm of Marx;论马克思必然王国和自由王国的关系
4.Once mankind gradually makes their way out of the realm of necessity, they enter the realm of freedom.人类逐渐走出了必然王国, 走进了自由王国
5.From "Free Kingdom "to "Inevitability Kingdom"--The elaboration of Engels and Lenin for "freedom and inevitability";从“自由王国”到“必然王国”——恩格斯和列宁对“自由和必然”的论述
6.Dona was rejoicing in her new-found freedom.唐娜陶醉在她新发现的自由王国里。
7.The history of mankind is one of continuous development from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom.人类的历史,就是一个不断地从必然王国向自由王国发展的历史。
8.The Realm of Necessity.the Realm of Freedom.People’s Overall Development --The theory of the Capital’s Reading Notes of Study;必然王国·自由王国·人的全面发展——《资本论》学习札记
9.Theoretical Fruit and Feature toward Knowledge Realm of Freedom;走向认识自由王国的理论成果及理论特色
10.On Narrative Strategies of Sweeter than All the World;小说艺术的自由王国评《天伦之爱》的叙事策略
11.Victor Pelevin and His Free Kingdoms-The Cultural Tradition and Style of Postmodernism;后现代元素与民族文化底蕴的结合——维克多·佩列文和他的自由王国
12.The Kindom of Free Association in the Abstract World--On Kandinsky s paintings;抽象世界里的自由联想王国——论康定斯基的绘画
13.The Expectations and Praises fo the Freedom of Soul--Comment on South Korean Movie King s Man;对心灵自由的憧憬与歌唱——评韩国影片《王的男人》
14.The Concept and Implementation Modalities on Wang Guowei’s "Freedom" Connotation略论王国维“自由”理念之内涵及实现方式
15.All things are to go upon his Majesty's own purse.费用皆由国王私人负担。
16.the Commonwealth.;the association consisting of the UK and various independent States(previously subject to Britain)and dependencies英联邦(由联合王国及原所辖的自治省和属地组成的联邦).
17.And so it went. The neighboring monarch spared Arthur's life and granted him total freedom.于是邻国的君主放了亚瑟王并给了他永远的自由。
18.Serving six monarchs of his native Great Britain, he has served all men's freedom and dignity.他在大不列颠本国为六位君王服务,也为全人类的自由和尊严服务。

free kingdom自由王国
1.By analyzing the work,American dream and the difficult process of the godfather to his free kingdom,the author dissects the breaking of his dream as he pursuits his American dream to enter the American kingdom,and interprets the covered connotation which is profound and absurd between the glorious dream and the cruel reality.通过叙事梗概、美国梦与作品以及老教父维托走上建立黑帮自由王国历程的分析,对外来移民追求美国梦要求进入主流社会的梦想破灭进行剖析,阐释了梦想与现实间的巨大反差与悖谬是造成命运悲剧的根源。
3)the realm of freedom自由王国
1.Especially,Marx discussed the relation of the realm of necessity and the realm of freedom in his late time,and he placed the realm of freedom beyond the end of realm of necessity since the field of the production was always a realm of necessity,and he explained two factors of shortening the working-time.作为一位伟大的思想家,马克思始终对人类的命运有着终极关怀,这体现在他对自由和必然的关系的关注,尤其是在后期具体谈论到的必然王国和自由王国的关系,以及它们实现所需要的物质生产领域的必然性和工作日的缩短两个条件的论述上,这一思想不仅在当时,而且在现代都具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。
4)realm of necessity and realm of freedom必然王国与自由王国
5)knowledge realm of freedom认识自由王国
1.Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping laid down the theoretical foundation towards knowledge realm of freedom,the formation of scientific view of development showed our Party has reached a new level towards knowledge realm of freedom.毛泽东、邓小平奠定了走向认识自由王国的理论基础,科学发展观的形成表明我们党走向认识自由王国达到了新的高度。
6)liberal state自由国家
